S6 Ep. 8: The Pet Psychic Laura Stinchfield


Pets are amazing spiritual teachers. They demonstrate unconditional love, acceptance, present moment awareness and more. Many of us form deep bonds with our animal companions. In this episode, Pet Psychic Laura Stinchfield shares tips on how we can better communicate with our pets and explains about the animal afterlife.


  • Laura shares her earliest memories of hearing a pet telepathically speak to her.

  • The game-changing technique to let your pet know how long you’re going away for vacation.

  • What’s the best way to communicate so that your pet understands you?

  • Does Laura receive animal messages in words, images, feelings or some other way?

  • Do animals take on our baggage?

  • Do we have soul contracts with some of our pets?

  • Tim shares how a few days before his passing, his cat sort of gave him a “heads up”.

  • Do pets sometimes reincarnate as humans and vice-versa?

  • How can we distinguish a telepathic message vs. our own thought?

  • Tuning into higher frequencies and learning to notice energy signatures allows us to discern whose energy we are connecting with telepathically.

  • Do psychic gifts get passed on genetically through our DNA?

  • Laura shares a past life experience that explains her deep connection to elephants.

  • Does the type of species and body influence how a consciousness experiences life?

  • If your pet is having a behavioral problem, it can really help to get them out in nature more.

  • What’s the number one way a deceased pet communicates with you?

Laura Stinchfield uses telepathy to have two way conversations with alive animals, deceased animals, and people, and anyone who can’t speak for themselves. Think of her as a translator, teacher and guide. Her services are used by animal owners, trainers, behaviorists, veterinarians and rescue groups. As well as people who want to reach out to their loved ones in spirit, their young children, their disabled child or family member in a coma. Learn more about Laura and her services at ThePetPsychic.com.

Laura is the author of two books, “Voices of the Animals” and “Stormy’s Words of Wisdom” and a meditation cd, “Pet Communication, Loss and the Afterlife,” which you can find here.

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S6 Ep. 7: Numerology with Ann Perry


Ann Perry, Numerologist


Do you want to decode your soul’s destiny? Look no further than your date of birth and full birthname! This week’s guest, Ann Perry, Numerologist, teaches people how to “speak numbers.” She explains how to unlock the key elements of our life path, talents, lessons and more using the powerful tool of Numerology.


  • How Ann’s reflection of her journey to a “dark place” led her to really appreciate the value of numerology.

  • What does the Life Path number tell us?

  • What are the different theories surrounding the Life Path calculation and which does Ann use?

  • What indicates the sub-lessons we came to learn?

  • Does your Life Path number indicate karmic debt you’re paying off in this incarnation?

  • Ann goes over what each number represents.

  • What’s a Master Number, and why does she specialize in them?

  • How can we use numerology to determine the lessons we’ve chosen to focus on in this life?

  • What does the Expression number tell us? How is it determined?

  • How do we calculate our Personal Year and how can that information help us?

  • Ann guides us through the cyclical journey of the Personal Years.

  • How do you decode repeating numbers? Check out Sacred Scribes Joanne Walmsley

  • Is karmic debt punishment? How do we know karmic debt is paid off?

  • What happens in a session with Ann?

Ann Perry has known that she is spiritual by nature and that her life's work would be related to spirituality, but her true awakening happened in June 1998.

She began to study Reiki and soon became a Reiki Master Teacher. Ann was eager to learn more about her clients so she began to explore Numerology as a natural aid to helping her recognize why some people choose to heal while others don't. She is a Certified Soul Coach practitioner, Hypnotherapist and has been teaching courses related to spiritual growth and energy healing for 21 years. Learn more about Numerology, Ann’s services and online courses at annperrynumerologist.com. Watch and learn through Ann’s videos on YouTube.

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S6 Ep. 6: Cosmic Intentions with Toré Sol


Toré Sol, Empathic Psychic Healer @Cosmic Intentions


Many old souls are incarnating on Earth to be here for this powerful time of The Shift. They’re awakening at a younger age, remembering the spiritual gifts and abilities they’re here to share. Toré Sol, is one of these young “old soul” psychic healers. In this episode, they share their story and offer down-to-earth spiritual insights, especially for younger people.

Highlights of this episode:

  • What happens in a Chakra stone reading?

  • Why a big foundational aspect of Toré’s practice is “helping people help themselves.”

  • How Toré’s past life and current life experience with addiction played into awakening their spiritual gifts.

  • What is their connection with Ganesha?

  • How Toré teaches people Spiritual Foundations & Development for those just starting on a spiritual journey.

  • Toré shares how they’ve struggled with Imposter Syndrome, due to their age.

  • What advice do they give to younger people waking up to their gifts?

  • The gift of this “Tower Card moment” (referencing the Tarot) on the planet.

