S9 Ep. 5: Kundalini Activation and Energy Upgrades with Nicole and Tianna


Past Life Regressionist Tianna Roser & Psychic Medium Nicole Parish


Have you been feeling unexpected ⚡️ shifts in your energy, 🌊 emotions, or even sleep patterns?

This week my guest co-host Nicole Parish & I discuss the profound energetic changes happening within us & in the Collective. We dive into topics like the awakening of the high heart 🩵 chakra, kundalini activations, multidimensional awareness & how to stay grounded through rapid transformation.

Nicole shares what she calls “The Great Softening”—a powerful energetic opening that’s reshaping her connection to herself & the world. We also explore why so many people are experiencing sleep disruptions, heightened intuition & a deeper pull toward spiritual expansion.


  • 💫 How are rapid spiritual changes affecting us all?

  • 💖 The awakening of the high heart chakra—what is it & how does it connect us to universal love?

  • 🔥 Kundalini activations: What happens when this powerful energy awakens within you & how can you navigate the intense physical, emotional & spiritual effects?

  • 🌌 What’s it like to experience multidimensional awareness & perceive multiple layers of reality at once?

  • 🌀 “The Great Softening” – Nicole shares her deeply personal experience of energetic shifts, emotional release & embracing vulnerability as part of spiritual evolution.

  • 🌙 Why are so many people suddenly sleeping less, waking up at odd hours, or experiencing vivid dreams?

  • 🌿 How grounding practices can help regulate your nervous system & keep you balanced through spiritual transformation.

  • 🔮 Spirit guides & divine beings—how do they show up & what messages are they bringing us during this time of rapid change?

  • ❓How do we discern between physical symptoms and spiritual awakening?

  • 💟 Spiritual support for kids & teens: www.radiateloveforkids.com & www.aramiscreativelearning.com

  • 👁️ The rise of intuitive abilities—how more people are experiencing spontaneous psychic awareness, downloads & expanded consciousness than ever before.

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner & Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression & QHHT. https://www.awakeningtransformation.com. She helps Lightworkers step into their Soul Destiny through her spiritual mentorship program, Unlock Your Soul Destiny. 💖 Her book “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey & accelerate growth: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Transformation-Beginners-Becoming-Higher/dp/1737705303

NICOLE PARISH is a a gifted International Psychic and Medium. She offers both in-person & zoom readings, connecting clients with their spirit guides, helpers, and departed loved ones, as well as entity & attachment releasing and home clearings. Check out her Intuitive Development, group readings & other events. https://www.nicoleparish.com/

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Tianna: [00:00:00] Well, this is going to be fun, Nicole. This is kind of our first time , since you've been the guest co host, just connecting and talking about. Our own experiences as well as just, I don't know, there's so much going on in the world and spiritually that I just thought it would be fun to have a conversation about some of the things that we're noticing or, , that's happening in the collective and maybe bringing some of our Perspectives into it.

Nicole: So I am very excited about this. When you asked me to do this conversation about what's going on in the world and also about our personal lives, I was like, heck yes, let's get into this because there's so much change going on right now.

 And I know we can take any time in history of the world and there's change going on and it feels like it's fast right now, fast and furious. And, beautiful.

Tianna: Yeah, I think it is really interesting as far as it's exciting, but then also regulating our nervous [00:01:00] system. And even though I feel like I'm a pretty adaptable person, I'm a Pisces rising, which is to go with the flow and cancer, sun sign.

 So the water I think makes me real adaptable and yet. Still, , it is really, , it's a challenge because you can't really put a lot of plans or you can't plan very far out right now because things are happening so fast. Whatever you're planning, , it could very well change and so being adaptable, I think the key thing is that feel appreciative that because of, , living a spiritually focused life for a while, it's like you learn to just trust.

You learn to connect to your own higher guidance. Or other loving higher beings and to receive some encouragement and support. And that helps when the ground is [00:02:00] all falling apart underneath you and you're not sure which way to turn.

Nicole: I agree with all that. And I have an example, which you know of I'm going through right now and so two different things are happening in my life, which I call it the great softening.

So for the past, maybe four weeks I can feel my high heart. softening. The high heart is the chakra in between the heart and the throat chakra. And I've seen this area since I was a little girl, and it always looked either turquoise or pink to me. And then when I was in my twenties, I heard about the chakras which are energy centers in our body and the heart.

Has it is green and the throat is blue. I'm like, well, what's this thing that I've seen in between? And it wasn't until I was in my fifties. I heard someone talk about the high heart. So my heart is softening and it's showing up in a lot of different ways where I just feel. soft towards people. I feel more open, expansive.

 I will cry at the drop of a hat in this [00:03:00] beautiful release. You've seen me where you and I are part of a group called Sisters of the Rose where it's six of us. I walked in one day and I just curled up into our friend Barbara's lap and I just sobbed and you started doing Reiki on me and then other people were supporting me and I could just feel myself cracking open.

So there's this thing happening in my life that logically I may not understand what's going on, but I have a support system of people like you to go, Oh, we may not see the big picture here at the moment. , but we get it. Something significant is happening and that in hand also, my sleep has completely changed and I'm getting on average five hours of sleep and ever since I was little I was 10 to 12 hours or 9 to 11 hours a night consistently.

I am Someone who highly values sleep. I do a lot of work in my sleep, and all of a sudden I'm getting five hours, and most of the time it's okay, and every now and then I have mental breakdowns over it, and then I get to look [00:04:00] at the 3D stuff, like what are my hormone levels? What's my thyroid? Is there something going on with my body?

And I know that those might be part of it, But I know there's something on a spiritual sense. And I can feel, have this intuitive knowing that I'm shifting to less sleep. And I'm curious if there's some other people out there also shifting to less sleep. And so that's something that's happening in me when you talk about things are shifting and it can get rocky and it's helpful for me to hear other people going through this.

Tianna: Yeah, there's a couple of things that you mentioned that I think are really helpful for other people who are on their spiritual journey. , first of all, the high heart that you're talking about, , between the heart chakra and the throat chakra a lot of people say it's a fifth dimensional chakra and so, yeah, that's why it might be opening up for more and more people now.

Whereas the heart chakra that we're more familiar with, that's kind of like our personal love [00:05:00] connection. But the high heart is the universal love, the divine love, the collective. When I was going through my kundalini activation, I remember having a big experience with my high heart after one of my Reiki classes and in my Reiki level one class, I give four attunements to each person and , so each person would get four attunements and then my office could fit five people.

Tianna: Every time I give an attunement, I get an attunement. So I would get 20 attunements, which I like most of the time I can handle that. but when I was going through my Kundalini activation, everything was amplified and all the spiritual type things were amplified. And one time I taught the class. And when I was driving home, I started to feel, yeah, really, weepy and just feeling all of , the pain and the suffering of the collective and feeling a lot of compassion, just feeling so much compassion.

 Both feeling uncomfortable pain and deep sorrow, but also this. [00:06:00] Big love and compassion and just, it went on for , like an hour or so. It was really intense. And I felt it very energetically, physical sensation where my high heart was. And I remember when I got home, I put a rose quartz, which I usually love to put rose quartz on my heart chakra.

, so I always. joke to people. It's like a hug in a crystal or, , it's like love in a crystal. , but when I put the rose quartz in my high heart chakra, when it was going through this, it burned. It was so interesting. And then I was talking to , my spirit guide will, and he was like, Oh, right now because of all the clearing, just do it very sparingly, just see how much until need to take it off.

 I did that until finally I could rest it there normally. , so anyway, I think that probably other people are going through this as well., and then if you think about all of the things that are happening in the collective right now are very triggering and they're catalysts for people's healing.

And so all of the healing that's happening [00:07:00] because of these Catalysts, , will awaken people , and their different chakras. Cause the same thing happened to me where, I didn't know what the high heart chakra was. And I channeled a message, I think it was from the archangels that were talking about it and explaining it to me.

And then I Googled it. I was like, Oh, it is a thing. ? So, I think there was another name for it too. What is the other, there's called the high heart chakra or. All you know

Nicole: is high heart. And since I was little, I could see that , from my young self. How it was described to me was it has the intelligence and experience of the brain and it mixes with the love of the heart.

And then high heart is that mixed together plus additional stuff. And that was just as a young child, that's how one of my spirit guides, , said how it was for me. The mixture of intelligence, experience, and love,

Tianna: which

Nicole: created wisdom. So I don't actually know if that's accurate. That's just how

Tianna: I was described as a young child.

