Ann Perry Numerologist

S6 Ep. 7: Numerology with Ann Perry


Ann Perry, Numerologist


Do you want to decode your soul’s destiny? Look no further than your date of birth and full birthname! This week’s guest, Ann Perry, Numerologist, teaches people how to “speak numbers.” She explains how to unlock the key elements of our life path, talents, lessons and more using the powerful tool of Numerology.


  • How Ann’s reflection of her journey to a “dark place” led her to really appreciate the value of numerology.

  • What does the Life Path number tell us?

  • What are the different theories surrounding the Life Path calculation and which does Ann use?

  • What indicates the sub-lessons we came to learn?

  • Does your Life Path number indicate karmic debt you’re paying off in this incarnation?

  • Ann goes over what each number represents.

  • What’s a Master Number, and why does she specialize in them?

  • How can we use numerology to determine the lessons we’ve chosen to focus on in this life?

  • What does the Expression number tell us? How is it determined?

  • How do we calculate our Personal Year and how can that information help us?

  • Ann guides us through the cyclical journey of the Personal Years.

  • How do you decode repeating numbers? Check out Sacred Scribes Joanne Walmsley

  • Is karmic debt punishment? How do we know karmic debt is paid off?

  • What happens in a session with Ann?

Ann Perry has known that she is spiritual by nature and that her life's work would be related to spirituality, but her true awakening happened in June 1998.

She began to study Reiki and soon became a Reiki Master Teacher. Ann was eager to learn more about her clients so she began to explore Numerology as a natural aid to helping her recognize why some people choose to heal while others don't. She is a Certified Soul Coach practitioner, Hypnotherapist and has been teaching courses related to spiritual growth and energy healing for 21 years. Learn more about Numerology, Ann’s services and online courses at Watch and learn through Ann’s videos on YouTube.

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