  • Toré’s unexpected mentor experience, which transformed their practice.

  • How spiritual practitioners (and anyone, really) can get sucked into trying to live up to other people’s projections and expectations.

  • Hyperfixation on purity and the value of healthy balance between our spiritual and human self.

  • The more we raise our vibration, are we feeling everything more intensely?

  • Is there such a thing as “bad Reiki”?

Toré Sol, founder of Cosmic Intentions, is an empathic psychic & intuitive healer in Austin, TX. They frequently use modalities such as Reiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy, and sound therapy, intuitively selected for each client before the session. They also teach a Spiritual Foundation & Development course for those who wish to build or start their spiritual journey. To learn about more about Toré’s offerings, visit cosmicintentionsatx.one.

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S6 Ep. 5: Alchemy and Illumination with Li-Sann Mullings


Li-Sann Mullings, Founder of the Temple of Alchemy & Illumination


What is Alchemy? Our guest this week, Li-Sann Mullings, the founder of The Temple Of Alchemy And Illumination, defines alchemy as “awakening to the light that we are.” She says it’s “as commonplace as upleveling and returning to remembrance of the self as light.” What could be more beautiful or empowering than that?

Highlights of this episode:

  • When was the beginning of the Reawakening for Li-Sann?

  • How did her soul step in to create a pattern interrupt in her life?

  • What is she referring to as “The Gold Standard”?

  • How has the energy of Egypt impacted her and those she works with?

  • Why does Li-Sann tell people she’s not a healer?

  • The power of ancient sites to speed up a person’s evolutionary process.

  • What is the 7th Ray and what is its importance on the planet now?

  • Tapping into yourself as a multi-dimensional being is the key for moving beyond human trauma, what Li-Sann calls “Beyond Healing.”

  • How did she end up having a Mystery School? What is the curriculum? Who is it for?

  • What is the Pathway of the High Priestess?

  • Li-Sann tells the story of her NDE during an ayahuasca ceremony.

  • How does she help people with Manifestation?

Li-Sann Mullings, RN, is the founder of The Temple Of Alchemy And Illumination, and creator of The Sacred Alchemy Light Creations products. She is a spiritual mystic, Quero Shaman, quantum healer, clairvoyant, and multidimensional bridge, who facilitates deep alchemical shifts, and soul level remembrance activations for the Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine on a path of self love, empowerment and purpose. To learn more about Li-Sann and her services, visit TheTempleofAlchemyandIllumination.com.

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S6 Ep. 4: Astrology Update 2022 with Shannon and Russell


Russ Von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, Founders of the Shift Foundation and Astram.org.


Our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ Von Ohlhausen, are back to give us their cosmic insights for the remainder of 2022! Listen in for their advice and guidance on how to navigate the Shift.


  • How did the astrological transits of the first half of the year play out?

  • Droughts and the metaphor of water in the Age of Aquarius.

  • People are asking themselves, “What is my contribution to the whole?”

  • We have to find the balance of knowing what’s going on behind the scenes and then applying this awareness to positively create the new reality.

  • What is the role of Uranus and how is its energy unfolding for us right now?

  • Is technology a product of our society, or has society become a product of technology?

  • Transits that involve slower moving planets have a longer ripple effect.

  • Artificial Intelligence (or Super Conscious Intelligence, as Russ calls it) - is this consciousness real and what is the role of AI in the Shift?

  • Can we spiritualize AI by feeding it the right information?

  • The Uranus Retrograde (from August 24 into January 2023) asks us to look at, “How are we dealing with change?”

  • Eclipse Season returns…yay? The eclipse window is October 9 - November 23.

  • The Scorpio/Taurus axis (which the eclipses are currently in) is about feeling a threat to our sense of security.

  • Themes: Scorpio - Surrender, letting go, shadow, wounds, transformation. Taurus -Relationships, money, values, Earth, our food.

  • Nov. 8th Lunar Eclipse Taurus, conjunct Uranus - Expect the Unexpected!

  • Unplugging from the matrix, taking back of our sovereignty and creating our new parallel reality is crucial in this transformational time.

  • Remember, the only security comes from within, from your own direct connection to Source.

  • What are some practical things we can do to prepare for the coming shifts?

  • What’s happening with Mars for the next several months and why is it important?

  • Why is Pluto moving into Aquarius next year noteworthy?

Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer and Life Coach. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit Shannonleigill.com. Russ von Ohlhausen, a Research Astrologer, is co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, has written and taught with Astrology Hub and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. Explore Russ’ work at Vonohlhausen.org. Check out their work together at The Shift Foundation www.theshiftfoundation.org and Astram.org.

