How’s your 2024 going so far? In this episode, we reflect on an intense & transformative first half of the year, diving into how spiritual experiences, astrological events & personal growth have shaped our journeys. We chat about how significant spiritual encounters like psychic readings, energy downloads & a powerful QHHT session led to profound insights & real changes in our lives. Plus we highlight how crucial community & support are as we navigate the Aquarian age & announce a new Facebook group & discovery calls for fellow lightworkers ready to step into their soul purpose.
S5 Ep. 4: Awakening Transformation with Tianna Roser
The journey of awakening can be confusing and overwhelming. So Tianna (along with her spirit guide Will) wrote a book to help you navigate the spiritual path. Her new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” is filled with stories and lessons from her own spiritual journey, along with the key tools and practices that enabled Tianna to become her true self.
Some of the topics we discuss in this episode:
How did Spirit push Tianna to write her book?
What did the psychic intuitive tell her that helped flip her perspective on writing?
What was the unexpected blessing she received from the pandemic?
How Tianna found her authentic self after early experiences of trying to play the role expected of her.
Recognizing how liberating these times are - the old rules no longer apply to how we write a book or run a business.
How did she overcome her own self-doubt when writing and how can others use this same tool?
If you “conveniently forget” messages from Spirit because it’s uncomfortable to face, Spirit keeps bringing it back for you to complete.
Being your authentic self brings you into your highest vibration and naturally attracts the right people to you.
The big benefit of “putting yourself out there” and why lightworkers are afraid to do it.
What’s another major lesson she learned from writing the book that’s common on the spiritual path?
Tianna shares how what she thought was her weakness became her strength.
What life events led her to becoming comfortable in her own skin?
Can someone who doesn’t do formal spiritual practice still be spiritually evolved?
Is there a way a person can grow spiritually if all their time is consumed just for survival?
How did Tianna narrow down which tools and practices to include in this book?
What’s spiritual bypassing?
Tianna Roser is certified in a number of transformational practices, including Reiki, Hypnosis, Life Between Lives Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), Soul Plan Reading and Soul Transformation Therapy. Her soul’s purpose is to empower people through awakening consciousness. She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth.
As a traveler of the inner and outer worlds, Tianna is passionate about exploring beyond the confines of everyday existence. Learn more about her services at
Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.
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S2 Ep. 12: The Divine Masculine and Feminine
The true love relationship we’re all seeking starts from within. We each have an inner masculine and feminine, yet often they are at war with each other. We are meant to grow these two aspects of Self into their divine potential and unite them into Sacred Union. (How perfect is it that this episode is being released on Valentine’s Day?) So how do we harmonize our masculine and feminine?
In this episode we discuss:
The masculine and feminine polarities are not the same as male and female genders. We all have both polarities within as left brain/right brain, logos/eros, mind/heart, etc.
On the path of self actualization, we want to develop both polarities to feel complete and whole.
What are some of the masculine and feminine qualities?
What’s the first step to balancing these polarities?
The Battle of the Sexes Within: When our mind and heart fight for dominance, we always lose.
What’s the easiest way to discover your own yin/yang imbalances?
The common way we swing back and forth in polarity during our lives, rather than harmonizing the two.
The pattern of retreating from our emotions into the questionable “safety” of our minds.
The power of learning to nurture your inner child.
Utilizing one astrological perspective of our Mars representing our masculine and our Venus representing our feminine.
The shadow aspects of the masculine and the feminine.
When we become harmonized within ourselves, our relationships no longer come from codependency.
David Deida’s book “Intimate Communion”
In “The Dance of the Selves” by Loretta Ferrier, she says the feminine is the Visionary and the masculine carries out the plan.
How to apply your masculine and feminine to support each other.
Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist, Reiki Master Teacher and Catalyst Coach who offers sessions by phone, online or at her Austin, Texas office. Using hypnosis, she offers shadow work and masculine/feminine healing and balancing. To learn more about Tianna’s services, visit
S2 Ep.10: The Healing Awakening Power of Reiki
Tianna giving a Reiki session.