I think there's just different perspectives or different angles to [00:08:00] look. The other term I was thinking of, I think people call it the thymus chakra, which it's located, where the thymus is. And so that might be what it's called.

Nicole: At one point they told me to do like a waltz. Dun dun, dun dun.

Is that the waltz? Yeah. That's the beat of the waltz , where you tap on your thymus. And also I feel like if I spun in circles, I did this in my twenties, I felt like if I sw in circles, it activated that as

Tianna: well. Oh, interesting. Yes. Like the

Nicole: whirling dervishes of the Sufi yes. Literally it like the whirly dervishes.

I'm like, Oh, that's activating it. And I can only do it so much. If I did it quote too much, it was disorienting, made myself lightheaded, , not just on the physical level, but on the energetic level, like, Whoa, I'm tapping out. So I'm going to stop.

Tianna: And in the bringers of the dawn. Isn't that one of the.

methods too is to spin around

Nicole: spin. And so Barbara Marciniak, who wrote bringers of the dawn in the 1980s, one of the very, very few metaphysical books I've read, because I've been told not [00:09:00] read, not listen to podcasts. So I'm one of those outliers on that. but I read that later on. I was like, Oh my gosh, that's what I was told to do.

That was really validating. And so like the whirling dervishes and in bringers of the dawn, she talks about the actual steps of how to, because. We can spin and twirl, but there's an actual method to it that actually keeps us safer, that we were not going to fall over.

Tianna: Mmmm yeah,

Nicole: we work up to 33 spinning 33 times, but working up to that.

Tianna: Yeah. Yeah. I didn't try that. It still could be something I could try. The other thing you were talking about, your sleep and so forth. I think , that's always an interesting. thing to try to discern when I'm feeling weird or off, , is it a regular biological thing or is it more of an energetic spiritual things?

 Sometimes you can feel like, Oh, am I coming down with a cold? And then Do some extra grounding or something. And then boom, no, I'm totally [00:10:00] fine. , it seemed like it was something like , a physical illness, but actually it was an energetic thing. I go through that a lot actually, where I'm not quite sure.

And because I'm somebody who probably. would only go to a traditional doctor if I absolutely have, I mean, I would go to like a Chinese medicine doctor first before I would go to a Western doctor. That's just my personal,

choice for lack of a better word. but yeah, so most of the time I'm sort of self diagnosing . Which can be okay. The more that we put time and energy into getting to know our body, then we can really know our body well and the different ways that , things change and we feel different and get a sense.

But I also like, what you're saying is also intuitively you feel that you need less sleep. So there's the actual Taking care and nurturing our body and getting to know it's telling us. But then there's also spiritually, , what we might. know about [00:11:00] the changes that are happening in our body.

And I think that it's so different for each person because when I had my Kundalini activation, I was sleeping all the time. I'm normally a eight hour sleeper and I was sleeping like 11, 12 hours. And then I was worried like, Oh my gosh, why am I sleeping so much? And then my spirit guide had told me like, Oh, you're doing all of this processing and that's happening when you're sleeping.

But then there's also what you're experiencing where, because of all of the energy, you need less sleep. And so , there's really not a one size fits all, especially with Kundalini activations.

Nicole: Yes. So, and you've mentioned Kundalini and so part of my great softening was I was having a Kundalini activation, which completely surprised me.

because ever since I was young, I would lay down in bed and my body would run energy. My dad, when I was young, would even sometimes call me his little inchworm because my body would undulate. My body would shake. My body would do things to [00:12:00] release things from the day. And also just the best way for me to say it is run energy.

I'm very, very familiar with these things happening within my body. And I'm very connected with my sexual energy, my creative energy, my intimacy, very connected. It has felt very healthy and thriving and lack of a better word big for so much of my life. It's a very comfortable place for me. And these past several weeks.

Something massive popped open and you're aware of it part of this is I would be at home and start having these energetic sexual energy running through me and I would go into energetic orgasms, which sound really lovely and fantastic. And sometimes it was, but then I had this one experience that, , I was really upset.

 I went to a party and it was someone's birthday party and that was not the place I could feel my sexual energy rising and I didn't have control over it, which was not okay with me. No one at that party signed up to feel my sexual energy. Like [00:13:00] flowing off of me. No one signed up for that. I didn't sign up for it.

And so I left the party and that hasn't happened since. That was like a, wow, this is too much. I need to take that little dial of energy frequency and intensity and dial it down. And so I left, I went in the car, I was driving, I pulled over and had a cry over it because it, felt like some part of myself violated myself.

 On the extreme sense, that's what it felt like. Of like, that's not what I wanted, I didn't have control over this. And since then, that has not happened again. And I talk with people who've gone through Kundalini awakenings, and I'm hearing this from other people, like , a lot of times it's associated with sexual energy, or that's an aspect of it.

Sometimes people have awakenings or activations, and the sexual energy isn't part of it. For mine, it very much was. And at the same time in the 3D realm, I started dating someone new. And so we're in this really yummy, juicy part of our relationship, [00:14:00] which will ideally continue. , but we're in this juicy part, and so that's also activating it as well.

One of the things that has helped me with this is having friends like you because you brought to my attention the difference, at least your perspective of kundalini awakening and kundalini activation. And so I would love for you to explain your definitions because that really helped me because I realized I'm in an activation, not in an awakening.

Tianna: Well, and that's all just my own lingo. , I know, but it helped me. So that's not something like universal lingo, but yeah, for myself, what I decided, and , my Kundalini activation was also a lot of sexual energy, which was, blissful and euphoric, the difference with me was.

When I had the kundalini activation, I also, , which is a fairly common thing too, is when people have a kundalini activation, a lot of the times people also have a dark night of the soul, not always, some people have dark night of the soul before the kundalini activation, but oftentimes they're paired together.

 For me, [00:15:00] while I was having the kundalini activation, I had a dark night of the soul. So pretty much I just became a hermit, everything in my whole life shut down. Even though I was going through very. Spontaneous. Sometimes it was spontaneous bliss, orgasm, euphoric energy. Other times it was spontaneous, deep, deep sorrow and just massive like sobs and big energy.

But I was always alone, so it was okay. And really it was so overwhelming, like I just have to stop and give into it and just drop to the floor or to the couch or whatever. And that would be okay. Cause I'm by myself. And the whole thing with the Kundalini and I'm, then I will get to it.

You said the whole thing with the Kundalini is. That we're not in control and part of the Kundalini learning, I guess, would say, or the takeaways is that we trust spirit and spirits who's in control and not us. And so, yeah, our personality doesn't like these things that are awkward or uncomfortable.

[00:16:00] However, one of the great takeaways is the spirit It's complete trust , in spirit. Even I thought that I was very trusting before, but then, especially for me paired with the dark night of the soul where everything in my life fell apart and I didn't have any control over it. And the more that I did try to control things, it was like being in quicksand and trying to get out.

Just. deeper I would sink. And so you finally let go and trust that there's a higher divine process that's happening and it's going to be okay no matter what. And that's okay. But I decided to call my experience activation instead of Kundalini awakening because , I don't remember the name of this book, but there's a classic book on Kundalini by Gopi Krishna.

That's, I don't know, maybe it's from like a hundred years ago. So it's an older book. And. He was like one of the first people to really talk about his whole experience, but he went through this massive Kundalini awakening where Shakti energy, so Kundalini, it's this like primordial [00:17:00] energy that they say is sleeping, it's dormant at the base of our spine, and then either through spiritual practices or divine grace or Shaktipat, which would be when a guru It intentionally activates it within you, then the Shakti energy at the base of our spine starts to travel up along our spine to meet Shiva at the top at the crown.

 As she's this energy, that Shakti, she's traveling up through the chakras, she's Bringing up karmic energy and blocks to clear, which sounds wonderful, except, of course, that clearing out, , detoxification process, especially if a bunch of things are coming up all at once, can be really intense and overwhelming.

But activation, In , my lingo activation is the Kundalini is moving up. Hasn't gone all the way up to the crown. And so like for myself, , I also had a huge [00:18:00] heart activation really, really. That was the big thing for me. It was like most of it. , no, I definitely had lower chakra stuff that was coming up because of the dark and this whole thing was a lot of fear, the root chakra stuff of like, not being able to feel,

I could support myself in the world, not feeling safe or supported in the world. So there was those kind of lower chakra things and then a huge massive heart awakening. And then I feel for me that it's still working through the throat chakra. I think that's where it kind of set. I'll have. ebbs and flows.