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S6 Ep. 3: Homeopathy with Lizzie Martinez


Lizzie Martinez, Board Certified Homeopath


Many people are seeking alternative approaches to pharmaceuticals, which often just suppress or treat symptoms while also causing many side effects. Did you know there’s a natural medical system that recognizes and removes the underlying cause and has existed for over 200 years? It’s Homeopathy. This week’s guest, Lizzie Martinez, a Board Certified Homeopath, shares why you’ll want to try this holistic health approach.

Some of the topics we cover:

  • What exactly is Homeopathy and how does it differ from Allopathic Medicine?

  • Lizzie’s personal health journey that led her to Homeopathy.

  • The western medicine approach suppresses symptoms, and therefore often doesn’t address the origin of the issue. Homeopathy looks at the symptom pattern, addressing the root cause to bring about the body’s natural immune response.

  • How this suppression of symptoms, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally, could be at the core of much of our societal dysfunction. Are we not learning how to face issues and work through them?

  • “Individualized medicine” - a huge benefit provided by this modality.

  • Homeopathy’s holistic approach takes into account the physical, mental, emotional and even the Unconscious (through dreams) to provide a remedy.

  • Why is Homeopathy considered energy medicine?

  • Lizzie’s clients are often people with very complex cases that haven’t been answered through Allopathic medicine.

  • A large part of Lizzie’s practice is actually undoing damage due to pharmaceuticals.

  • What’s a nosode and how is it used both to treat and prevent illness?

  • What is the Law of Similars?

  • How Homeopathy’s function of “immunological education” helps to prevent health issues.

  • How Lizzie successfully helped many people throughout the Covid pandemic and what she learned through the process. *Legal disclaimer below.

  • Book recommendation: “The Solution: Homeoprophylaxis” by Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott.

  • Lizzie shares her own pilgrimage story, first in her neighborhood and then to Mexico, prompted by her dreams

  • Homeopathic treatments don’t really go bad (with basic care of them) and you can create a home health kit to naturally treat the most common ailments. Lizzie is planning to offer Zoom classes soon!

Lizzie Martinez is Board Certified in Homeopathy, and provides Functional and Integrative Medicine for Adults, teens and children. To learn more about Lizzie and her services, visit www.lizziemartinez.com. Also go to her YouTube channel for her helpful Homeopathic tips.

* Lizzie Martinez guides people in using Homeopathic medicine to treat symptoms that are like Covid.

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S6 Ep. 2: The Law of Reflection with Benny Ferguson, Jr

law of attraction channel

Benny R Ferguson, Jr, channeler of the non-physical collective “Abraham”


You’ve undoubtedly heard of the Law of Attraction and of Abraham, a group of loving beings who focus on teaching this concept. Benny Ferguson, Jr, our guest this week, is a channeler of Abraham, bringing through inspiring guidance to raise your vibration and better align with your Source nature. Listen in to learn why Benny prefers the term “the Law of Reflection”, and towards the end you’ll hear him channel Abraham to answer our questions.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • What does Abraham think is the most powerful thing anyone can do during these challenging times on the planet?

  • Benny shares the events of his spiritual journey- from childhood to becoming a channeler of Abraham.

  • How nightmares and fear-based thinking were a powerful catalyst in Benny’s life.

  • The spontaneous out-of-body experience that changed him.

  • What was the one question Benny asked himself that guided the rest of his journey?

  • The power of remembering that there’s nothing outside of you; Your life reflects your energy signature (the frequency you’re giving off).

  • How does the message Abraham brings through Benny differ from what they share through Esther Hicks?

  • The birthing frequency of what you desire is similar to exhilaration.

  • Being mindful to not spiritually bypass as you focus on the positive.

  • How to refine what you want so your intention serves your highest good.

  • Enjoying the process of “Becoming.”

  • What’s the best way to resolve inner conflict when you have opposing desires?

  • How do we balance remaining engaged in this highly volatile world while also staying positively focused as a conscious creator?

  • “The magic of your experience is housed in your energy signature.”

BENNY R FERGUSON JR is an author, energy medium, and a channel of the non-physical collective known as Abraham. Benny’s mission is to support humanity in uncovering the nature of Source within, and expressing the highest potential. To learn more about Benny and his services, visit www.abrahamoneonone.com and receive his free training at Iamthediscourse.com. You can join his Facebook group “You are Source. You are Creating” here. Also check out Benny’s Youtube channel.

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).

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S6 Ep. 1: Psychic Development with Nicole Parish


Nicole Parish, Psychic Medium


Welcome back to Season 6 of Beyond the Illusion Podcast! Don’t you wonder about all the extraordinary experiences a professional psychic medium must’ve had in their lifetime? Well this week’s guest, Nicole Parish, doesn’t disappoint! In this episode, Nicole, who’s been psychic since childhood, shares incredible stories from her intuitive journey, as well as helpful guidance so you can further develop your gifts.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • What did she notice psychically as a child when attending AA meetings with her dad?

