How’s your 2024 going so far? In this episode, we reflect on an intense & transformative first half of the year, diving into how spiritual experiences, astrological events & personal growth have shaped our journeys. We chat about how significant spiritual encounters like psychic readings, energy downloads & a powerful QHHT session led to profound insights & real changes in our lives. Plus we highlight how crucial community & support are as we navigate the Aquarian age & announce a new Facebook group & discovery calls for fellow lightworkers ready to step into their soul purpose.
01:15 Reflecting on the Past Year
01:32 Astrological Shifts & Personal Growth
01:58 A Year of Intense Experiences
03:19 Spiritual Readings with Nicole Parish (S6 Ep 1) and Vinney Tolman (S4 Ep 11)
07:06 Energetic Downloads & Eclipse Events
09:08 Discovering the Ray Paths with Chloe Folan (S7 Ep 2)
13:26 Channeling the I Am Presence
21:00 Mentoring Lightworkers
26:50 Challenges of Letting Go
29:21 A Serendipitous Plumbing Fix
31:33 A Transformative QHHT Session
33:11 Integrating Higher Self Insights into Daily Life
37:56 Embodying Higher Self Confidence
47:20 The Importance of Everyday Growth
50:49 Looking Forward to the Future
51:54 Community & Support for Lightworkers. Join the free Awakening Lightworkers Facebook group. 💫
If you need help to find your true calling and gain clarity on your soul’s purpose, schedule a free Discovery Call with Tianna. ✨💙
TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner & Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression & QHHT. She helps Lightworkers step into their Soul Destiny. 💖 Her book “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey & accelerate growth:
TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born & raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he’s constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter & cat).
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If you’re seeking community & support to step into your Soul’s Purpose, join my free Facebook group, AWAKENING LIGHTWORKERS
[00:00:00] Tianna: So, gosh, when was the last time that we did an update? Was that like the end of last year?
[00:00:07] Tim: Yeah, I think so. It had to be, it's been a while.
[00:00:09] Tianna: I feel like so much has happened this year, spiritually speaking. It's feeling like things are speeding up.
[00:00:17] I mean, we can look at it astrologically, that's been true with Pluto moving into Aquarius, moving into the Aquarian age. I think a lot of people have been talking about that. I've been really feeling that like, okay, this is next level - move in to our soul purpose,
[00:00:33] do you want to talk about your journey first? Yeah. I'll just
[00:00:37] Tim: say real quick that yeah, I completely agree with you. I feel like things are definitely speeding up. It's been a very intense year. I can't believe it's really only May or no, I guess it's June now. Sorry. See, so much has happened.
[00:00:52] I'm like disoriented yeah So I can't believe we're only halfway through the year because it feels like a couple years have gone by So much has happened, so many, just even globally like there are a lot of things happening that are in the media but I think on a personal level like you were saying a lot of people are definitely feeling like Some growth happening for sure.
[00:01:13] Some challenges, some ups and downs. And yeah, that's been my year, very action packed. Let's just say that. Yeah, for sure. But let's talk about you first. Let's hear what's been happening.
[00:01:24] Tianna: I have so much to say all the time. I was like, do we really want to go there?
[00:01:29] Well, okay. So we started off the year feeling like there's something coming up. There's a big push, but I didn't know what it was kind of like…you know, when you get something stuck in your throat and you're trying to swallow or remove that and it's lodged in there? It was that kind of feeling like there's something there, but I don't know I can't seem to get to it .
[00:01:50] And so, the fun thing about my story is that it involves a lot of people that have been guests on our podcast. So people that listen to our podcast regularly will be like, oh, that's so and so, which is really fun. So in the early part of the year, I had a psychic reading with Nicole Parish who was on a few seasons ago, and she's in that healer group that formed with a couple other of the people
[00:02:17] that have been on the podcast that are part of our Austin spiritual awakening group. And I really just love, love, love, and trust Nicole. Oh, actually, Tim is in this cosmic mastermind group that Sharon and I created and Nicole's in that as well. Right? Anyway, so I had a psychic reading with her
[00:02:33] Just kind of open to whatever spirit wanted to tell me, but also looking to see , Oh, what am I meant to focus on? Because it was the beginning of the year and this seraphim came in, which is kind of a type of angel. Actually, I still don't quite exactly know what a seraphim is
[00:02:50] I know it's some type of an angelic being. The seraphim came in and mentioned that a big shakeup was coming in my life. Sort of like earthquake event is how it was describing it, but like not in a scary way, but that there would be a big sort of popping was the way it was described - kind of this big popping or opening for me.
[00:03:14] But that was all that was told to me. So again, very mysterious. I still didn't know quite what it was. But I could trust, okay, what I've been sensing and feeling , is true. And then, with our healer group, we get together kind of regularly and we meditate together, or there's different things that we might do on a healer level.
[00:03:34] We keep working with energy. We were guided to have a session, a reading with Vinney Tolman. So listeners might remember, Vinnie had this really powerful. Near death experience and if you haven't heard that episode, definitely do and we'll put a link because it's really incredible. His story is really incredible and Tim, you've had a reading with him before, right?
[00:03:57] , your family did.
[00:03:58] Tim: Yeah, we did. We had a whole family reading and yeah, everything he said was just spot on. It was very, very good. And also , I'll just mention this before you go on. Vinny's He's a really good storyteller too. So that episode that we did with him, he takes over and just paints a picture for you.
[00:04:16] So yeah, I recommend that one for sure.