 I think when it's a Kundalini activation, we have ebbs and flows. Like for myself, that initial activation, which started in 2015, it was intense for a good couple years. And then it slowly was getting easier and more comfortable for another year or two. And then it just kind of plateaued. So yeah, awakening would be like going all the way up to the crown because Gopi Krishna, like after his Kundalini awakening, suddenly , his brain [00:19:00] potential was massively improved where he suddenly knew several languages and he could learn things really quickly.

And he had all of these. Kind of capacities that, , I think that we all have, but haven't been activated within us yet. I don't know if there's any statistics on it, but it would be really interesting to see how if now where things are speeding up in terms of awakening, if there are more people experiencing Kundalini activations or awakenings versus back when he, a hundred years ago.

Guessing so. I'm guessing.

Nicole: Yeah. more people are experiencing all sorts of awakenings downloads, activations, including Kundalini and at a faster pace. And I love that you and I have experienced these Kundalini activations from a completely different perspective, and I love that. And so yours was a couple, one and a half to two years long.

Mine was two to three weeks long , but my dark Night of the soul, so to speak, when it came to intimacy and sexuality. Was a couple years [00:20:00] before that, like I'm a healthy thriving sexual being and for about two years I was just a no to sex. Almost totally.

No, which was very unlike me. And then of course, there's hormones involved and whatnot, but energetically I might like someone. I might be attracted to them and go. Yeah, my body's a note energetically. And so this past month I popped open and it's been really, really beautiful and profound on many different levels on the physical level, the spirit level, different things.

And then. It's just like the classic of community and friends supporting each other, you've helped me through this. So thank you friend for helping me through.

Tianna: I think that's such a hallmark of the time that we're in. I remember when you first came on the podcast and you were telling your story and I related a lot to it, that it was a lone wolf spiritual journey for a long time.

And then look at us now, we're in this healer group and we're in our cosmic mastermind together and [00:21:00] in other groups. I think it's just. Such a collective, collaborative, very much the whole age of Aquarius thing that I'm always harping on about. But I really, really see it., of course, that's my subjective experience, but , at least, in my circle, I , really see it where we're all collaborating and connecting more.

, and yet it's interesting because, , I think my favorite social media right now has been Reddit. I just like Reddit because It's very focused as far as topic oriented. It's mostly writing and my nervous system gets overwhelmed by all the videos and people talking really fast.

And even though I guess I kind of talk fast too, but anyway, so what I keep seeing on Reddit is just people still. feeling very alone in their journey and not knowing how to connect with others. So I'm constantly going on there and saying, why don't you start your own meetup group? the whole, well, create it if it doesn't exist yet, create it because that's sort of what's pushed me along on my path.

Nicole: And [00:22:00] acknowledging that you're a creator. , you created awesome spiritual awakening. It's been meeting every month for the last Tuesday of the month, for the last, what, six, seven years?

Tianna: Mm-hmm .

Nicole: And you created something before that. And you are atrix and some people aren't, but the people who are, they look at you and go, oh wait, she's right.

I can go create it. I'm a creatrix as well. I've created certain things. I have my intuitive development circle, the first Tuesday of every month. And I have other things. , and also, I think about it used to be that I would ask myself, what am I bringing to the world? And I'm very clear about one of my life purposes as a psychic medium is I connect people with the spirit realms.

It's a very clear life purpose of mine and I do this whether I'm getting paid or not. I've done this for decades. And also, I can feel myself shifting from what am I bringing to the world to what are we bringing to the world. Ooh, I like that. So I still [00:23:00] have my independent Nicole self, but in our group, the Sisters of the Rose, we are fine tuning as a group, what are we bringing to the world.

And we're getting clearer and clearer and we six women all have these beautiful, fantastic, powerful ideas and thoughts and we're all connected with the spirit realms and we all have our different experiences and we're bringing stuff together in great excitement and joy and bringing a lot of curiosity as well and we're bringing things to the world that a year ago.

It felt more like individuals coming together. , which was a great place to be. And from my perspective, it feels like, Oh, our group is now bringing something to the world and it's constantly shifting because. Someone will bring something to our group, ley lines, energy grids, portals, working with water, homeopathic remedies, crystals and rocks, like whatever it might be, and then our [00:24:00] group goes with that.

Tianna: Yeah, . It's fun , having both, right? The Aquarian Age isn't about losing our individual spark or gifts or light. But we get to have both where we merge and create something new collectively. And, , within that we are our unique light. And also, separate from that, we can be that unique light.

Yeah. So I was wondering, , cause that was actually one of the questions I was going to ask you. I was thinking like, I wonder what Nicole, I don't know if I ever asked her. , what you feel is your soul purpose, but you just said, that's , one piece,

Nicole: one, that's one piece.

Also what helped me figure out what my life purpose was because for many years, I'm like, I don't know what it is. I know I have a passion about children. I know I have a passion for learning. I know I feel very connected with the spirit realms, but what's part of my life purpose. And so one of the things that helped me was I looked at my parents life purposes which is what I.

Asked in that other podcast. So I looked at my parents and this might be a tool that's helpful for some people of what was your mom's [00:25:00] life purpose? What was your dad's life purpose, whether they're fulfilling that life purpose or not. And so for my mom, she worked for 25 years with mentally and physically challenged adults.

She was of service to the , underserved community. And she supported them in many, many ways. And then my dad was a minister. And so he was of service through the religious community and connecting people with being the best version they could in the eyes of God.

And so for me, I look at, do I have some of those aspects? And for me is, well, I'm of service to communities. I like to create communities and being of service. for my dad, it was religious. For me, it's spiritual. How can I support someone in being the best version of themselves? A lot of times through the realm of, or the perspective of spirituality.

Tianna: I think that's such an interesting perspective. I've never looked at it that way at all before. And in our last podcast with [00:26:00] the other Nicole, we can now call her other Nicole, because she's not with us, with Nicole bills, you would ask that question. And I'll admit , I have a little resistance towards that the reason why I had a little resistance is well, there's two reasons.

One is it almost seems limiting as far as whoever our parents were, like how, , or why should that define who we are? The other one was like, Oh, who are we to say that we know what our parents purpose is. But I could also see, , how I think it's a useful exercise and it probably give some people insight into who they are.

And I also know a lot of light workers who don't relate to their family at all. . And maybe were code breakers, that came in to break a cycle of, you know, we have these. ancestral lineages that are passing on some kind of dysfunction, , whether it's alcoholism , or verbal abuse , or playing small or whatever it is.

And so a lot of times [00:27:00] lightworkers have chosen to be born into a family that actually might not be vibrating that high when we look at it, but they come in to sort of shift that pattern. So I'm open to it. And also, yes, I see these two sides to it. , I think it's a really, cool exercise for everybody just to try out and see if it gives you some extra insight as far as who you are, because I have been guilty of not focusing that much on my ancestors.

Tianna: And that's why whenever I talk to Nicole Bills. I always appreciate that she's very rooted in her ancestors, and I like that, like rooted in, , because they are the roots. And so I think there is a lot more there to explore, not as far as being defined by it, because I think that that was a problem in the past, right, is that people would Stay with their clan, whatever their family did.

And, if my father or my mother was a baker and then I become a baker , or a doctor or whatever it is. Yeah, that doesn't mean we should throw the [00:28:00] baby out with the bath water. So anyway, it's interesting.

Nicole: It's one of those things that it'll speak to some people and won't speak to others.

Thank goodness there's so many exercises and tools and thoughts out there. And for me, it was really helpful because on paper, well, in my experience, my dad was an alcoholic and he was a drug addict and he had mental health challenges. So for me to be able to say, Oh, my dad has a life purpose. And what was it?

And it helped me feel more of the value.

Tianna: Mmm.

Nicole: It's value to see him , from a fuller perspective, not just the dad who was the drug addict, who was the whatever. And as a side note, by the time my dad died, he was 34 years sober. So I want to make sure to acknowledge that beautiful journey that he had. Or extensive journey that he had, but it just helped me be able to see more of my dad and where I came from.

And oh, do I have some of these [00:29:00] qualities ? Obviously, we're influenced by our parents. And so that really helped me and with my mom as well.