  • What happened as a teenager that undeniably confirmed her psychic abilities?

  • “The Phase of the White Pages” - an amazing stage of her psychic development!

  • The “Three Tells” validation method Nicole asked of her Spirit Guides.

  • How does she receive intuitive information? Which of her higher senses are most active?

  • How can we set healthy energetic and psychic boundaries without fully closing off?

  • What are some helpful energetic hygiene practices?

  • How does Nicole experience medical intuition?

  • What’s her process for agreeing to work with specific spirit guides?

  • What are some tools we can use to practice spiritual discernment?

  • Can everyone develop intuitive abilities?

  • Does Nicole psychically tap into world events?

  • What are some tricks of the trade that help her connect better spiritually?

Nicole Parish is an International Psychic Medium whose down to earth personality has warmed hearts and brought ease to many. During readings Nicole works together with the client, their spirit helpers, and their loved ones who have crossed over to answer questions and receive guidance. This is for both in the daily workings of their life and also looking at the bigger picture of their soul life. For more information on Nicole and her services, visit NicoleParish.com.

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S5 Ep. 14: The Crystal Stair Chamber with Taylor Hatch


Taylor Hatch, Owner/Operator of the Crystal Stair Chamber


What the heck is a Crystal Stair Chamber? In this episode’s discussion with Taylor Hatch, you’ll learn about this advanced, almost futuristic type of healing chamber and how it's helping to bring Light to the planet.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • How do we navigate all the emotional clearing in these times?

  • What is the Crystal Stair Chamber and how does it work?

  • What are Tachyons?

  • How does Tachyon energy heal people and living things?

  • Who is Cobra?

  • Does this technology come from the Pleiadians?

  • What is the Pleiadian Resistance Group and what is their role with Earth?

  • How did Taylor get involved with Tachyon Chambers?

  • What are some of the experiences people have with the Crystal Stair chamber?

  • What effect does a Tachyon Chamber have on the area where it’s located?

  • Tim shares the really cool experience he had in the chamber.

  • What does Taylor believe is the next stage of the Shift?

  • What’s the best way to prepare for the Collective Unraveling that is happening now?

  • How does Taylor envision Ascension will occur on Earth?

  • What type of starseed is Taylor?

Taylor Hatch is the Owner/Operator of The Crystal Stair Chamber, a donation based healing facility in Austin TX. A life-long facilitator of ideas and methods of alternative health and ways of BEing, Taylor awakened to being a Starseed in the late 1980's and has been sharing his Galactic Point of View ever since. As an old-soul, Taylor has worn many hats in this life. A professional photographer, graphic artist, Mixed medium painter, Real Estate Investor and Realtor at times but consistently has held The Sword of Truth and openly shares his magnanimous heart with anyone with a warm smile. For more information on the Crystal Stair Chamber or to book a session, visit CrystalStairChamber.org.

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S5 Ep. 13: Experience a Tarot Reading with Victoria Belue


Victoria Belue - Author, Tarot Reader & Dream Interpreter


Have you ever wonder what happens in a tarot reading? Receiving a tarot reading from Victoria Belue was an eye-opening experience for Tim, so he decided to share it. So you can listen in, get all the dirt on Tim and learn a bit about tarot in the process.

Highlights from the tarot reading:

  • Why does Victoria start the reading with an energy check?

  • What are Rune cards?

  • In what way is Tim at a new beginning in his life?

  • What’s the Hierophant’s mantra?

  • What’s the driving force in our lives that Victoria taps into during the tarot session?

  • What does the Hanged Man card mean?

  • What surprised Tim the most about the session?

  • Victoria explains what Soul and Life symbols are.

Victoria Belue has read tarot cards and interpreted dreams for thirty years. Her experiences led her to realize that both are integrated through our subconscious mind, so she developed a method to utilize both tools in her readings. Victoria also writes an Amazon bestseller urban fantasy series called The Tarot Legacies. Check out her YouTube channel - Victoria Belue Practical Metaphysics – where she lays out general readings and incorporates dream interpretation. For more on Victoria’s offerings, visit VictoriaBelue.com.

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S5 Ep. 12: Tarot and Dream Analysis with Victoria Belue


Victoria Belue - Author, Tarot Reader & Dream Interpreter


Are you paying attention to the messages from your subconscious mind? How do you decipher the symbols and archetypes that show up through your dreams? This week’s guest, Victoria Belue, shares how the tools of Tarot and Dream Interpretation can assist you in knowing yourself deeply and provide guidance along your spiritual journey.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • Victoria starts with 3 card Tarot readings from the Supra deck for Tianna & Tim, which included Overview, Challenge and Course of Action cards.

  • How can we discern if our dream material is a psychic experience or symbolic of aspects of self?

  • What are some of the benefits of understanding our dreams?