[00:04:18] Tianna: Yeah. I've never had a reading with them. We had a group reading just to get any more information about our group and why we had come together. And we knew we had a Pleiadian connection and there's that book that we've mentioned in other episode Bringers of the Dawn which is channeled by the Pleiadians.
[00:04:37] And we've been finding a lot through that book as well. And so then there was this Pleiadian sister who's not incarnated as humans that is part of our group. And her name was like Bakara and so she was there in the spiritual realm. And she gave us each a gift like a spiritual download.
[00:04:58] She had given us each a gift and it was really funny because mine was a loaf of bread. It was like the baker's gift. And I was just cracking up because when I was a child, for some bizarre reason I used to always tell my family that when I grew up, I want to be a baker, which is just hilarious because now I don't cook or I don't bake.
[00:05:18] And so it's kind of really funny anyway. So mine was a loaf of bread. And what she said was I was receiving spiritual support to bring an important idea into fruition. I was baking up something and spirit was helping me. And again, I was still like, what am I baking up?
[00:05:35] There wasn't more information and all of our gifts were like that. They were a little bit clouded in mystery. We were just given a little bit and it's meant, as a download, it's meant to be processed and integrated. and unfold in divine timing, but that was kind of funny.
[00:05:51] And so then fast forward to the eclipse, which we've already mentioned several times with other guests, because I've said this already, but for me, that was just really powerful. And then that also the eclipse event that I attended that weekend was put on by our astrologers, Shannon and Russ that always come on.
[00:06:13] That was their event. And a lot of my, spiritual friends were there and the energy was just so powerful. It really felt like we were passing through a portal just like we shifted into different timeline. After that event, I really felt energetically different.
[00:06:30] And I was receiving a lot of energetic downloads where on a day to day basis, at any point, I would just feel this overwhelming amount of energy. It sometimes would lead to me feeling just bone tired. Like I just had to drop and close my eyes and just let the energy work its way through.
[00:06:49] Other times it was almost like. So much. A lot of times it was like in my heart chakra and my chest, so much energy overwhelming that it was almost like anxiety or something was so big that my body almost couldn't hold it or process it. But then it would, it would, I would just kind of do extra grounding and just sit with it.
[00:07:09] And then it would process and balance and feel okay. But you just never knew when it was going to hit. It was happening really regularly every day. Just these downloads also. Another person who's been on our podcast as a guest, my Rainbow Bridge teacher, Chloe Folan. She just came out of maternity leave.
[00:07:29] She had a baby. And so she wasn't doing any classes during that time. And now she was offering a couple classes. I was so excited, like, yes, I want to continue because I just love her. What she brings through is really high level. Spiritual knowledge. The rainbow bridge technique, which I continue to do, it's just really powerful.
[00:07:50] And so she was offering a class on the ray paths. Without going super deep into it there are the seven rays, the seven divine rays. They're like qualities of energy on the planet. And there are different ray paths. Different souls are on different ray paths -just like how we're all different and we have different gifts and we have different abilities and we have different focus and intention.
[00:08:14] When you're building the Rainbow Bridge, remember that's the antahkarana, that's the central channel of energy that we do spiritual practice to build up to. to build up to our soul and then to go even higher to our monad. And then if you keep doing the practices, you can over time build up to your Ray path chakra.
[00:08:37] It's above the soul star above the monad, and then up higher. Is the Ray Path Chakra and the Ray Path Chakra contains the original higher self contracts that relate to your life path and service and the origin of your higher self. Your star seed origin. So if you build up to your ray path chakra, then it starts to become evident what your star seed origin is, which Chloe is very gifted that she can do a reading.
[00:09:09] And she can see that for people, once you've built up that high until you've built up that high, it won't show for her either, We have to kind of do that inner spiritual work. So I took this class. And I'd had a reading with Chloe where she told me it looks like my ray path chakra is the first ray, which is the ray of will and power and leadership.
[00:09:33] It sort of makes sense because I've been working on stepping into my authentic power and owning my power. And I over corrected like a lot of us do where we are not owning our power and then having a lot of experiences that have to do with reclaiming the right use of power. But I did have , when I had that reading with her last year and the path one is called the Draco path.
[00:09:57] So the starseed origin Draco, when we think of it- there's the draconian laws, right? Draco people usually associate it with negative use of power, right? Like authoritarian, or if you think of Oh, the Dracos are the reptiles or even Harry Potter, the bad kid was Draco Malfoy, whatever his name.
[00:10:19] Anyway, Draco doesn't have, this dragon power doesn't have a good reputation so much. Right? So part of me was like, no, I don't want to be Draco. So I hadn't fully embraced that or accepted that. And then I started taking this class with Chloe and we're learning about each of the Ray paths.
[00:10:38] So the first one, of course, is going to be the first Ray. And during that time, which was right after the eclipse, I was having powerful dreams as well. One of the dreams I had was where there was this. younger gal and she had a baby dragon and I kind of sensed or felt like she wasn't very attentive and that something might happen and I was worried about this baby dragon. And sure enough at one point I saw that the baby dragon had been in a pool of water playing or something.
[00:11:10] And now it was had drowned or it was floating at the top lifeless. So I ran over to the baby dragon. And I gave it mouth to mouth in the dream. I didn't think anything of it. It was like instinctually go. I gave it mouth to mouth and it came back to life and resuscitated it. And then I wake up just knowing that.
[00:11:31] I need to take care of this baby dragon and sort of nurse it back to health which, you know, represents.
[00:11:39] Tim: Yeah, of course. That's very symbolic. Yeah. That's amazing.