Reiki is an energy healing modality that originates in Japan. The word Reiki means universal life energy. Everything is energy, therefore Reiki can provide physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual benefits. Reiki has become popular in recent years, as more people are opening to alternative healing methods. In fact, Tim and Tianna first met when he attended her Reiki Share.
Some of the things we cover in this episode:
What was Tim’s first experience of Reiki like?
Tianna describes her Reiki journey, from her initial experience up until becoming a Reiki Master Teacher.
What are some ways that people experience this energy?
What is taught in each level: Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Teacher?
How did the attuenements affect Tim? What changed in his life after taking the Reiki classes?
What is the difference between an attunement and a Reiki session?
How working with energy awakens your inner senses, allowing you to perceive higher realms and the interconnectedness of all things.
How our different energy bodies (spiritual, mental, emotional and physical) are connected and affect each other.
The power of Reiki to work at the source level of an issue to create deep, lasting transformation.
Reiki helps us to grow with joy instead of struggle.
How Reiki raises our vibration, allowing us to let go of unhealthy habits or relationships and begin to attract a more positive life experience.
Tianna Roser is a certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher who trained under 3 different Reiki Masters. She teaches Reiki classes, provides in-person Reiki sessions and offers a free monthly Reiki Share at her Austin, Texas office. Tianna also offers distance Reiki sessions. To learn more about Reiki and Tianna’s services, visit
Ep. 14: Uncovering the Power of the Shadow
What do we mean by the term “the shadow”? You might instantly think we’re referring to evil, but in fact, the shadow is simply disowned aspects of the self, which could be positive or negative traits. The spiritual path isn’t just “Love and Light”. It’s also growing through exploring the depths of your being. Uncovering your shadow gives you empowerment and conscious control in your life.
Things we cover in this episode:
What are some of the many benefits of reclaiming the shadow?
How we use tactics like avoidance, distraction and repression to not face our shadow.
The dangers of ignoring the shadow.
What is spiritual bypassing?
How self compassion is a key to healing these disowned aspects of self.
Ways you can recognize your shadow.
How being polarized (attached to only one perspective) can cause you to attract unwanted experiences.
The burden of the masks we wear to hide what we think is unacceptable.
How to do shadow work.
Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist who provides session online and in her Austin, Texas office. She periodically offers a Shadow Alchemy workshop, which you can learn more about here. To learn more about the services Tianna provides, visit her website
Ep. 12: Can We Cheat Karma?
Karma isn’t solely a Hindu or Buddhist belief. In the broader sense, it refers to the cause and effect of a person’s actions. “You reap what you sow.” “For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction.” Karma isn’t a belief; it’s an impersonal universal law, much like gravity. So then is it possible to cheat karma, to not have to live it out?
In this episode we discuss:
Is karma equal to punishment?
How karma isn’t necessarily “An eye for an eye.”
Why karma is about learning, not about judgment.
Why trying to figure out, “What did I do to deserve this?” isn’t helpful and what to ask yourself instead.
Is karma a life sentence?
Is clearing our karma ever dependent on other people’s actions?
How to clear karma without living it.
Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist who specializes in spiritual regression. She is trained in and offers past life regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) at her Austin, Texas office. Past life regression and QHHT sessions are also offered virtually, over the phone or via Zoom. To learn more about past life regression and Tianna’s services, visit
If you’re interested in the topic of reincarnation, also check out this episode on Past Lives and Reincarnation.
Ep. 9: Past Lives and Reincarnation
Reincarnation, the concept that humans have a soul that incarnates again after the physical body dies, often has the reputation of being a fringe belief in western societies. Yet, did you know that (depending on which research study you cite) somewhere between 20 to 33% of Americans believe in reincarnation? In this episode we delve into the mystery of past lives and reincarnation.
Some of the topics we discuss:
The case for and against reincarnation.
The quantum physics perspective that all time exists NOW and how that plays into reincarnation.
Kids who remember their past lives.
Why don’t we remember our past lives?
What’s the purpose or intention of experiencing a past life regression?
Karmic connections with other people.