  • How did Victoria get trained in Tarot and Dream work?

  • What does she do to get unstuck from writer’s block?

  • Do deceased loved ones contact us through dreams?

  • Tim shares how Victoria very accurately predicted an unexpected change in the reading she gave him.

  • How the Universe guided Victoria from being a TV writer/producer to finally “embrace the calling”, while overcoming religious fundamentalist beliefs around Tarot.

  • What’s a good Tarot deck for beginners?

  • Does she have any dream interpretation hacks?

  • “Dreamer’s Dictionary” by Barbara Condron is recommended by Victoria.

Victoria Belue has read tarot cards and interpreted dreams for thirty years. Her experiences led her to realize that both are integrated through our subconscious mind, so she developed a method to utilize both tools in her readings. Victoria also writes an Amazon bestseller urban fantasy series called The Tarot Legacies. Check out her YouTube channel - Victoria Belue Practical Metaphysics – where she lays out general readings and incorporates dream interpretation. For more on Victoria’s offerings, visit VictoriaBelue.com.

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S5 Ep. 11: Be Your Own Medical Intuitive with Tina Zion


Medical Inutitive, Author & Teacher, Tina Zion


This week’s guest is medical intuitive, Tina Zion. You may be wondering, what exactly is a medical intuitive? '“A medical intuitive is a person who has the ability to see inside the body and read the energy patterns of the physical, emotional and spiritual energies of a client.” (from femininewisdomacademy.com) Tina’s newest book, “Be Your Own Medical Intuitive” teaches you how to do this yourself! Listen as we discuss practices that can help you develop your own intuition.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • Tim shares interesting experiences he had when practicing the exercises in Tina’s book.

  • Tina not only shares intuitive information in her sessions, but also brings forth healing. She defines healing as a release of some burden.

  • We are all wired to use our own intuition. It’s not a gift that only some people are given.

  • Intuition is the practice of noticing all the subtle information around us every day.

  • The trick is to accept the first thing that comes in without question, what Tina calls the pop.

  • When did she first realize she was intuitive?

  • Is western medicine opening to the concept of medical intuition?

  • What are the key causes of most physical or mental health issues?

  • How do we build the trust muscle for our intuition?

  • Why does Tina recommend deliberately run a toroidal energy field?

  • What simple change did Tina make that really skyrocketed her abilities?

  • What’s a quick tool to discern if something is a yes or no for us?

Tina Zion is a fourth-generation intuitive medium, educator, and is considered an expert in medical intuition. Tina worked in the mental health field as a registered nurse and is a Gestalt trained mental health counselor and Reiki Master Teacher. She is an award-winning author, specializing in medical intuition and teaching it internationally. She is the author of Become a Medical Intuitive, Advanced Medical Intuition, The Reiki Teacher's Manual, Reiki and Your Intuition, and is a contributing author in Michael Newton's book, Memories of the Afterlife. Learn more about Tina’s offerings at Tinazion.com

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S5 Ep. 9: The Astrology of 2022 with Shannon and Russ


Astrologers Russ von Ohlhausen & Shannon Gill


Buckle up - there’s so much happening in the Cosmos this year! So we’ve brought back our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ Von Ohlhausen to help prepare us for the energies of 2022. As usual, they don’t disappoint! As you hear about all of the intensity this year, remember that you are an empowered divine spiritual being who chose to incarnate in this life to be a part of this momentous time on planet Earth.

Here’s what we discuss:

  • The theme for 2022: “There’s a storm coming. Get prepared.”

  • We need to accept that The Shift naturally involves a process of death and rebirth in order for us to evolve.

  • We’re moving out of the Pisces Age of Illusion (listen to Shannon’s in-depth explanation of the Astrological Ages here). There’s acceleration this year of “The Blinders Coming Off.”

  • In 2022, the Best and the Worst will be happening at the same time. Changes need to happen. It’s up to us where we focus.

  • Advice for this year: “Simplify, conserve and consolidate.” Less is more.

  • We need to stop thinking this is going to go away anytime soon. Instead learn to ride the waves as things accelerate.

  • Illusion will be thick this year, requiring us to master our discernment.

  • The nodal shift into Taurus/Scorpio creates a new backdrop for this year.

  • We can manage the Scorpio South Node themes of destabilization/chaos and revealing more of the shadow by engaging in Taurus North Node energies of being in our body, creativity, art, music, dance, simplifying.

  • Possible food supply chain issues, loss of resources.

  • Window of opportunity when all planets are direct: February 3 - April 29

  • February US Pluto Return: We’re going to go through a massive Revolutionary energy.

  • Mars is hitting the outer planets during Spring and Summer bringing fiery energy, eruptions.

  • Why does Shannon consider the Jupiter Neptune conjunction to perhaps be the most significant aspect of the whole year?