[00:11:42] Tianna: Right. Yeah. Yeah. It was crazy because I haven't had a dragon dream that I can remember before and certainly never had a baby dragon dream, certainly wasn't something that I was, focusing on, but yeah, when I sat with the dream, I was like, ah, okay, maybe that is my ray path, so that was kind of enlightening or helpful anyway.
[00:12:02] So I'm having these energetic downloads after the eclipse and just integrating that, but still not very sure what that was leading to. And then one night I was doing my regular Rainbow Bridge meditation and so much energy came through I just knew this huge surge of energy and I knew it was my I am presence and the I am presence is the same as what's referred to as the Monad.
[00:12:28] I knew it wanted to verbally channel through me, when I first started on my spiritual journey, I was doing a lot of verbal channeling. And since then, it's pretty rare for me to do that type of channeling. It's quite intense, energetically, verbal channeling, which is kind of like what you did in your QHHT, which we definitely want to talk about because, yeah, I can attest
[00:12:50] Tim: , it's intense.
[00:12:51] Yeah.
[00:12:52] Tianna: Yeah. And so I was like, okay, I knew it had a message and it wanted to verbally channel. So I opened up the voice recorder app on my phone and just allowed it to channel through me. It was telling me that it was guiding me. It wanted me to focus on supporting more lightworkers in fulfilling their soul purpose.
[00:13:14] And that okay. So, I took a few notes of what it said. It said, “You are setting the stage now, creating a foundation that will support you with these coming changes. Simply accept and allow what's coming your way.” It's talking about this energy downloads are part of that, right?
[00:13:32] So “simply accept and allow what's coming your way. Know that you are always given what you need when you focus on the greater good - the collective higher good. Then you can let go of personal fears and doubt and be an expression of divine will. You are being supported in creating a framework that will allow many others to step into their purpose, many of whom have soul contracts with you.
[00:13:58] You're meant to help them get their footing and step onto their path.” And it had a lot more, but that's kind of the summary. The gist of it was I had the strong awareness or download that that's the big thing. That's the loaf of bread. That's the big thing that I've been guided to.
[00:14:17] It reminded me of when I was guided to write my book in 2020. And that was the same thing that I was being told. I was being pushed by spirit that there were soul contracts that I needed to fulfill. And that, then it was like writing the book was how I'm going to help certain souls that needed to hear those messages or needed to find me.
[00:14:38] And it's funny. So it's been, gosh, it's been four years now since I wrote that book. And it hasn't really been
[00:14:44] Tim: that long.
[00:14:45] Tianna: Yeah. I know. There's a whole weird COVID time warp, right? Wow. That's so weird.
[00:14:53] Tim: I would have thought just like maybe two years ago, but four, wow.
[00:14:56] Tianna: It's really interesting. Right. Cause in some ways it feels like just yesterday.
[00:15:00] And another way it feels like a long time ago. Yeah. And in that time, there have been a number of people who reached out to me and said, “I'm one of those souls. I read your book. I'm who you were talking to”, you know? So it was really cool, very validating, people from all over the world, yeah, who might not have found me cause they're not in the Austin area. They're in Europe and they're in Asia and they're in South America.
[00:15:25] And so that's really cool. That's amazing,
[00:15:27] Tim: actually.
[00:15:28] Tianna: Yeah, it was hard at first and still sometimes it's hard to really trust that right wherever spirit's guiding you and that you only need to know what's right in front of you. You don't need to know the next thing and the next thing. You just have to trust and you have to feel or sense or listen.
[00:15:46] to what's coming through. And if you will do that, and what I really liked, what the I Am Presence said is when you're focused on the greater good, like, how can I be of service? Then it's all provided for you because it's not just for you. I think that that's so important for anyone who considers themself a lightworker or anyone who wants to contribute to this big collective awakening on the planet right now.
[00:16:11] I think a lot of us are like will I really make a difference? That's just one more person. There's all these other people doing that or who's going to listen to me or what do I have to really share? But when you flip it, cause that's what helped me to finally get my book published and finally finish writing a book. Instead of thinking about like, Oh, am I really qualified?
[00:16:31] Who am I? I'm no one special or that kind of way. But when you flip it and just are like, Oh, who can this help? How can I serve? Then actually there's so many souls in spirit realm. There's so many light beings that want to utilize us. to help support the collective awakening.
[00:16:51] Tim: Yeah, absolutely. I feel like what you're saying, yeah, it doesn't just apply to light workers or, people who want to be in this or just gain growth and all that.
[00:17:02] It applies to everybody. Like everybody should be thinking how they can contribute collectively instead of just thinking of themselves, because I feel like that does hold a lot of people back. You're definitely right about that.
[00:17:14] Tianna: And not in a guilt-like way, Oh, you should be thinking about everyone else.
[00:17:17] But in a freeing way of like Oh, I don't have to be like some expert, knowledge guide to be able to share my journey. Hust by sharing our journey, like we're doing right now, other people can relate to it and it sort of validates maybe some of the things they're experiencing.
[00:17:35] Whereas if nobody's talking about it, then everybody just thinks they're the one weirdo, right? Especially people that live in maybe more rural areas. Of course, Austin is pretty alternative and not everywhere is like that, right?
[00:17:48] Tim: Yeah, definitely. Or you just have your little routine built in and you don't expand your social circle very often.
[00:17:56] And I think a lot of people have an idea of themselves. And then when they challenge that internally, it's hard for them to go out and be that. Externally too, so yeah, I think it's definitely a thing that people have to either adjust to or just drop this idea like oh I don't have to be this or that I can just do what I feel is my path, right?