Tianna: Well, I want to go back as far as when we were talking about the Kundalini activation, you had a powerful experience , I know for you, these are going to be more common than your average person having experiences with different divine beings.

Do you want to share about that one? Or do you have a favorite experience with a non physical divine, being that you want to share?

Nicole: Yes. So in this particular case, when you're talking about divine being, , do you mean deities? What is your definition of a deity? So I will say some of the experiences I've had are with goddess Hecate, goddess Aphrodite, Lord Krishna, Christ, mother Mary, those kinds of beings.

Tianna: Yeah. That's what I mean by divine being ,

Nicole: yeah, so I feel very, very fortunate that I've had quite a number of experiences with [00:30:00] deities. And my first one that I remember, actually my first one was with Christ, but I don't remember.

I'm going to fast forward to later on meeting goddess Hecate. And so this is in a pagan Wiccan spirituality. And That one was really powerful. She came to me for about 45 minutes and she laid out different things that would happen in my life. That was about 15, 20 years ago, something like that. She laid out certain things.

She had me write it all down and I was in utter disbelief of the things that she told me. And I will say one of the main things she told me about. How I would be able to have a positive influence on Children around the world. I didn't see how that would happen. And I kept saying, Nope, this isn't going to happen.

And it's actually coming to fruition these last couple months. , and she came to me and she said, this is what I'm talking about. Your work is literally having a positive effect. Children around the world. So that felt really [00:31:00] great. , but at that experience at the very end. So I'm laying down in a, shamanic journey.

 Someone's drumming and I'm in the underworld or the middle world. I don't remember which one. And then there's an upper world, but I was in middle or underworld when I met her. And, at the very end I said, how do I know that this actually happened? That this isn't my imagination? , and she pulled out her eyeball and put it in my hand and I was really grossed out

So I said, eye looking at your, for those who can't see Tianna your whole face was like, your throat constricted. Yeah. I was like, I don't want that. And I said, I don't want that. . Oh, sorry, it was in her hand, not in mine. So she closed her hand and then opened it up and there was a rose quartz sphere in her hand.

And she said, within the next three days, someone's going to give you a rose quartz sphere. And it is from me. And it will be me always keeping [00:32:00] an eye on you, which sounds kind of creepy, but it wasn't at the time. I mean, it still isn't. So the next day, I went and got a massage from a woman. This is the only time I ever got a massage from her.

Halfway through the massage, she goes, I'm sorry, I don't normally do this, but I feel like I'm supposed to go give you something. I'm like, okay. And she came back and she handed me the rose quartz sphere. And so that was like 12 hours later or 15 or whatever, and it's on my altar. I still have it.

And so that was one experience with Hecate. , there's many, many experiences that I've had, but the most significant ones of lately is Krishna has come to me three different times. And I haven't told you about the third time, but you know about the other two and each of those times that he has come to me, the first one was about two days before Halloween.

 October 29th. And, when he came to me, he showed me five different things and I didn't know anything about Krishna except that he's blue and he's an Indian [00:33:00] God. And one of the things he says is people perceive me as having blue skin, but I don't. It's my energy that's blue. So another thing he took me to this tree on the side of this river and he said, this is Krishna's tree.

And I felt the experience. I felt everything in this basically like a paradise that the birds were sentient. I could hear the grass. I could hear the water. I could hear the air and smell it and taste everything. And I looked up later, Krishna's tree, and it's actually a thing that it's a very long Indian word.

I don't know what it is. Then I looked up, does Krishna have blue skin and it's like, no, his energy is blue. And then there were many things that he's done over these. Three situations all in total where he's come to me. One of the things is he put a red ruby on my third chakra and it was so, so intense.

And my body was shaking and I was like, take it off, take it off. I could feel the [00:34:00] fire element in the ruby. And I said, please change it to blue Sapphire. And it was like a snap of the fingers. He changed it to blue Sapphire and I could feel a water element. My whole body relaxed. And then he snapped his fingers and it was red ruby again, but my body could handle it by then.

And he said, very soon you will receive a red ruby and that is from me. And I asked him, why are you giving me a red ruby? And he said, because I give it to my devotees. And I asked him, , but I'm not a devotee. And he said, well, obviously this has to do with the past life. And so when I looked up later, he does give red rubies to his devotees.

He had also given me a kiss and he said, that's Krishna's kiss, look it up. And there is a thing called Krishna's kiss. So it's beautiful when he's come to me and I get to look these things up and I have received the red ruby in the mail from my mom unexpectedly. She does not send me jewelry and she goes, Hey, I have this ring with these five red rubies in it.

I never wear it. And I felt [00:35:00] called to send it to you.

Tianna: It was

Nicole: totally out of the blue. And I went, thank you, Krishna. And so these experiences with Krishna, what it did to me energetically, which you saw is. It pumped up my energy so intensely that it felt like I was on caffeine all the time. And the first time it was like five or six weeks of like, Oh, this is like high pitch frequency until my body got used to it.

So it felt like he was expanding my capacity to hold energy and also, and I think some other people are experiencing this to be able to be multidimensional. So I'm talking with you right now, I'm also aware of my spirit guides. I'm aware of your spirit guides. If we start talking about it, I'll be aware of some of my past lives, maybe some of your past lives.

If you give me permission and consent, I also have like my dad in here, which I do feel my dad right now. And he's talking to me. And so in the past, like when I was young as a teenager, that might put me in a mental hospital.

Tianna: Like [00:36:00] that's

Nicole: cray cray making, but now I have the capacity. To experience all these different situations simultaneously, and I'm hearing other people starting to expand their capacity, their energy, their awareness of multiple things happening simultaneously.

And so that's part of what Krishna has done for me, which then opened myself up for the great awakening, the great softening, the Kundalini activation. And the sweet surrender, which I am now in the sweet surrender. I love all of the terms

Tianna: that you

Nicole: named

Tianna: in different places. Yeah, because I do think there are other people that that's happening to as well.

And there are a lot of people who, at a much younger age than I was, are awakening on their spiritual path and , when you meet people, cause I was in my twenties and I meet people that are like, Oh, I wish I had woke up , at your age, but there's pluses and minuses, right?

So there's kids [00:37:00] and teenagers waking up, which , on one hand is beautiful, but on the other hand, they don't necessarily have the life. experience maturity to be able to handle things. They might be a very old soul that is very gifted and developed across lifetimes, but still in this human body, they could have all of their crazy hormones going on or a lack of experience, in this lifetime.

What would you say to those younger people or the people that are starting on their path? That. Are overwhelmed or not knowing how to manage these different abilities.

Nicole: Absolutely. I'm seeing this more and more of young people waking up. I'm seeing four five year olds waking up. Well, actually they're probably already.

Tianna: Yeah. Being

Nicole: able to express it, but their expressions might be like, there's something dark in the closet and I'm scared, or there's a beautiful blue light next to you, mommy, or whatever it might be. One of my, [00:38:00] favorite. Calls to get from someone is from a parent validating that their child's experiencing something.

This is a common call. I get my child's going through something. I don't know what it is. I want to support them. Can you help teach me and guide my child, which is incredibly empowering for a young person is where I get emotional. Cause I grew up supported by my family and yet I could have benefited from someone going, Oh yeah.

Your kundalini is running at nighttime or oh, yeah, you're psychic as you know, or whatever, but it's out of control and you're letting all sorts of things in here. Let me teach you how to have, energetic boundaries

, so a lot of the advice goes for the parents because those are the ones who are guiding the children, whether they themselves listen to podcasts or read books or something like that, to help this overall things of learning how to, Strengthen their child's [00:39:00] energetic field.

So their child isn't in overwhelm and receiving all sorts of information, whether that information be feeling wonderful and lovely or heavy and intense. And so learning about the aura to strengthen that auric field and whether they do it in their own research or go to someone and learn some skills and exercises of how to do that.

And then also It's for me, this is really exciting asking the child, whether they do this or take them to someone to dive into what are their child's natural abilities. Is it doing dream work? Is it doing automatic writing? Is it being able to feel people's emotions or spirits emotions, which that can be.

Overwhelming and also confusing of what is my emotions? What is someone else's emotions? Especially if a person is young and they're just figuring out who they are, or maybe they're not even figuring out who they are yet. Like they're five years old, but [00:40:00] they're feeling people's emotions or feeling physical sensations in their body.

