S5 Ep. 14: The Crystal Stair Chamber with Taylor Hatch


Taylor Hatch, Owner/Operator of the Crystal Stair Chamber


What the heck is a Crystal Stair Chamber? In this episode’s discussion with Taylor Hatch, you’ll learn about this advanced, almost futuristic type of healing chamber and how it's helping to bring Light to the planet.

Highlights from our conversation:

  • How do we navigate all the emotional clearing in these times?

  • What is the Crystal Stair Chamber and how does it work?

  • What are Tachyons?

  • How does Tachyon energy heal people and living things?

  • Who is Cobra?

  • Does this technology come from the Pleiadians?

  • What is the Pleiadian Resistance Group and what is their role with Earth?

  • How did Taylor get involved with Tachyon Chambers?

  • What are some of the experiences people have with the Crystal Stair chamber?

  • What effect does a Tachyon Chamber have on the area where it’s located?

  • Tim shares the really cool experience he had in the chamber.

  • What does Taylor believe is the next stage of the Shift?

  • What’s the best way to prepare for the Collective Unraveling that is happening now?

  • How does Taylor envision Ascension will occur on Earth?

  • What type of starseed is Taylor?

Taylor Hatch is the Owner/Operator of The Crystal Stair Chamber, a donation based healing facility in Austin TX. A life-long facilitator of ideas and methods of alternative health and ways of BEing, Taylor awakened to being a Starseed in the late 1980's and has been sharing his Galactic Point of View ever since. As an old-soul, Taylor has worn many hats in this life. A professional photographer, graphic artist, Mixed medium painter, Real Estate Investor and Realtor at times but consistently has held The Sword of Truth and openly shares his magnanimous heart with anyone with a warm smile. For more information on the Crystal Stair Chamber or to book a session, visit CrystalStairChamber.org.

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