[00:18:22] Tianna: Yeah, And then also, I'm constantly saying this because I think it's really important- that in the Aquarian age, we don't have to do it on our own anymore too. Right. So before it was like so hard and we're trying to figure it out and do it on our own and it's a struggle and it's a challenge, but we're really meant to all help each other now.
[00:18:41] And so creating community and working together collectively, it can be more fun and we get support. This is where I'm being guided is , because I've done that. I went from having, the corporate job and walking away from that and trusting spirit and going through all this journey to step into my purpose and share that with others, I can help other people with that. Just because
[00:19:07] I've experienced a lot of those same things that are holding people back, right? And on my journey, I've unlocked certain keys for how to get clarity on your soul purpose. There's certain tools that I use. And so I really want to help people, by sharing those things, help people get clear on what's holding them back.
[00:19:27] Like I know the fears that come up, the limiting beliefs, like I said, who am I to do this? Or no one's going to listen to me or believe me, or people are going to think I'm crazy or how will I be able to support myself? Or if I follow what I really want or all of these kind of limiting things that keep us stuck where we're at.
[00:19:45] It's become really clear and exciting for me that I'm meant to mentor people to fulfill their Lightworker mission. And so, I'm offering this discovery call for people who do feel strongly drawn to having a soul purpose. I remember for myself, I had quit my corporate job, I had moved from Hawaii to Boston, I started working in a cafe, and then I became the cafe manager, and I knew that's not my purpose.
[00:20:13] Tianna: Which was fine. I was growing and learning things along the way, but I used to come home just so tired after my cafe manager job being on my feet, running around all day. And then I would just pray. Just “Spirit, please, I want to help you show me the way.” And it was just not clear to me.
[00:20:34] And I thought it was because Oh, well, I guess I'm not good enough. When that wasn't the case. So I know that that's not everybody, but I know that there are other souls like me who just have this deep calling who know you're here to help in the awakening. So, for people who that speaks to, I'm offering a discovery call where we can figure out, work through what kind of support you need to help you to really step into your soul calling and be a light worker.
[00:21:03] And then the other thing that I created is I also started another free Facebook group that is called Awakening Lightworkers. We'll put links for these things if this is speaking to you, if this is you cause I know some of the souls that I have soul contracts with are listeners of our podcast.
[00:21:21] Anyway, this free Facebook group It's for people who are seeking community and support to step up into their soul purpose. So yeah, I'm really excited about that's the next thing for me. And just seeing, it was like the baby stages of seeing how that's all going to unfold, but it feels really fulfilling to just like how we do on this podcast to support other lightworkers on their journey.
[00:21:46] Is really, really fulfilling.
[00:21:48] Tim: Yeah, that's pretty exciting. I didn't know about all that and that's fascinating half of a year so far that you've had. And I just want to say this, okay, because you're not going to say it ever because you're too modest. But I think that if I were someone like you're saying, these people who are saying they feel called to be connected to you in some way that you're actually the perfect person for this type of thing because You're the only person that I know that has literally devoted their entire life pretty much their adult life to being of service right in this way in this particular way that you are of service and if I was going to seek out someone to mentor me in some way, it would be someone exactly like you, it would be you actually.
[00:22:34] So yeah, you fit this role perfectly and I feel like you're going to provide something really, really important to people through this. And so yeah, I just want to say that because I know you'll never say that.
[00:22:46] Tianna: Oh, that's so sweet. Yeah, I don't know.
[00:22:50] That's just how I'm wired. I just have had that strong inner calling inner push that's always guided me. And when I've listened to it and followed it, it always eventually something comes from it. So yeah, to me, that's like magical life, right? I mean, I've been doing this work for a while now, but still to this day on a regular basis, I will go to work and just feel incredibly grateful, like, Oh my gosh, how is it that I get to do this for a living? It's really fulfilling. And it makes me so happy and it's as much for me as it is for the other people. So anyway, thank you.
[00:23:27] Tim: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I mean, it's true. What you're saying is like, you are pretty lucky because I just recently, I had a session with you.
[00:23:34] So when I think about it and the other session that I had with you many years ago. Those are like highlights of my life, really. And you get to be there for other people's highlights, right? Those are the things that are really awe inspiring and really poignant for people and it's not like those are the only things that good that happen to people, but it's definitely something that people really remember.
[00:23:58] And it stands out to them because you get a lot of, well, at least I did. I got a lot of really important information when I had sessions with you. So, those are the things that you remember over the years. And that's awesome that you get to be there and do that for people. Not everybody gets to have a job.
[00:24:15] Tianna: I love the session with you. Your session was really special. Like the energy that came through. from your own higher consciousness. I was like, I want to talk to this guy all day long.
[00:24:28] Tim: Yeah, I was shocked, like, yeah. So yeah, and I can talk about that too. Do you have more you want to talk about?
[00:24:37] No,
[00:24:37] Tianna: no, I'd love I want to hear your side.
[00:24:40] Tim: Okay, I'll just Yeah, real quickly kind of go through my year so far. So your growth happens through these more spiritual, what people call spiritual events. Like you're going and having sessions and you're getting downloads and things like this. And I don't necessarily do that as often as you do.
[00:24:56] I do love doing that, but I don't do it as often. And It's kind of like the way I treat psychedelics I do them but very rarely so that when I do, it's very impactful and so Since 2024 arrived, it's been nonstop action - lots of growth, lots of challenges, of course that's how we grow here.
[00:25:17] And yeah, most of my growth comes through regular everyday life experiences. But now that I look at it through that lens, it does, I think help me, because I have a family and I have a job and all that kind of stuff. So the things that happen to me at home and at work are my opportunities for growth.