They might be at the grocery store with their parent. And then someone walks by with a broken leg or in a wheelchair, and then they can feel that in their body. And so it's really exciting to discover what some of the children's natural abilities are. And then also to have some boundaries around that.

So they don't go into overwhelm. Part of this is when I work with children for the very young children bring in animals, like they might be scared at nighttime. And so I say, what animal do you feel is a protector animal that you feel safe? It might be a lion. It might be a cheetah. It might be a bear.

And that we can call on that animal and say, will you watch over me while I sleep? For some people, this is activating the imagination, but for some people, it is literally calling on the spirit of a bear or the spirit of a lion to watch over them. I might do drawings with them of [00:41:00] drawing them the stick figure, or however full the body is that, , they draw and they might draw an angel.

Or they might draw, like, what do you see that is there helping you , and they may not have thought before about, Oh, there's some beings or spirits that are helping me. And so they might draw it. Or if they're again, afraid at nighttime, we might make go away spray or monster spray.

To have lavender in it, or to have some essential oils that are clearing and cleansing oils, but also smell nice to the child and put intentions in this spray and intentions when you spray it, only that of light and love may come into their bedroom as they're sleeping and then also as a protective thing, when I'm working with young children, I might.

Walk them through this exercise of imagining a beautiful, fluffy cloud above them and that cloud comes and descends , or surrounds their body, and this cloud is protective. Or it might be that they [00:42:00] imagine themselves in a balloon and it's protective. You can kind of have fun with it, or a rainbow that wraps around them.

And again, it's protective. They're also. So many people out there now that are supporting young people and teens. We have a friend Sharon Hudson, and I think her website is something like. Um, and she has a book called radiate love for kids or something like that, where she's helping children or young people.

How to work through their day to day life, not just with their emotional bodies and their minds, but also with their inner wisdom. She gives them tools and skillsets and she's a very spiritual minded as well. So if a child says, Hey, I'm seeing dark figures at nighttime. She can help walk children through that.

And really connecting them with their inner wisdom. There's also a website called Aramis Creative Learning. It's Aramis, A R A M I S. . And her name is Sherry. I'm not sure if I'm getting her name correct. And so this is, I think, [00:43:00] a co op school, , for children to learn with alternative learning, but also they have tons and tons of videos that people can buy online.

The videos might be 11 and 11 cents. Some of them are animated cartoons that young children can watch that might talk about spirit guides or our auras or. Children who are empaths, so it's very, very simplistic language. That can be really helpful. And then they have videos for older children that aren't these animated cartoons.

And so there are resources out there for young people and for their parents. And I absolutely love it.

Tianna: Yeah, it's a really wonderful time to be alive because there can be people that might not have anyone in their town or their community that believes in these things or is open to these things. But of course, most everyone has.

Internet access. , and there's so much out there now. I think even AI can help, if you didn't know where to turn, you could type in an inquiry to AI [00:44:00] and it could help guide you to resources to websites I remember when you were saying that I was thinking, Oh, I wonder if it's still there, spirit science.

There's a YouTube channel that explains, I think it's meant for adults, but they use animation to explain different concepts like chakras or energy or different, spiritual concepts and so forth in a easy to follow manner that makes it, , Just more digestible for people, I guess.

Yeah, so , it is really exciting in that way. That's why I feel like, we're in a time when no one should have to feel alone on their path, because there's someone out there that you can connect with or reach out to, whether it's peers, like minded, minded. other individuals or whether it's support as far as a practitioner.

What are your thoughts on , the rise of social media influencers, the TikTok psychics and all of this? Because on one hand, oh, it's great. It's become so mainstream and popularized that there are all these people [00:45:00] that are sharing, on social media. On the other hand, I've noticed like again, I'm on Reddit.

So. people just think that everyone that's on the social media are frauds, because there's a number of people that are utilizing it just to try to get fame or fortune and don't necessarily have the right intentions. It's in a way it's sort of sullied the field, because a lot of people think that everyone's a scammer.

Nicole: Yeah. So I have a lot of thoughts about it and I can go from one extreme to, it's fantastic and helpful and supportive of people when they need support to, wow, just the 30 second video or the 15 second video is reframing and changing our neurology. I actually don't know if that's true, but that's what it feels like.

It's changing my brain to something that isn't actually healthy for me. And part of it is the actual platform itself. Like I can shift from one thing to the next to the next really, really fast. For [00:46:00] people who can't, that might help them be able to transition from one thing to the next. , but as far as like the fraud aspect, that's an interesting thing.

Because for me, throughout my life, if someone says, Oh, I don't believe you, Nicole, that you're intuitive. I just, I have no energetic charge over that. I go, okay, that's fine. And so it doesn't bother me that someone may not believe me. There are some psychics out there who are frauds. I go, okay, fine.

There are some lawyers who are frauds. I don't have emotional charge over that. What I look at and I value is that when I have clients come to me and they say, yeah, I follow this astrology person and I get value from it. Wonderful. My daughter loves tarot and she follows someone , on, , Instagram who does tarot.

And she will at least once a month reach out to me and go, Oh, she said this today. And it was really meaningful to me. And those are the things that I hear that it's this connecting. [00:47:00] So this age of Aquarius, we're connecting, we're community. And before Instagram, Facebook, all these different reels. There were a lot of people who felt really lonely.

Now there's the I'm going to say opposite, opposite, opposite things. The other opposite is with all of this. Instagram and Facebook were not connecting in the physical as much. And so some people can feel lonelier now than they used to.

Tianna: So it's

Nicole: this, how do we create a balance of connecting in the physical and connecting online and connecting in the spirit realms?

Because part of it is also this going more and more towards. How do I want to say this? I'm going to use the word telepathy here. So going more and more towards. , having, receiving information through social media. And sometimes we receive it and go, I never thought about that. And other times we go, yes, I know that.

No one's told me that before in the physical. I've never heard that before, [00:48:00] but I intuitively knew it. So are receiving information from the collective consciousness through telepathy or however that might work for each person.

I think social media represents some of that. So again, people seeing that some psychics or Tarot or astrology are frauds. Okay. Yeah. They're totally out there. And if someone wants to get hooked into that, they can do that. That's part of their path. They can do that because , part of their path might be, I'm not going to trust anything in the package of metaphysical or connecting with spirituality or connecting with God because I didn't come from that kind of family or I've received a lot of harm or a lot of, power issues with the church or whatever it might be.

So that might just be part of , their journey. But as far as social media, , I benefit from it. And sometimes I need to put my cell phone down. And so I've gotten the habit of not looking at social media before bed, but I still notice, Oh, I might [00:49:00] look at a reel and go, Oh, I just want to scroll just for a little bit in the morning.

And an hour might go by. So that's my personal journey of making it less and less. Being on social media less and less. I've cut out the evening and now my desire is cut out the morning. So I don't know if that answered, I feel like I was all over the place with ideas. What are your thoughts?

Tianna: Yeah. I mean, I think what you're saying is it's not all good.

It's not all bad. There's pluses and minuses. And I think it's similar in a way about what you were saying is like on our spiritual journey, how , we have to have a foot in both worlds. They're always saying we have to balance, , being human, being divine and in the same way. We have to balance being online and being, , in, physical , and how we manage all these different inputs.

Like you said, where we can be receiving from the collective consciousness, we can be receiving from the divine. We can be receiving from our physical senses in our, [00:50:00] body and, it's just, everything's. opening up more and more. And so on the intellectual level with technology, , it's connecting us all on the intellectual level more and more.

And that can be overwhelming. Definitely for me, the reason why I like Reddit is because I'd just like to read things. I don't like reels. I don't like fast videos coming at me. I barely spend any time on Instagram and only a little bit on Facebook because I have groups, spiritual groups there that I manage.

But I don't personally believe in very much censorship. Instead, I believe in us learning how to discern. And so in the same way, yes, we could just shut off and say everything's bad. or we could learn how to navigate and discern. , who feels authentic to me as far as like who I want to follow if I were going to follow a psychic or a tarot reader or so forth, then it's up to me to learn how to discern who , is genuine and who's not. [00:51:00] And in the same way as what you were saying about, the children and getting all of this information coming in from different sources.

And then they have to learn how to create some energetic boundaries through their aura and so forth. So , things are moving faster, faster, faster. And we're going to open up like what you're saying, your multidimensional, perception. Even when you were saying that, I was thinking like, Oh my gosh, that feels overwhelming.

