S9 Ep. 3: Unlocking the Wisdom of Animals with Nick Musica


Animal Communicator and Intuition Coach, Nick Musica


This week we explore the mystical world of animal communication with Nick Musica. Nick shares his unique journey of discovering his ability to communicate with animals—an ability that was revealed to him through an unexpected encounter with a psychic medium.

Through personal stories & deep insights, Nick explains how animals serve as guides, teachers & mirrors for our own spiritual evolution. Whether you’ve ever felt a special connection with an animal or are simply curious about the unseen ways they impact our lives, this conversation will challenge what you thought you knew about the human-animal connection.

Highlights of this episode include:

  • ✨ How Nick’s late cat, Henry, led him to unlock his intuitive gifts.

  • 🪞The surprising way animals reflect their human’s emotions and life challenges, revealing deeper truths.

  • 🌌 Do animals have soul contracts with us before they enter our lives?

  • 🐕 What’s the difference between communicating with an animal’s personality vs. its higher self?

  • 🔮 Nick’s perspective on intuition, energy work, and opening the “channel” to deeper spiritual wisdom.

  • 🐾 What role did Nick’s cat, Chucky, play in his animal communicator journey?

  • 🐶 Can an animal be inhabited by more than one soul?

  • ❓What are Nick’s “three C’s” for opening up intuition?

NICK MUSICA is a plant medicine enthusiast & psychic animal communicator. He had his first psychic and psychedelic experiences in his early 20s. Now he gives animal communication readings and helps people develop their own intuition. Learn more at https://mycatschooledme.com/ You can also follow him on @mycatschooledme on Instagram

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner & Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression & QHHT. https://www.awakeningtransformation.com. She helps Lightworkers step into their Soul Destiny through her spiritual mentorship program, Unlock Your Soul Destiny. 💖 Her book “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey & accelerate growth: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Transformation-Beginners-Becoming-Higher/dp/1737705303

NICOLE PARISH is a a gifted International Psychic and Medium. She offers both in-person & zoom readings, connecting clients with their spirit guides, helpers, and departed loved ones, as well as entity & attachment releasing and home clearings. Check out her Intuitive Development, group readings & other events. https://www.nicoleparish.com/

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[00:00:00] Tianna: Welcome, Nick. I guess the best place to start is, how the

heck did you start talking to animals?

[00:00:09] Nick: , yeah, so , it was about two years ago my wife and I went to

this psychic fair here in Carlsbad and, we walked around the show floor, we

didn't see anyone that we really gravitated towards.

[00:00:18] And then we approached the floor from the opposite direction, right

in front of us was the sign that said psychic medium, Adelita. And, never been

to a psychic medium before, psychics, yes, but psychic mediums, I was just like,

eh, that's just not really my thing. And, I looked at my wife and I said, Hey,

Joel, what do you think of her?

[00:00:33] I just thought for whatever reason, she would be good for my wife.

And my wife said, , that sounds great, but why don't you go first? So I sat down,

, sort of like, I'll go and then Julieta will go. I really didn't give it much thought

other than I'm doing this because My wife said, why don't you go first?

[00:00:47] So I did. Adelita started by drawing his heart. She starts the session

by drawing the heart And she says it's either a former romantic relationship or

it's an animal and she circles animal she says the message is you did too much

and immediately i'm just Bucket of tears.

[00:01:01] , the reason why is because the last two years of my cat, Henry's life

was going back and forth to the vet. He was 22 when he passed. And so the

summary. Statement of you did too much was right on right? So it was Henry

coming through. Now I'm very quickly coming up to speed of Oh, this is what's


[00:01:18] I'm having this conversation with my cat through this woman, and I

sort of didn't think would be a thing. I didn't really think anything of it. Other

than I would sit down before my wife did, right? And so I'm playing this

emotional and, , mental catch up to what's happening right now.

[00:01:30] And, as I'm coming to terms with what's going on, she's continuing

doing her thing. And she says, they're now showing me Dr. Doolittle. They're

showing me that you can talk to animals and it's going to be easy for you. And I

mean, there was a few thoughts and emotions going through my brain and body

at that point.

[00:01:45] But, I thought, yeah, that's true. That's a hundred percent true. And I

have no reason why no reason to think that's a thing, but , it landed in such away where we go, you know, that's true for me. And so I go home and I do my

typical meditation that I've been doing off and on for years.