[00:25:35] And we have a 16 year old daughter and she started driving while She's gonna be 17 pretty soon, but she started driving. So, yeah, that's been a whole process of letting go, right? Because you have to trust and you have to put a lot of faith in someone else doing something that can be very dangerous.
[00:25:52] So, you have to learn how to let go. And , those really really important lessons for me because I have a hard time with letting go and Yeah, and I have a relatively new job like it's new to me because I haven't even been there two years But it's just like constant learning for me there, too And I have to let go of a lot of ego when I'm there and that's been really I think important process for me just because You
[00:26:19] At this age in my life, I needed to be reminded of how important it is to be open minded and ready to just always learn, because you never stop learning, and I think that I have this sort of attachment to like This idea of permanence. And so, cause I want things to be stable and secure and safe. So
[00:26:45] Tianna: you’re Taurean.
[00:26:46] Yeah. So, so all those, yeah,
[00:26:48] Tim: so exactly. So all those aspects of my personality want to hang on to my current situation and not be uncomfortable. I know that I'm in this job because it makes me uncomfortable almost every single day, so Yeah, it's really like going through the fire and it's because of, there are a lot of things about me that get exposed there like, just a lot of attention on Me and I don't know.
[00:27:18] It's hard to explain but I'm supposed to be someone there that I never really really thought that I could be or really wanted to be and so that's why it's pushing me to be more Accepting of myself I think and the qualities that I have And being able to share those qualities with other people freely and not feeling ashamed of just being who I am And so there that's where my growth has come and then I will talk about What we mentioned just a minute ago, which is probably one of most amazing sessions I've ever had like spiritual session because we have a lot of guests come on the podcast and I do a Lot of sessions with the people and they're always amazing like I can't even think of one that was not amazing But this one really stood out to me just because there was a whole story around it that was kind of odd.
[00:28:06] So a few weeks ago, I was cleaning out my shed and reorganizing it. And I found this box of Plumbing supplies that I had because you know I do a lot of home fix it up projects and stuff like that so I just had a bunch of Plumbing supplies that I totally forgot about and I was like, oh wow These are good to keep around so I need to know where these are I didn't even know I had them still so I packed it up and put it where I could get to it and finished organizing everything put everything away and then Tianna had sent a message out that she had a leak something leaking at her house and I was like, oh wait Let me see if no one has responded yet. Let's see if someone has responded to go help her out with that. And they hadn't so I went over there make my wife crystal and I we went over there and I looked at it and Yeah, sure enough there was the exact plumbing supplies that I needed to fix it were in that box that I had just found that day, so it was really odd.
[00:28:58] And so we made a trade. She said like, hey, I'll give you a session for fixing my leak and all that and I was like, oh sure. Yeah, why not? And
[00:29:08] Tianna: I want to just pause for a second and say also how grateful I was because this was Sunday evening. It's not like you call a plumber really or get anyone to want to respond. And it was hot out and no one wants to go. It’s hot and sticky out.
[00:29:26] No one wants to go and Yeah. So it was so nice of you guys to come over. I was so, so grateful. I was like, Oh my gosh, this water is going to be leaking and running out, you know? And so anyway, I just wanted to say yeah, who wants to come on a Sunday evening and go fix someone's plumbing for them?
[00:29:42] So I really, really appreciate it. Yeah, actually it
[00:29:44] Tim: was no problem, right? It really wasn't. I was like, yeah, if I needed that, I would hope somebody would respond to me too because I really didn't have to I was thinking like I don't have to but why would I not? I know I have probably what I need to fix whatever's happening over there. So I went and then yeah, you're right.
[00:30:01] It was way after Home Depot was closed So if we needed to buy something to fix it There's no way we could have and I just had luckily had this stuff like extra. I don't even know why.
[00:30:14] Tianna: Yeah, very
[00:30:15] Tim: weird. That was all, very unusual. And so, I got this appointment scheduled and then pretty much, like, the next week, I think I went and had it, right?
[00:30:25] Yeah,
[00:30:26] Tianna: because you wouldn't have booked the session if that hadn't happened, right? Spirit obviously orchestrated all of that. Because you're meant to come in and get these messages from your own higher consciousness, which is so beautiful. So even when I'm like, Oh, how annoying, there's an issue with my plumbing.
[00:30:45] But then when we step back, and we look at it from this higher perspective, how beautiful it is that spirit, they're all working behind the scenes for our highest good. Yeah, I just, I love that.
[00:30:57] Tim: Yeah, absolutely. And it felt like that too. When I saw the message, I was like, Oh, that's, that's kind of weird.
[00:31:03] Because I knew about that box too and I even thought like why was I even paying attention to that box because normally. So yeah, it's plumbing supplies You just put it away. But no for some reason it really stood out in my mind like oh I need to remember that I have this here And so yeah, I knew when the message came I was like, oh this must be why So yeah, so then I went to the session and you know I do day trading too, so I kind of have a lot on my plate all the time.
[00:31:30] Like, that's just how I am. I over commit to a lot of stuff. So I have a regular job as an engineer and then I have my side job, which is like trading, and then I do this podcast. And so I have a lot going on and I have family and all that. So I feel like I'm spread kind of thin sometimes. But I know it's temporary and I know it's okay.