Oh, your dad's talking to you over here and your spirit guides over here and my spirit guides over here. I was like, ah, too many people in the room talking. And I also know that, yes, we're all multi dimensional beings. And certainly it's not my regular experience, but I have had that kind of experience, where there are different aspects of myself across time and space that are all converging together.

 For me, there are ebbs and flows. I think it's really interesting, for you my perception is like from morning till night, you might be having these conversations with your guide son or someone else's guide or whatever. For me, there are [00:52:00] times in my life when that's really, more intensified and easier for me.

And then there are times in my life when it's really about me focusing on the physical. More my work with clients versus my own spiritual experiences. And of course there's times when it's both, but , it'll be interesting to see if that changes , for myself, it'll be interesting.

And of course, for the collective, it'll be interesting are we all going to be kind of experiencing this multidimensional thing at one time Or will it be just some people or will it be just sometimes? I don't know. I'm open to it though. Cause even as a practitioner or even on my spiritual journey, there have been different phases and things have changed.

So I'm never thinking like, this is how it's always going to be. Cause I already know over the years that it. Changes a lot , and I like change, I find that exciting and who knows what, Tianna, five years from now, what's going to be her experience. [00:53:00] Who knows,

Nicole: right? Tianna 105 version, or actually probably like 865.

Tianna: 1, 000, 001, I don't know. I want it to be angel numbers though. It's all going to be the same digit.

Nicole: And. Going back to the social media, when you were talking, I had this thought of, each of us, or many of us receive something from social media, whatever it is. And sometimes we , receive education or new perspectives or thoughts.

And then I thought about, I have loved listening to you. , since the time we've known each other about where you get information, you love books, you love podcasts, you love. gathering information. And I know at times you've talked about certain things that I would like to ask you about, like what's been really influential in your life.

I know you have the law of one, the rainbow bridge. Or if you want to talk about one of those or something else and give a brief overview of what those are, because I think some people will hear it and go, Oh, what's that that's speaking to [00:54:00] me. And so I'm curious.

Tianna: It's interesting. So you know how I was talking about these phases, because at the very beginning of my journey, the Seth material, Seth was a being that was channeled by Jane Roberts, , in like the 60s or 70s, something like this.

And I had come across it through the used bookstore, actually, The first Seth book I got was given to me by my boyfriend at that time and it was on Dreams and he had gotten it from the used bookstore. And , I was like, Oh my gosh, who's this Seth being? I love Seth.

, he's got all the answers to the universe. And I love the way that he describes things. So , cause this is back in the day, I went to that. same used bookstore and there's piles and piles of books, which I kind of missed this. I mean, there's still a little bit of that around, but not that much, but it's so fun to just like sit down in a bookstore with just stacks of books.

And then looking for hidden treasure, right? Like some old book hidden underneath a pile. And you're like, Oh my gosh, what is this? You're introduced to this whole new world. And I did manage to find a bunch of these [00:55:00] books at that bookstore. . Seth was so instrumental to me because that's how I started channeling.

When I first started on my journey, I was really into channeling and that's how I got connected to my spirit guide and so forth, but then just as an example, you mentioned Law of One. So Seth Material, Law of One, like now Law of One is super popular. It wasn't back in the day when I couldn't find anybody who had read Law of One back in the day.

And again, I had collected these used books , there was a series of them. And just studied them on my own. But those two books that were so pivotal to me then. In the last number of years, I was like, Oh yeah, I should go back to them because now a Law of One is super popular.

And I was like, Oh, I should go back and read them because I'm pretty rusty. It's been quite a long time since I read them and I think they're great, but they don't resonate with who I am now. They're very left brain and to me, I'm very heart centered and so. [00:56:00] I appreciate them and the role that they played, but they don't speak to who I am now.

 I don't feel like sitting and reading those. And so then the same with the Seth material, I mean, I love those books , I was surprised I bought one again and I just couldn't sit through it. I just didn't have the patience to do it or, , there's nothing in there. that I need now.

, it's already in there. But those books are amazing. And therefore a certain point or certain person or a certain phase . And so those are really pivotal books. And then the other one, Sanaya Roman, wrote a series of books that are very heart centered.

She also, channeled a being, Orin. Actually, the reason I got into her stuff was because there's a book, I think it was called Opening to Channeling. So when I first started on my journey, I really wanted to develop this, , channeling ability. That was one of the books that I had read. And then I was like, Oh, I like this Orin.

And so I got the other books and then it was like, Oh, they have these, this was cassette tapes back in the day. They have [00:57:00] these, , series of lessons that are cassette tapes. Whenever I would read the books or I would listen to Orin's. meditations, it was so heart centered.

It felt so lovely. I always felt very connected. They were very prolific. Sanaya Roman channeled Orin a lot for all sorts of different things. It was really helpful as far as connecting spiritually and then doing writing.

But what I didn't know was that The Sanaya Roman books, what I later learned. So another series of books that are really powerful, but they're not an easy read are Alice Bailey's books and they're a little bit controversial, as far as, I think, , books that were written a hundred years ago, and then the way that people spoke and the language, , the white brotherhood, , that doesn't sound very good, right, when they're talking about, , some group of higher beings.

 There's just different languaging and maybe some ideas that, depending on how you could perceive it different ways. But what I've [00:58:00] found is over the years, because I also like there's Osho who was Rajneesh, and then they renamed him as Osho.

There are Lots of works , that are very, wise and evolved from maybe people that are not perfect. Most people are not perfect. Some people can channel beautiful spiritual things, but then not be healed and whole within themselves. There's an interesting balance because,

Tianna: I don't agree with the cancel culture. I agree with, put your money and attention to what you believe in and don't put your money and attention to what doesn't align. But I don't agree with, if someone on one aspect does something bad, then everything that they've ever done or touched is all bad, especially spiritually, because, talking about the Kundalini activation, you can bring in beautiful, higher vibrations, and it starts to bring up stuff that needs to heal within you.

 Someone could be very beautifully [00:59:00] spiritually, , guided, inspired, , and right from that perspective, and yet not do all of their healing work , and have distortions so , it goes back to the same thing about like. We're all here to develop our discernment, to be able to, through connecting to our own higher consciousness to find out what's aligned with us.

So anyway, Alice Bailey's material, these are all channeled books. The Law of One is also channeled. She channeled an Ascended Master Dwal Kul and that material. It's very difficult to read. , one, it's written in language from 100 years ago, and then two, it's intentionally written so that you need to intuit the meaning behind the words and things are sort of veiled.

And so the first time. I read one of those Alice Bailey books, 20 years ago, like I understood, , a small percentage. And then when I went back and read it, 20 years later, I was like, oh, oh, this stuff [01:00:00] all, makes so much more sense to me now. But anyway, there was a connection that I didn't realize, which was that Sanaya Roman's materials, I only realized this a couple years ago, that Sanaya Roman's material is really, A lot of the same concepts from Alice Bailey, but written in a way that is really easy to digest and understand and I started to see like, Oh, she's talking about this.

And that's what Alice Bailey channeled so in some way, all of that is really aligned to me and my path. And that led me to my teacher for Rainbow Bridge, Chloe Follan, who I've had on the podcast before, and I still work with that technique a lot because the Rainbow Bridge technique , is a powerful technique for clearing a lot of our karmic. distortions that we carry in our own energetic system. There's a whole process that you do with the Rainbow Bridge technique that clears a lot out of your field. And [01:01:00] that is so helpful. You know, the spiritual journey, it's interesting, because on one hand, you're perfect exactly where you are.

And then there's another hand, , we're wanting to keep growing and evolving, and it's a technique that helps you grow and evolve but it's also okay if you want to stay where you are, , that was a lot.

Nicole: That was great. When I hear you talking and I've heard you talk about all of these different, books or channelers or, philosophies of thought.

And ways of being, I get really excited. I'm like, Oh my gosh, Tianna knows so much. And pretty much I've heard people bring up thousands of different topics or maybe hundreds. I don't know what it is. And you know, something about it. And it's really, really exciting. And you don't talk about like, I know everything, or let me explain every detail it's done that or.

Fred about that. And then you offer your perspective about it. And I love it. And I think you're a classic example of the [01:02:00] kind of person on their spiritual journey. Who's the seeker. Like you're a classic and also the seeker turned teacher. So you're author, you've written books. You have numerous other books in the works right now.