  • Beware the shadow aspect of Pisces and Neptune: escapism, addiction, spiritual bypassing, overdose.

  • Possibly more natural disasters, particularly with the water element.

  • Stay focused in the many positive ways you can experience simple joys. Utilize these opportunities to awaken and level up this year.

Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen are the founders of the Shift Foundation and have a new website where they’ll be offering courses and training: Astram.org.

Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer and Life Coach. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit Shannonleigill.com. Russ von Ohlhausen, a Research Astrologer, is co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, has written and taught with Astrology Hub and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. Check out Russ’ writings at Vonohlhausen.org.

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S5 Ep. 8: Expanding Reality with Brandon Thomas


Brandon Thomas, Expanding Reality Podcast


What is reality? How often do you put your reality to the test? This week we have a really fun conversation with Brandon Thomas, creator and host of the Expanding Reality Podcast. Brandon is a deep thinker and true consciousness explorer. He loves pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and just remaining open, without limiting himself to one way of seeing things.

Some of the topics we explore:

  • What is the Mandela effect?

  • Are there multiple timelines, and is it possible we’ve slipped timelines without realizing it?

  • What is quantum immortality?

  • Brandon describes his very cool manifestation experiences with the “Shower Portal.”

  • Is this world a simulation? How would it change your experience if you saw the world in this way?

  • What happened that time Brandon did 14 grams of mushrooms?

  • Although it can seem frightening to some, being willing to entertain all possibilities about reality without being invested in a particular model is actually empowering.

  • Does consensus reality truly exist?

  • During these destabilizing times, remember, “Whenever you deconstruct, you reconstruct.”

  • Brandon shares the story of his first ayahuasca experience.

  • Quoting Gordon White: “Response to the crisis is part of the crisis.”

  • “Your attention is your currency, and that’s all you’ve got.” If you don’t like the way things are looking or the negative possibilities, just don’t contribute energy into the system.

BRANDON THOMAS is the creator and host of the podcast, Expanding Reality - a show infatuated with remarkable observations, possibilities and potentialities.

Gaining new insight and perspective on the nature of reality in an ever expanding universe one conversation at a time. Some of the topics covered include Philosophy, Spirituality, UFO's, Self Help, Life Coaching, Manifestation, Alternate Perceptions, Conspiracies, The possibility of life elsewhere, Music, Movies, Science, Technology, Astrology, Astronomy, Psychology, Psychedelics, and endless other Mysterious and powerful forces and concepts.

Some notable guests include, Best selling Author of the "Conversation with God" series Neale Donald Walsch, The Phenomenon Director James Fox, Tianna Roser, Actress and Author Brianne Davis, Psychiatrist Mel Swartz Author of "The Possibility Principle", NASA Aerospace Engineer Curt Carlton, Macroaggressions host Charlie Robinson, Writer, Director and Actor Mark Gantt, Professor and Author Dr Michael P. Masters, Holistic Practitioner Tom Barnett, Dr Ervin Laszlo, David Weiss, and many more. Check out the latest episodes at ExpandingRealityPodcast.com.

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).

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S5 Ep. 7: The Modern Day Exorcist Shaman Dao


Modern Day Exorcist, Shaman Dao


Are you afraid of the Dark? In order to move into the Oneness of the 5th Dimension, we must not only embrace the Light, but also face the Dark. This week’s guest, Shaman Dao, aka “The Modern Day Exorcist,” is a master at releasing entities and excess energies from the human to the light body to balance the completion of self. She unites cleansed soul fragments with their rightful owners one parallel dimension at a time.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What visions have come to her about our future here on Earth?

  • How can you prepare yourself for challenging times on the planet?

  • Are there Galactic ships in and around the Earth, here to support The Shift?

  • How did Shaman Dao go from being a mortgage broker to a “modern day exorcist”?

  • Are there other more enjoyable timelines we can choose through conscious creation? Can we quantum jump timelines?

  • Is there a battle between Dark and Light right now?

  • Does evil exist? If we pay attention to it, are we bringing it into our reality?

  • What is Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT)?

  • How does she keep from getting dragged down vibrationally when working so often with dark beings?

  • How does Spirit Releasement Therapy differ from old school exorcism?

  • Where did she get the name Shaman Dao?

Shaman Dao is a truth speaker, teacher, and multi-dimensional leader of light warriors. Known as the Modern Day Exorcist, Shaman Dao’s expertise in shadow work and shadow people has led her in blind faith around the Earth plane to train in the darkest energetic vortexes on our planet. Her devotion to uncovering the truth has awoken souls engulfed in darkness. Learn more at Shamandao.com.

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S5 Ep. 6: Trauma as Medicine with Sarah Salter Kelly


Healer, Author and Shaman, Sarah Salter Kelly.