[00:31:49] Now, I'm okay with that. I'm not like. super upset about that or anything. That's just how it is right now for me. And going into this session I had been feeling a lot of, unease and stress and just What I guess during the session they called it mental anguish and it's true I do I put myself through a lot because I’m a perfectionist like a lot of people especially who are engineers people who have that personality they like things to be a certain way and I put a tremendous amount of pressure on myself Yeah, and so that's the backdrop for going into this session basically is that I I feel like My trading could be going better Obviously you always feel like that But and my career could be different and all these things right like you just have these Thoughts in the back of your mind so I think these were some of the concerns that I came in with to the session and So, if you haven't had a QHHT session, I highly recommend it, because it can be life transforming.
[00:32:48] And the way it happens, at least with Tianna, was there was a past life that happened at the beginning. And this past life was, like, so perfect for what I'm going through right now. Everything about it was really, just I couldn't believe it when it was happening. And it was one of the more clear past lives. Because I've had several I've had several past life regressions and this one was very detailed. Like I could see a lot of details in this one and I felt a lot of feelings too. And yeah it was just like I was I won't go through what happened in it but everything that happened in that person's life was really extremely relatable to what's happening in my life right now at this moment. And Yeah, it was exactly what I needed to hear too and just see from that perspective -that all the challenges that I'm going through I have experienced in some form or another In that life and that I have options.
[00:33:42] I don't have to suffer through everything I'm suffering through. I can do things differently and I needed to know that. And Yeah, that was incredible. And then obviously later in the session, Tianna asks if my higher self can come through and of course it did. And it has this really funny attitude. It has like I don't even know how to describe it.
[00:34:05] It's kind of like a sarcastic attitude where it's like, you know the answers, but you're just intentionally making it hard on yourself Because you'd like to do that and , that was kind of funny and there was even one part where it said something that was like, borderline insulting.
[00:34:23] It was like, yeah, this is the only question that we feel like is worth answering, because I had a bunch of questions written down beforehand. And so that was kind of funny. But yeah, that You're
[00:34:32] Tianna: not the only person that that happens to. Oh, really? The questions a person brought and then when spirit comes through a lot of times it's like, “Yeah these questions really aren't that important. This isn't what you need to focus on or know.”
[00:34:45] Yeah.
[00:34:46] Tim: Yeah, that's kind of basically what it said. And that was funny. I took your advice I wrote down a lot of stuff after that and I've even listened to that session a couple times it's amazing. I get something else out of it every time I listen. So yeah Yeah, if you haven't had one before I highly highly recommend it. It was really powerful and I'll just say this the energy that came through, you were right it was so powerful. I hadn't really ever felt anything like that in my body. After the session was over I had so much energy that it lasted for days.
[00:35:21] I felt honestly like a different person for a couple of days. It was really odd. I didn't tell you this part. I haven't talked to you since then about it, but I don't know if it kind of stayed with me or something or some part of it stayed with me because I literally felt like a different person for two days after that.
[00:35:38] And the way I interacted with people was different. The things I thought were different and the things I said were different. And it's almost like I just had like another level of confidence or something. Like I was just a, I was a different person. I was like, wow, who is this? Who am I?
[00:35:55] And I know other people noticed too. And then of course, it kind of wore off. And I got really tired. Like I felt exhausted
[00:36:03] Tianna: For
[00:36:04] Tim: like a couple days after that too and now it's kind of balanced out, but it really did take about a week It took for me to feel normal again. And yeah, it was really weird.
[00:36:15] And then also you remember I lost my voice after that, too. It was like I wasn't really sick. It was just my voice was gone and I can't really describe but it was almost like energy was there or something like it was making my voice different for a while.
[00:36:33] Tianna: Hmm,
[00:36:33] Tim: and maybe it was like a healing or something Like an
[00:36:37] Tianna: energetic detox or clearing that was happening.
[00:36:39] Yeah.
[00:36:40] Tim: Yeah. So yeah, that was, for me, that's probably the highlight so far of the whole year. Cause it was really remarkable what happened. And yeah, like I said, I felt like a different person for a while. And I really like that person. I want to be that guy, you know,
[00:36:57] Tianna: that's you. That's the thing.
[00:36:59] Have you tried, because I think I asked something like that too. What I often do is like, Oh, moving forward. If Tim wants to connect with you, can he connect with you? And he said, yes, right. Yeah,
[00:37:10] Tim: you're right. I forgot it. Yeah. You did say that. Yeah. I haven't tried that.
[00:37:14] I need to try that. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:37:16] Tianna: And I mean, it makes sense again. It's like a big energetic download. So when you connect with this higher aspect like you said, at first you can be like, Ooh, I feel really great. And then it's kind of like anytime we bring this big, higher energy, then it has to clear out some lower stuff.
[00:37:30] And then there can be kind of an integration. But to consistently be him or be at that level while you're here on the planet, you have to keep drawing in his energy, calling in his energy, opening to receive his energy. Yeah, he's very confident. Like he's saying, I just loved, I don't know if you'll end up wanting to share anything from that on the podcast, but I just found it so fascinating.
[00:37:54] I'd never really thought of some of the things that he'd said, just that. Anyway. , if it's not okay, say this. Yeah. No, it's, it's okay. Go ahead.
[00:38:01] Tim: Yeah. I feel like sharing later. Yeah. No, I feel like sharing clips from the recording too. Maybe I'll do that in the editing process.
[00:38:07] Yeah.
[00:38:07] Tianna: So anyway, he was saying how across many lifetimes that you often choose to intentionally, play very small so that others can feel better about who they are.
[00:38:19] Tim: Yeah.
[00:38:20] Tianna: And I was just like, wow, like, whoa. Yeah,
[00:38:24] Tim: I remember that. Yeah. He said that when I chose to be a strong person in life, that I didn't like the feeling of Making others feel worse about themselves just with my presence.