You facilitate classes, you facilitate groups. And so you're this person who seeks information. Soaks up information and then hold space to either, pass on information or often. Creating a space where people get to share their own information together as collective. And it's really exciting to get to know you and all of this and everyone's spiritual journey is different.

Mine is completely different than yours, where I had what you mentioned before, this very much solo journey. And out of all the metaphysical books out there, I've read one and it's Barbara Marciniak's Bringers of the Dawn. Actually, I read the second one too. I think it's New Earth. That was back in the eighties, she published in the eighties.

I read it in the early nineties and it was life changing for me. But every time [01:03:00] I pick up some kind of metaphysical book, I go, Ooh, I want to read this. And I read the first paragraph or the first page and my body shuts down. , so from day one, my body is giving me information going, don't read this.

 Most of my education comes directly from my spirit guides or other beings who come in. So I have a very different path than you. And I love to hear that people are able to read books about, love reading. I read books. I just don't read metaphysical books. And then there are the people who.

come to things later in life and have this, whether it be an activation or awakening or an awareness of it, of going, Oh, there's more than just, , reading and writing out there, or there's more than just this physical world. And so for me, I like to hear about other people's journeys in the process. Thank you for sharing.

Tianna: Yeah, and I would say I'm a hybrid. I don't just get my information from reading at all. A lot of my information I get from my own spiritual [01:04:00] experiences. And that's something that I find interesting going back to Reddit again, because I've had these different spiritual subreddits is that some of them won't accept.

information \ like, Oh, you need to source it from a book or study. Otherwise, it's not valid, which to me is crazy in a spirituality group, , that things need to be sourced that way. Because I do think that we can get so much information from within and that shouldn't be discredited 

 I could talk on that

Nicole: Having taught Sunday school for 19 years , but I'm not going to,

Tianna: I'm curious what is the most challenging aspect of being a psychic medium for you? I'm sure, , of course it's different for different people.

Nicole: Well, there are two things that come up. One is the energetics of it. Cause I receive a lot of energy. I receive a lot of information that comes into me. And then flows out of me and for me to be able to manage that energy. If someone comes to see me, so I had a [01:05:00] client yesterday, she came to see me, her husband died one month earlier.

 She set the session before she knew her husband was going to die. So she comes in. Not only do I have a grieving widow in front of me, which as we all know, we've been around people who have loved ones who crossed over. And so just holding that sweet, compassionate space for her, but also her husband's there.

He's talking with me. He's sharing stuff about their life. , he's saying things, very specific things to her. And so also managing the energy that I received from him. Also the energy that I'm receiving from her higher self and her spirit guides. Over the years, learning, expanding my capacity for all sorts of information come in at once.

 In the past, that has been quite a journey for me. Now it's. , and, \ it was, in general, really easy for me to have all sorts of information coming in because also a very, very strong [01:06:00] boundaries and, an energetic boundaries. But that was really difficult managing the energy in the managing myself and supporting myself after a session.

 I know that after a session, I'm on a high. I know that. I am flying high. I feel great. And so I'll use that energy in a specific way. Like maybe there's a task that I don't want to do say fold the laundry. And even though I love folding laundry, but let's say I do, I love it. But let's say I don't want to fold the laundry.

I might schedule that. I fold laundry right after a session. Because I'm on this high, but then after what, probably about half an hour after the session, my energy goes into a lull. So I know, for me to eat some protein, I know for me to go outside, feel the sun on me. It's that learning to manage the energy that comes in and then my own energy.

The second thing that has been quite a process for me is my own shadow side coming up my own stuff that is [01:07:00] wanting to be healed. One of my big beliefs from childhood is I am stupid. Not like, Oh, I'm not very intelligent or, Oh, there are people who are , smarter than me. I had this belief cause I was dyslexic and I had a really hard time in early school, , that I'm stupid.

So that would rear its head sometimes with the. I can't get anything wrong. I have to be right all the time. Well, when I'm doing a psychic session, my perception full on is going to be wrong. Sometimes my perception will be off sometimes. So I got to, in my own alone time, work through therapy, work through my own time with myself of being okay with being wrong.

Tianna: Um, and it,

Nicole: if I'm quote wrong or my perceptions off, it doesn't mean I'm stupid. And then also being able to shift from that very intense belief and heavy belief to, I don't believe that anymore. That doesn't resonate [01:08:00] within me at all. Now I know I'm intelligent. I know I'm smart and I have this belief and I don't need to be the smartest person in the room, but I know I'm smart.

So those shadow sides of. Oh, I can't be wrong. Or the shadow side of the imposter syndrome. Working through that, which I know a lot of people in a whole variety of jobs. Working on my own emotional and psychological state, yay therapy. For me to be a highly skilled psychic medium, I needed to go to therapy.

Now in actuality, I started therapy in high school, so I've been going off and on for many decades, but for me to show up the best way I can, I have needed to work through my own quote stuff. So that's another part that for me to be.

Tianna: I'm so glad that you brought that up because the thing is as practitioners , that we're working with others, it's so important that we do our inner work [01:09:00] and.

doesn't matter, as a hypnotherapist or an energy healer or a psychic, you still got to do that, mental emotional work. So it's not just like, Oh, you're working in the spiritual fields. Therefore you don't need to do that because we're whole beings. And actually that's where I think I've. heard of harm done, where somebody could be very psychic and get information.

But yeah, if they don't deliver it in a way that is compassionate, or Balanced or grounded or all of these things could be doing harm , anyone that works with other people absolutely could project our stuff and so, yeah, there's a lot of growth opportunities.

 As far as just being a practitioner and working as an individual, whether you work one on one or you work with a group, but there's nobody else to blame when we're the only practitioner. And so it's good because we have to take full [01:10:00] responsibility , of the space that we're holding , and.

part responsibility for anything that happens with another. , I found it to be a really beautiful thing that I get to grow through working with clients and students because I think energetically when it's time for me to level up on something, spirit makes it really obvious.

Either I have like several people in a row where the same dynamic or the same issue comes up or just something really big out of the blue that you can't ignore. And you're like, okay, this is what I need to work on right now. This is what I'm healing or clearing or evolving. Yeah,

Nicole: I find that really interesting.

Like, three people in one week, , came to me and they had foot fungus , and so it was really funny, but yeah, , I mean, we can let you do a little giggle about it. And part of what one of my specialties is doing medical intuition. So I'm doing this session. None of them brought it up, but

my spirit helper who [01:11:00] helps with medical intuition. If she comes into the session without me asking her to, if she comes in, I know something medical is up everything from foot fungus to heart attack or whatever it might be and everything in between. And she came in and all three people, it was a matter of like three days.

I said, Oh, , do you have something going on with your foot? Yes. Is it foot fungus? They're like, yes. And I feel so much embarrassment and I don't know what to do. And so she tells me what to tell them. Like what products to get? No, I don't know, but she says it. And so I had three in a row. So then I go, okay, Nicole.

What's going on with like looking at my, how are my feet? What is this? Is there a message in this for me? And sometimes it's a coincidence, but most of the time I think, Nope, that's not a coincidence. What is it for me? I got to look at what that might be for me. And so I actually want to ask you the same question.

What is something that has been challenging for you as a hypnotherapist or past life regression or Reiki master or anything like that?

Tianna: Like you, [01:12:00] I've grown and evolved, along the years in my practice, as far as the way that I do things or how I manage my energy, I think, just through trial and error, making mistakes, or, just not having considered something until, oh, that's not working, right, , and so, yeah, when I think about when I first started, when you talk about the imposter syndrome, I think, It's pretty common.

 Like you said, in any field, when someone first starts, you have the imposter syndrome. And I remember always worrying with hypnosis, because I'm, pulling words out of the air, basically, , like, what am I going to say next? And it just like, Oh, am I saying the right thing?

 Like when I first started, I was using, all these hypnosis scripts and you can go word by word, but then you start to get to where I don't need that anymore and I can just kind of know what to say and trust what's coming in.

I think that a lot of things for me. Both within my practice and just in my life have been about learning to [01:13:00] set boundaries. So I think that with my practice, there's , a number of different ways that I had to learn to set boundaries and to value myself and my time. Now, the way my business is set up is that when people book, they pay, it didn't used to be that way.

And what started to happen was that people would book and not show up and not realize like, Oh, this is my income. , I woke up early, and I'm here on a Saturday morning, and then you don't show up , and learning, that it's okay, what I do might seem weird or different.