Are we living in a time when we’re ready to face the most painful of our Earthly experiences and receive it as medicine? This week’s guest, Sarah Salter Kelly, has done exactly that. In her book, “Trauma As Medicine,” Sarah explains how she alchemized the tragic homicide of her mother into healing and growth, and offers practices to assist you in your own healing journey from the darkness into the light.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • Sarah shares the shocking and traumatic story of her mother’s homicide.

  • How trauma is like the Tower card of the Tarot, catalyzing a complete dissolution of everything one believes in.

  • Half of the difficulty of her trauma was a sense of powerlessness.

  • Is there purpose and meaning in everything that occurs, even trauma?

  • How do we move into the Underworld of our most difficult experiences from a place where we’re not spiritually bypassing?

  • How do we face what we’re most afraid of?

  • The unexpected outcome of Sarah’s self-created ceremony to address her mother’s perpetrator.

  • The importance of not measuring or comparing our trauma.

  • The need in our society to see trauma from a new perspective and to utilize it as an initiation into deeper levels of growth.

  • Processing our painful experiences takes time before we can witness it and not take it so personally.

  • “If we want to live as conscious and powerful beings, we have to be willing to to direct our energy toward what is oppressing us. Then the fear transforms.”

  • The importance of both facing the fears and tending to the needs of the victim within.

  • The power of handing it over to the Divine. Sarah’s prayer: “I don’t know what to do. Please help me.”

Sarah Salter Kelly is a talented writer, healer and speaker utilizing the raw compounded teachings of her life experience, to uplift, empower and guide others. Her wisdom is authentic, embodied and hard won – generated  through years of integrating the tragic homicide of her mother and learning  to forgive the perpetrator – alongside  thirty years of studying personal growth, mysticism, restorative justice, and earth-based healing traditions. Over the past fourteen years she has run her own private healing practice, facilitated retreats, taught trauma focused and shamanic healing workshops, and presented at conferences and events. To learn more about Sarah and her offerings, visit sarahsalterkelly.com. Find her book, “Trauma as Medicine” on Amazon.

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S5 Ep. 5: Music as a Spiritual Conduit with Haley Harkin


Musician Haley Harkin


Trust and Surrender. These concepts return again and again on the spiritual journey, opening us more deeply to the Divine. This week’s guest, singer Haley Harkin, learned the power of Trust and Surrender through many plant medicine ceremonies, which enabled her to embody her authentic self as a musician. Now she expresses as a vessel for the Divine when sharing her beautiful voice and lyrics in sacred settings.

We discuss:

  • What is the intertwining of Haley’s musical journey with her spiritual path?

  • How did the Universe push her to become a musician?

  • The key role that plant medicine played in purging her fear of performing.

  • Is the music for plant medicine ceremonies a set playlist or is it an organic flow, depending on the energies in the moment?

  • Does taking the plant medicine during the ceremony enhance her music or make it difficult to play?

  • How long did it take Haley to be able to trust and let go when playing in ceremony?

  • Why she only shares her music in sacred/mindful settings.

  • The way plant medicine teaches on a cellular level, and is retained in your everyday life.

  • The power of vulnerability and the healing that comes through connecting on that level.

  • Is Haley transmitting a vibration when she sings?

  • Has her sound changed as she has evolved spiritually?

  • Haley is passionate about teaching people how to break down limiting constructs around creativity..

  • Music is about freeing yourself and speaking your truth.

  • How letting go of the “story of Haley” allowed her to better share music.

Haley Harkin was born and raised in Austin, TX, and is currently residing in Colorado. She creates folk medicine music for healing and connection. Her music has been described as feeling like 'bare feet on grass'. Learn more about Haley at haleyharkin.com and listen to Haley’s music on Spotify and any platform where you listen to music.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This helps other people to find us.

S5 Ep. 4: Awakening Transformation with Tianna Roser


Tianna Roser: Author, Reiki Master & Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Spiritual Regression


The journey of awakening can be confusing and overwhelming. So Tianna (along with her spirit guide Will) wrote a book to help you navigate the spiritual path. Her new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” is filled with stories and lessons from her own spiritual journey, along with the key tools and practices that enabled Tianna to become her true self.

Some of the topics we discuss in this episode:

  • How did Spirit push Tianna to write her book?

  • What did the psychic intuitive tell her that helped flip her perspective on writing?

  • What was the unexpected blessing she received from the pandemic?

  • How Tianna found her authentic self after early experiences of trying to play the role expected of her.

  • Recognizing how liberating these times are - the old rules no longer apply to how we write a book or run a business.

  • How did she overcome her own self-doubt when writing and how can others use this same tool?

  • If you “conveniently forget” messages from Spirit because it’s uncomfortable to face, Spirit keeps bringing it back for you to complete.