[00:38:34] And I thought that was a really interesting comment to make because I think that I can tend to feel like that, even if it's not true, feeling like I'm intimidating or something, or I'm, in some ways, making this other person feel bad about themselves, and even though it's probably not even real.
[00:38:51] Are true.
[00:38:53] Tianna: No. Yeah.
[00:38:54] Tim: So I need to work on that.
[00:38:55] Tianna: , right. and that's what keeps a lot of light workers from stepping into their power is kind of that thing too, of thinking that somehow if you step in your power. I mean, I can relate to that too, that it's going to outshine others.
[00:39:07] And so, Oh, let me just dim my lights so that other people won't, be outshone or whatever, but it's really, no, if we shine our light more, then it's that candle that lights the other candle and it can activate someone to shine their light more instead of that it's dimming somebody else's light.
[00:39:24] Tim: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. And I'll just say, I'm not trying to be like a commercial for you or anything, but I feel like it was partially because of, , your experience with this kind of thing. It was able to happen because In that way, it's like so complete and so full because I think you've been there a lot with other people and you know how to, ask the right way or whatever it is.
[00:39:49] I don't know how that works, but yeah, because I feel like if I had gone to someone else for this type of session that it would have went in a different way,
[00:39:56] Tianna: but your higher self, and I just want to say too, your session was like top tier or something. If there's such a thing. The level of again, the answers that came through you were just really, wow.
[00:40:07] So interesting. I think I told you, you could write a channelled book. That's your higher self, the way that he would explain things and just his energy. And I mean, yeah, everybody can maybe get their answers, but the way that he would explain it and stuff like that is like super interesting high level.
[00:40:24] And he said that you were able to drop into the past life so clearly and so quickly and to connect with him so easily because of the inner work that you have been doing up to this point. Remember he said something like that.
[00:40:38] Tim: Oh, that is right. Yeah, I forgot he said that. Because that's true.
[00:40:42] I have many times asked for more of me to come into myself or my life and Yeah, I work on that. I try to do that. I try to bring my higher self in and Apparently that helps.
[00:40:56] Tianna: Yeah. Yeah. So it's always a two way street, for sure. It's what the practitioner brings to the table and it's what the client brings to the table as well.
[00:41:04] And together when that's comes together in a beautiful way synergistically then yeah, big energy can come through. I just love being an energy healer. I can feel, even though this is a hypnosis session of course, still always I can sense and feel energy so I can really feel When the person's higher self comes in and yeah, I get sort of a healing from that too I felt really high the rest of that day, too I got a lot of energy from that.
[00:41:32] I was just like, oh, that was really fun. I felt really great Yeah, the energy was big. That was like it was
[00:41:37] Tim: it was strong and I remember at the end, This is so typical of me. Like Goodbyes are always really awkward for me. Oh, like, how do we do this? And so at the end of the session, I could tell it was kind of wrapping up and I wanted it to be, Oh, some part of my mind was trying to I guess like come back into my body all the way or something or push the higher self out of the way. I don't know what it was, but it felt like there was sort of a struggle happening in my mind like a tug of war kind of thing. It's really hard to explain but it was like an energy tug of war and my arms got really stiff. And then I was like, I guess my conscious mind won because I came back and I was like, okay.
[00:42:20] And then later I kept getting this thought, like you came back too soon. You came back too soon. And then finally, when I sat down and started writing, it said, You came back too soon because I didn't get to say thank you to Tianna. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's what was happening right there at the end, is that he wasn't done. And I was pushing him out of the way, and he was about to say more, and I didn't let him, so.
[00:42:48] I had to tell you. Oh, he says, thank you. Sorry about that.
[00:42:53] Tianna: Yeah, no, that's okay. But that's really cool. Yeah. That's the other thing too, is people don't always realize that you can continue to get messages later. And a lot of times, like what you're saying is a lot of people experience that when you're writing it down and you're kind of processing it, people will get more downloads and more information.
[00:43:12] And as we were just saying before, I really want to encourage that. Yeah. It's not just when you come into my office to have the session, you have that connection to your higher self. Make a little bit of time here and there connect and like I tell a lot of my clients because like you, you're so busy, right?
[00:43:29] You're like, I don't have that time. When you lay down to go to sleep, you can call to your higher self and connect and receive energy and receive. Also it's a great time to receive downloads because then our body has all night while we're sleeping to process it. Yeah, I will
[00:43:45] Tim: say my dreams starting with that night for like the next three days.
[00:43:49] They were really vivid and Yeah, interesting I'll say they were very unusual. Yeah, so I need to actually write them down because I didn't actually write down But they're like three that I can like very vividly remember and I need to write them down
[00:44:05] Tianna: Yeah,
[00:44:06] Tim: so yeah, that, yeah, that was great. That was really incredible.
[00:44:10] Yeah. So that was the good story I have to share right now.
[00:44:13] Tianna: And so you can remember how that felt those days after you can embody and channel, you know how like the act as if, but then you're acting as if you're own higher yourself. So yeah, those days when you're like, ah, I want to feel that really confident. Just remember how that feels and get into that energetic space and kind of play that role. But that role is you.
[00:44:36] Tim: yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it was so that is so lucky to be like if you can be like that all the time that would just be incredible because I remember feeling like everything's okay because I always had this underlying, undercurrent of doom. I guess like, the world's in trouble. We're trashing our planet. We're not being good to each other. It's unfair. All these, like, undercurrent of, Oh, things aren't good.