But It's a legitimate business like any other business. And if you don't go to your doctor's appointment or your hairstylist appointment or whatever, you're going to get charged. So I think there was learning how to. Set certain boundaries like that, but then a big thing also was how to set healthy expectations within my clients and also , how to manage [01:14:00] my client's expectations.

And that's my job I need to give a good pre talk where I'm explaining, , the way I work and how things work and I learned that through making a lot of mistakes. And then so there's that part about setting things upright so that it goes smoothly. because yeah, I was just thinking when you were talking about that, you're not always going to be right.

And I think, I don't know if I've skirted around that by I've chosen modalities where I'm not giving anybody answers. When you were saying how, I guess, the whole thing about learning through books and stuff like that. But actually, I don't read something go Oh, because they say it in this book, therefore, it's true.

It's really when I would read something, it would activate or trigger my own inner knowing. Versus me going, Oh, now I know this because it says it in a book. That's never ever been my process. My process is always like, when I read something, I [01:15:00] feel it or remember it and then it's true. And so almost everything that I do, except for the soul plan reading, almost everything that I do is really that I want my.

Client to have their experience and then they're telling me the answers. And it does take me off the hook a lot because it's like, I'm not needing to, , be right. They're the ones giving me, but then I still have to, to hold the space , and facilitate and guide it. Right. But I think that.

Once I realized that all the different things I do, cause I do a lot of different things, but they're all really the same. Whereas I used to think that. When I'm doing a Reiki session, I get to just trust and receive and the Reiki flows through me and I'm not doing anything. And it's so beautiful because I just get to hold the space and allow the energy.

And then it'd be like, Oh, but when I'm doing hypnosis now, , I have to say the right word. But actually came to realize it's all kind of a similar process. I'm just the conduit. [01:16:00] And the key is the intention of, the way that I set up each day at the office and I connect, I do my energetic hygiene for the space and then I connect to my higher consciousness and I ground that energy and I asked to be a conduit of the highest good for each person that I work with.

 And then once I do that, I really trust. I'm just in the moment. And I mean, that's what you're doing too right in the moment you get the answers that you need whatever spirit. Whatever the guides are telling you and in the moment, either the energy of the Reiki is flowing through me, whatever the person needs or in the moment I know what to say to guide the person to whatever they need in hypnosis.

And so that's been a really fun journey from the beginning of like trying to make sure I'm doing it right and focus too much on the tools and the process. And then now being in a much greater place of flow. Not [01:17:00] everyone's going to have the perfect, beautiful experience , and not everyone's going to be healed in this session and letting that be okay too, and trusting and knowing that everything is always happening.

In, , divine timing for the highest good, especially when we align ourselves to that, which is I feel that's one of my core jobs is to align myself to the divine where the, infinite potential is and the highest good. And then to hold that frequency, hold that vibration, with, for the person that I'm working with.

That answer your question.

Nicole: It does. And so much more. And when I listen to you, I feel expansive and full and so very, very grateful for people like you out there and for people like me out there who can support other people in their journeys, whether they're coming to us for spiritual reasons or. , 3d reasons of like financial or they're going through grief that [01:18:00] someone they love just crossed over or, finding their life purpose or whatever it might be, or searching for a partnership or healing some old childhood wounds.

I'm so grateful. That there are people like us out there to support them. And in the past it was being supported through your church and your community, which is really, really important. Or being, supported through the psychiatrist or the therapist, which is really, really important. And it's just, as the years go on, there's more and more.

Access to different ways where people get to look at their stuff, to heal, to shift, to grow. , and I get very excited, living in 2025. It's really, really thrilling to me to be here. I'm a person who has been grateful from day one to be on this planet. And. , as an Aquarian, as a very proud Aquarian.

And, , so yeah, when I hear you talking, I just [01:19:00] feel very full and grateful.

Tianna: Oh, that's beautiful. Yeah, I feel the same. And I love that you shared about just you've always been really grateful to be here. And I hope that more people will embrace that perspective. Because again, I see a lot of people as far as How intense things are now and how quickly things are shifting, there can be a temptation to want to just check out.

And, , if we go to astrology, which, I like to talk about, because of a lot of the Pisces energy, which I said, I'm a Pisces rising. So I get this. But like the shadow aspect of Pisces would be just , to check out in whatever way, whether that's through a substance, or whether that's through just sleeping all the time, or whether that's through being on our phone or something like this all the time, too.

That's why we need our community. And that's why we need, , practitioners and , all along our journey. And because, like we both said, , we came from a beginning [01:20:00] journey of being a lone wolf. But , I think the times are so intense now. I don't think That's a good path for that really many people is the lone wolf.

I think it's really important that we lean on each other and support each other and play and co create and have fun so I am in complete

Nicole: agreement with that. 

Tianna: I said play and I know you like to play and I also, have a very playful spirit , and seeing our spiritual journey that way, like it doesn't have to be all, I don't know, I'm constantly talking with my clients about , we're multifaceted beings.

It's okay to be silly. You can be deep and wise. And you can be silly and goofy, I feel like I embrace all of these different aspects. And I think that's so important , with all of the change that is happening and coming is that we make time to play and we allow , our childlike, not childish, right?

We don't have to be immature, but childlike is that free, joyful [01:21:00] light.

Nicole: And, , as for the being playful, I had a class that I called, something about the energetic playground. I often see my life as a playground. , and then I surround myself with people who are also playful, like, I don't remember how long we were friends when you started, you would sing something, cracking me up just like , the things I can't even think of a single song at the moment that you would sing, but I would say something or someone else would, and you would belt out with a jingle.

And I just thought it was. So freaking funny. And so when we get closer with people seeing this playful side, whether it have to do with spirituality or not,

Tianna: and

Nicole: belly laughs are really, really important to me. And I have a five year old very significant person in my life, and he will get me to laugh.

Harder than anyone else in my life. And I was telling his mom. Recently, [01:22:00] I see him a couple of days a week. I think of him as like my nephew. And he cracks me up like no one else does. And is this spiritual? No, , it just is. This laughter and enjoyment of life. Which then if we want to talk spiritual raises our frequency, Raises the cycles per second, which is going , And helps us potentially connect more with our gratitude.

Love, compassion. But in the moment, I'm just about to pee myself because I'm laughing so hard, from this 5-year-old and I'm so in the moment with him. Mm-hmm . And, so I love having that. I was about, say balance, but I would say the fullness, the fullness of our experiences of being in the 3D, four D five D, whatever it is, , and being in the moment of our experiences and I feel very grateful for that.

Tianna: I love you use that word before full and I like it. I want to use that word more. Because that fullness it really does give me a It's a different feeling tone when you say that word, like you said, when you say balance, it is [01:23:00] a different feeling tone. Balance. I mean, balance is nice, but fullness sounds juicy


Nicole: Yeah.

Tianna: So I used to

Nicole: say also like, Ooh, , I'm going to do a deep dive into this, which is great. Most of us can relate to doing a deep dive in something. And then I realized. But that's just one direction. That's just one way. So then I would say I'm going deep and wide.

Tianna: And

Nicole: that brought more of a fullness.

And then I go, but when I'm thinking of fullness, I think of basically a bubble around me. And then I'm expanding in all directions and also expanding inwardly. And it just feels like I'm in a down comforter , and that my energy is just safe and secure and playful and warm and cushy and just all , the sweet fullness of life.

And I smell flowers scented the air and I can taste homemade bread and it's just all the senses happening around me. I could feel sunshine [01:24:00] on my body.

Tianna: Oh, I just felt all of those things you said,

Nicole: and it

Tianna: made me think about again, when people are like, Oh, why do we have to be here on earth? And my perspective is that when we're not in a body, we miss this sensory perception that we're talking about all of these different feelings and senses.

We miss. That, and so thanks for giving me that. Absolutely. Is there anything else? I know we've been talking actually for a long time. So I can't think of anything. It feels like we're coming to a completion. Well, this has been so much fun and I'm looking forward to having you guest host for some other episodes coming up.

We have lots of exciting, , interesting people to talk to. Yes. I have loved doing this deep

Nicole: and wide and full dive with you. Every time we get together, and this is no exaggeration, just every time we get together, I love learning more about you and experiencing your perspectives on things and just [01:25:00] being loved on by you.

And I get to love on you, my love, which just feels fun to do this podcast together. And I feel very grateful that you've invited me on to co host for some of these guests. And I look forward to what's coming right around the corner.

Tianna: Likewise.