  • Being your authentic self brings you into your highest vibration and naturally attracts the right people to you.

  • The big benefit of “putting yourself out there” and why lightworkers are afraid to do it.

  • What’s another major lesson she learned from writing the book that’s common on the spiritual path?

  • Tianna shares how what she thought was her weakness became her strength.

  • What life events led her to becoming comfortable in her own skin?

  • Can someone who doesn’t do formal spiritual practice still be spiritually evolved?

  • Is there a way a person can grow spiritually if all their time is consumed just for survival?

  • How did Tianna narrow down which tools and practices to include in this book?

  • What’s spiritual bypassing?

Tianna Roser is certified in a number of transformational practices, including Reiki, Hypnosis, Life Between Lives Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Soul Plan Reading and Soul Transformation Therapy. Her soul’s purpose is to empower people through awakening consciousness. She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth.

As a traveler of the inner and outer worlds, Tianna is passionate about exploring beyond the confines of everyday existence. Learn more about her services at AwakeningTransformation.com.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help other people to find us.

S5 Ep. 3: Magic Is Real with David Solomon

David Solomon, Magician, Author, Teacher

David Solomon, Magician, Author, Teacher


Remember as a child, how you’d pretend to live in a fantasy world where you could cast magical spells and use special powers? One day you grew up and accepted that you live in the “real world” where magic doesn’t exist. This week’s guest, David Solomon, wants you to know that magic is real. He calls it the Science of Applied Consciousness. Psychic abilities, manifestation, astral projection and even weather control are just some of the things made possible with dedication to this practice.

Our conversation with David covers:

  • When and how did David get into magic?

  • How does “real magic” differ from stage magic?

  • What are realistic expectations for learning magic from David?

  • How clearing emotional blocks, trauma and personality dysfunctions accelerates your magical abilities.

  • Imagine the world we could create with collective magic for the highest good!

  • What are some practical applications of magic?

  • What are the ties between magic and Atlantis?

  • Will a focus on attaining special abilities hold someone back on their spiritual path?

  • If it’s possible to have the magical ability to control the weather, how much of that is being controlled by others behind the scenes?

  • Will these psychic abilities become commonplace in our lifetime?

  • Where is the ideal balance between using your intention for conscious creation and simply being an open vessel for Divine Will?

David Solomon helps spiritual entrepreneurs grow their Magic and heart power to joyfully 10x their income and impact. He’s worked extensively with Life Purpose Alignment, integrating the spiritual and material, and served many years as an executive and life coach, entrepreneur and mentor in many traditional and spiritual fields. David believes we are Consciousness, learning how to master our current bodies and minds. The more aware we are of our capacity, strength and skills, the more we can master our experience. Learn more about David and his services at magicalgoldenage.com and https://linktr.ee/sorcererdavid.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help other people to find us.

S5 Ep. 2: Starseed Activation with Amy Sikarskie

Amy Sikarskie, LVN, Energy Therapist, Channel and Past Life Regressionist

Amy Sikarskie, LVN, Energy Therapist, Channel and Past Life Regressionist


After a life-changing awakening and journey in raising her vibration and awareness, Amy Sikarskie came to recall gifts and abilities that she uses to support and assist others. Deeply connected to her own otherworldly experiences and origin, Amy specializes in working with awakening starseeds. What is a starseed? Listen in to our cosmic conversation to learn more!

In this episode we discuss:

  • Amy’s off-Earth past life regression experience with Tianna, years ago.

  • How the emotional intensity of a spiritual regression is a powerful convincer.

  • The value of connecting to your soul’s energy in regression, which supports you to embody it in this reality.

  • Amy discusses the star systems that are home for her.

  • Simulated reality experiences that some souls participate in as preparation.

  • Do mythical creatures exist in other realities?

  • What’s a key indicator for Amy that someone is a starseed?

  • What is a Council of 12?

  • Which “clairs” (psychic senses) does Amy work with? How do they help her in working with clients?

  • Key messages for the collective that Amy channeled from The Council of Light.

  • Tips on how to channel (from Amy’s newest book, “The Ultimate Guide to Channeling”)

  • What are the different forms of channeling?

  • The speeding up of the awakening in these times.

  • Empowerment through managing our own energy (grounding, clearing, etc)

Amy Sikarskie has been called a "healer's healer" due to her experience and level of commitment in educating, facilitating sessions, and assisting others as a mentor during their healing and awakening process. She assists clients worldwide through energy healing, energetic assessments, and readings using the gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and claircognizance. In sessions, she works closely with higher dimensional beings, including the client's higher self, the angel realm, spirit guides, and star councils. Amy is a channel for The Council of Light and specializes in mentoring the awakening Starseed and connects in with clients' star councils for information that supports their life missions. Learn more about Amy and her services at AmySikarskie.com.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help other people to find us.