[00:45:02] That was all gone. It was like, Everything was okay for two or three days. I was like, I didn't have that going on in the background. I didn't worry about other people. I was like, they're all fine. Everyone's good. It's not my job to worry about them anymore right now.
[00:45:18] And yeah, that was one of the really, I think amazing things about feeling that way is that I knew that things were okay. So.
[00:45:26] Tianna: Yeah, you'll get there where, I mean, I don't know. I guess I'm not sure that we can have that experience every single day of our life. Right. Certainly, the more that we embody our higher self more and more, there is that part of us that trusts and knows, everyone's okay.
[00:45:44] We're more than just this physical. We know this up here, but to like, Feel it, right? Like, oh, there's a divine plan and it's unfolding the way it needs to. And everybody's got a higher self. And everyone's got spirit guides. And we're all doing exactly what we need to do for what we came in to learn.
[00:46:01] Yeah.
[00:46:01] Tim: Yeah. Yeah, it's true. That was what happened with me. Outside of that, it's just a lot of mundaneness and working on myself and that's part of it too. Everything can't be a highlight. So, you always have to come back and you always have to do your work and that's where the real change happens, I think,
[00:46:19] Tianna: is
[00:46:19] Tim: in the everyday life.
[00:46:21] Tianna: There's a quote that was like, Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. Yeah, that's what I think about. Like you're saying, it is just in the everyday things. That's what we're here to experience and that we learn and grow through those everyday things.
[00:46:41] Like you're saying, it can't always be the big, even though I'm someone who thinks that I always want the big experience, but actually we have the big experience and then we need to process and integrate that before it's time to have another big experience. So,
[00:46:54] Tim: yeah, I think that's the important part is taking the time to really understand everything that it means to you in your life.
[00:47:01] And integrate it. Yeah, for sure. Cause if you don't have that integration piece and then you just go on to the next one, you just start to become like, what did they call it? A bliss junkie. You're just looking for that next high moment and then going on to the next without really getting what was coming from it, you know?
[00:47:19] Tianna: Yeah. I can think of some people that I know that have done so many plant medicine journeys that are like that. Right. Okay. They've done so many and it's like, how could you possibly really honor that experience and get all that it's worth if you're just doing one every weekend, right?
[00:47:37] Tim: I mean, at that point you're just getting used to it and it's just becoming normal. That's certainly.
[00:47:43] Tianna: Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. And then you're just maybe expecting instead of appreciating and honoring. And I can just think of spiritual experiences that I've had along the way that over years, you get different layers. Just like you were saying, how you listen to the recording and you hear something different, they're really like that.
[00:48:01] These experiences where you'll get another layer of understanding and you can go deeper and deeper. A lot of times, but it's like across time and experience, we need to grow. And then go back and revisit it again, because now at this other level of awareness, we will understand it in a deeper way.
[00:48:20] And so people who aren't making time for that, that's like they're missing out on all that experience has to offer them.
[00:48:27] Tim: Yeah, absolutely. It's kind of the point of it, so that you can take it back and know what value you got from it for sure
[00:48:35] Tianna: Actually the past life regression- that's kind of what that is because at the end of each life We review it the way that we do at the end, in a past life regression And we look as a soul like what did I learn and I what qualities?
[00:48:47] Did I develop within myself and what would I do different what do I want to do next time We've already done that for those past lives. So why do we go back now and revisit if we've already processed it then? Because we've grown and evolved a lot since that time. And so there's value in the you that you are now and the awareness that you have now to go back to that earlier version of you.
[00:49:10] And there are gifts and lessons and awareness to regain that weren't gleaned at that time because we weren't ready. And so that happens across lifetimes and that happens within this lifetime.
[00:49:23] Tim: Yep, absolutely. I would ask you more questions, but I think we're already at time and then we Yeah, yeah.
[00:49:29] We have another call later tonight, so. I
[00:49:32] Tianna: know, we have our cosmic mastermind, right? Yeah, well, it'll be fun. So we're kind of at the midpoint of this year. Who knows what the second half of the year has in store? So just imagine. I like to play this game when I go on a big trip somewhere and I'm heading and flying out. And I'm like, gosh, cause I would go on this month long trip around internationally.
[00:49:53] And I'd be thinking, how am I going to feel on the flight back? Who will I have met? Where will I have been? What experiences will I have had? It's fun to play that at the beginning and already think like that. And then on the other side of it, it's fun to look back and be like, Oh, wow, I had no idea.
[00:50:12] Tim: Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I'm going to do that. Yeah, I am looking forward to the second half of this year. It's already been so exciting. It's probably going to be just as much on the second half so
[00:50:23] Tianna: yeah, and according to astrology the next few years are gonna keep speeding up and becoming more. There's a lot of big big, exciting things happening.
[00:50:32] So,
[00:50:34] Tim: yeah,
[00:50:35] Tianna: buckle up.
[00:50:39] Tim: All right. Well, do you want to mention the thing one more time with the new Facebook group and Oh yeah,
[00:50:44] Tianna: yeah, yeah. Well, I'll put links to the new Facebook group , for lightworkers who are wanting community and support called Awakening Lightworkers.
[00:50:53] And also a link, if you feel like you're someone who's really wanting some support in unlocking your soul purpose and moving beyond what's limiting you, I'll put a link for the discovery call if you want to book that.
[00:51:06] Tim: Thanks. Great. Alright, well, have a good evening, and I will see you in a little while.
[00:51:17] Tianna: Yeah, see you very shortly. I want to get a bite to eat before then. Okay.
[00:51:20] Tim: Okay.
[00:51:21] Tianna: Bye for now. Bye.