What if every experience is valid? If we’re here to learn and grow and time doesn’t really exist, is there such a thing as a mistake?
Hear Tim and Tianna’s descriptions of their own recent past life regressions.
Have we all been “bad people” at some point of our soul’s journey?
The beauty of what death offers.
Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist who specializes in spiritual regression. She is trained in and offers past life regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) at her Austin, Texas office. Past life regression and QHHT sessions are also offered virtually, over the phone or via Skype. To learn more about past life regression and Tianna’s services, visit
We also did another Reincarnation episode focused on Karma. Check it out here.
Ep. 5: Channeling Spirit Guides
Channeling is a type of spiritual communication between people and non-physical beings. Channeling is not unlike language translation/interpretation; receiving a message and sharing it in a way that others can understand. In her book, “A Channeling Handbook,” Carla Rueckert states that “Channeling is a gift that every human being possesses. People have been doing it since the beginning of history.”
Channeling has gotten a bad rap due to the fact that anyone can say anything and claim it was channeled from a spiritual being. But how is that any different from the whole “fake news” issue we are dealing with these days? Should we “throw the baby out with the bathwater” and dismiss all channeling just because some sources are not reputable? Ultimately we are meant to develop our own discernment to guide us in what information to trust.
In this episode we cover:
Tianna’s story of how she began communicating with her guides
What steps can you take to ensure that you connect to loving, higher spiritual beings?
Trance channel vs conscious channeling: which is better?
Demystifying channeling: Why channeling is useful for your everyday life
How do we distinguish who we’re communicating with?
How can energy work facilitate a connection to your spirit guide?
Books mentioned: “Opening to Channel” by Sanaya Roman, “Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment” by Jane Roberts
Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist who specializes in spiritual regression. Using hypnosis she can help you connect with your Spirit Guides or experience past life regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique (QHHT) at her Austin, Texas office. Sessions are also offered virtually, over the phone or via Zoom. To learn more about Tianna’s services, visit
Ep. 4 Part 2: Blurring the Lines Between Dreaming & Waking Consciousness
Dreams are a rich topic, endlessly fascinating. In this episode we deepen our talk on dreams and the impact they have on our lives. Here’s some of the things we discuss:
How to remember our dreams.
Have you ever had a shared remembered dream with another person?
Are waking consciousness and dream consciousness truly two separate things? What happens if we blur those distinctions? Can we interpret our waking life symbolically the way we do our dreaming life?
What are healing dreams?
How a dream can powerfully change the way you feel in waking life.
We also reveal some of the most meaningful, pivotal dreams of our lives.
Movie mentioned: Richard Linklater’s “Waking Life,” which asks the question, Are we sleep-walking through our waking state or wake-walking through our dreams?
Ep. 4 Part 1: Dreams
Dreams are a portal from the Unconscious to the Conscious that we all have access to. It’s valuable to explore dreams because they have the ability to give us great insight into the true nature of our own mind and existence.
Research shows that people dream around 2 hours per night. For the average person, this adds up to around 6 years of your life spent dreaming! Do you wonder what’s happening during that time? Here’s some of the topics we touch on in this episode:
Our theories on what happens when we dream.
Different types of dreams.
A simple method to work with your dreams (if it all seems too complicated!)
Why some people don’t remember their dreams and how to remedy this.
Nightmares: what to do instead of waking yourself up.
The gifts of shadow aspects revealed in our dreams.
TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.
TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).
Ep. 1: What Is the Illusion?
Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I at my core? What is my true purpose in life?” We certainly have. This podcast is a way to explore those questions through thoughtful conversations and interviews with practitioners and experts in a variety of alternative practices. In this first episode, get to know hosts Tim Howe and Tianna Roser along with our friend Jason Del Rosario. Hear our individual stories on the journey to pierce the veil of illusion that mundane life is all that exists.
Books/Resources mentioned:
“Seat of the Soul” by Gary Zukav
“Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton
“Work as a Spiritual Practice” by Lewis Richmond
“Autobiography of a Yogi” by Parmahansa Yogananda
“The Source Field Investigations” by David Wilcock