[00:02:00] And I figured, well, I'll just try to find my cat. I'll just try to find my

living cat, Chucky. , I drop into my meditation and I see this. bright light and

the first thing I see is this big bright light the type you would associate with like

spirit guides or angels or some high level being.

[00:02:14] And I think, absolutely not, , my cat craps in a box, sometimes on

the floor, he is not, a higher level being, that's not what's happening here, right,

so, It's not working, clearly, and I call her, this is not working, , never mind

being easy, it's just not working. And she gave me some guidance, one piece

being, you just need to be the channel, you just open up to being the channel,

what you get is what you get.

[00:02:35] All right. So I decided to give it a second shot and I buy these animal

communication books. You'd be super surprised how many there are you can

actually buy. And I get a couple animal communication set up because I'm

trying to learn anything about how this works, how, what it looks like, anything

I can understand.

[00:02:50] And as I'm about to go to one of those animal communication

sessions that I set up for myself, on zoom, just like this, I get up from the dining

room table and I get this flash. I get this flash of, , if you ever seen the movie

return of the Jedi, at the end of the movie, there's a scene of the ghosts of the

force ghosts, right?

[00:03:08] There's Obi Wan, there's Yoda, and I see Obi Wan and Yoda. And I

know that I'm being shown something chucky. And I also realized that there's a

student teacher relationship here. That I'm being shown. And I'm not the teacher

here. In this scenario, right? And now , I'm going, so what was the deal with that

light that I just easily dismissed?

[00:03:26] Well, that was the introduction, which made that return of the Jedi

snippet. And the context of that made more sense. So I sit down with , the

animal communicator and she starts the session by confirming who we're there

to talk about. And the first thing out of her mouth was, do you know who he is

to you?

[00:03:41] I was like, yeah, he just showed me. And so now we're talking about

what that means and what it could look like moving forward. So that's how it

started for me.[00:03:50] Tianna: Wow. That's really powerful.

[00:03:53] Nicole: So I'm a psychic medium and I love hearing people's stories

of how they were aware of, or became aware of their abilities and also what

they're being shown and guided to.

[00:04:05] And I have a question when you said, reached out to the woman,

reached out back to her and said, I tried to connect with Chucky is a little

messy, little fumbly. What do I do? And she said, just be the channel. What

does that actually look like to you being the channel? Yeah.

[00:04:21] Nick: Yeah. So I'll back up to before 2017.

[00:04:23] So there, there was this little thing that happened for years since I

was 20. I would live snippets of my dreams and I didn't really understand what

it was. , and , I mean, it's adorable to talk about it now 'cause like that was the

weird thing that happened, right? and so it would be something like this.

[00:04:35] It would be like driving on a random corner, seeing a random person

in a random city. And then a day, a week, a month, whenever it is later, you

drive by that corner with that person over there in that city and you go , this isn't

deja vu, these are not lucid dreams, I've done this before, literally, you feel like

you've done this before, right?

[00:04:55] So that would happen every once in a while. And, I only learned,

you know, someone recently that they're called clairvoyant dreams. And , when

I heard the definition, I thought that is what it is. It took me years to figure out

that there was a label that this was a thing, right? But that was the weird thing

that showed up for a long time.

[00:05:10] So in 2017, I got introduced to , plant medicine and Met someone

who would become a spiritual teacher for me. And that was the thing that I was

trying to figure out. Like, what is this thing? Because everyone I talked to , they

said, lucid dreams, or they said, deja vu.

[00:05:26] And it was just a hard no. And when I went to him, it was a very

unsatisfying answer, but it opened up this pathway. And his response was, it

sounds like something's tapping you on the shoulder. And I was like, what a

terrible, terrible answer that is, because it doesn't wrap up in this nice little neat

bow.[00:05:43] And then , you get to shelve it or open it. I don't know. , but it was

very unsatisfying, but relative to the other answers that I was given, the

responses I was giving, it was the only one that had anything to work with. So I

ended up working with her for a long time.

[00:05:55] , we're colleagues, we're friends. I mean, the relationship has grown

into a couple of different things. But. I started to do meditation, very differently

with his help. I mean, I read about it, I did it on my own, did it with other folks,

but working with him, things started to change.

[00:06:11] I started to see things and hear things and feel things. And, at first it

was sort of interesting and fun and unique and then it started to become a little

more frequent. And then I thought, I'm sort of losing my shit. Like, I think ,

that's a possibility here. Cause when you go from those things not being a thing

and then it being a thing, your world starts to change.

[00:06:31] And there's not really, I mean, there is today there's more people you

can talk to today, but just speaking for myself, how do you, who do you have

that conversation with? Because even , the clairvoyant dream conversation fell

flat frequently. And people would sort of just look at me like I had two heads.

[00:06:45] So like, you really don't want to talk about it. So for about nine

months, I was sitting there going, am I losing my shit? , I'm not quite sure

everything else in my life is fine., I have a wife, , we are married, we're not

going down a rocky road. I have a job, I wake up for it a regular time and I

function while I'm there, like all the other things about, living a normal life and

being a functioning human being.

[00:07:06] We're all on track. But this one thing was just, it felt really weird. So

I sort of just sat myself down one day and I said, well, , it doesn't matter which

path you choose. You can say all these things were. Made up. It doesn't matter. ,

and just go along your normal life, or you can go, you can't ignore these things.

[00:07:21] It all happened. , and now what do you do with it? I chose the latter.

And so when she said, open up the channel, I said. Implicitly to myself, okay, so

it's going to just be in the context of this of the animals, but those things. , I like

to put things in nice neat boxes and that's just not how this works, right?

[00:07:36] So I just put everything into this neat little package, which made

everything that could have come through that little package, potentially really

clear and also blinding out everything else. Right. So it'd be open to all thethings meant just get rid of that package and then. You get a bunch of very

interesting things.

[00:07:54] I would have never had a lot of the experiences that I had, had

everything fit into a nice little box that had a label and description on it.

[00:08:02] Tianna: , I'm so curious about your cat being like a teacher or guide.

, we had one other, animal communicator on the podcast before.

[00:08:12] that didn't bring in that concept. So this concept is really interesting,

rich for me to want to explore as far as like, Hmm, I wonder, how often does

that happen? Right? I'm wondering, do you feel that that was the contract

coming into this life that you and your cat soul came into, Do that specifically in

this lifetime.

[00:08:33] Nick: Sure. Sure. I'll answer for myself and I'll answer for how it.

Typically shows up for me when I'm chatting with folks. So I was told that he

took me on as the assignment to help open me up. , there's a lot of things you

hear and read or whatever it may be.

[00:08:47] And you go, Oh, that's interesting. Theoretically. And then it starts to

happen. Then you go, Oh shit. That's what it looks like. Oh, got it. Okay. Well,

that makes a lot of sense now, right? You know, what's the phrase in theory,

theory and practice are the same thing in practice. They're very different things,


[00:09:03] So when you have the experiences, it takes on a totally new

meaning. , when she said, you'll talk to animals and be easy for you as much as I

said, or I thought, absolutely, that sounds true. I had no idea how it would show

up. No clue. Right. And so what typically happens for me when I'm talking with

folks and I have talked to holistic vets who have worked with people like myself

and they get very clear medical information and that's not what shows up for


[00:09:28] At all, so, , typically someone will come to me with a 3d problem

and the conversation very quickly turns into. So Nicole, tell me about X, Y, and

Z, right? So here's how that happened with one young lady who showed up. It

was about her chihuahua who was biting people. , I asked people for three

questions along with their first name, last name, like really basic information.

[00:09:47] , give me three questions. I promise to ask. I can't make any

guarantees that they'll get answered. Right. And so, her questions were. Amongothers, can you please have the dog stop biting people or can you tell him to

stop biting people? Sure, it's not how it works, but okay. And so I find the little

chihuahua and I hear, you need to ask her about her job and, I respond with

well, why am I doing that?

[00:10:10] And the little dog said, well, because that's what has to change. We

get on the line and she says, did you talk to my dog? Did you tell him stop

biting people? Well, well, what'd you talk about? Well, what do you do for a

living? I'm unemployed. You're not unemployed. How are you making money?

Well, I'm a private driver, Ubers and limousines.

[00:10:31] Okay. Well, how's that working out for you? Well, I have spinal

issues. So about an hour or two of driving around in the chair, in the car, my

back is all busted up. My doctor tells me I shouldn't even be doing that. Okay.

And she's also, we'll go with not a very happy person when she showed up.

Right. So there's a bunch of negative emotions around it.

[00:10:51] And while we didn't have time to go into the eight years of her job

history aka, the eight years of her dog biting people, right. What was very clear

was, well, let's talk about mirroring and modeling behavior. I mean, sometimes

the animals show up and they show us things, and sometimes it's modeling

behavior, like my little boy cat, every night he's looking to play because I don't

have a great relationship with this computer.

[00:11:14] I would grind way too long, and so he breaks me out of that, you

know, it shows me the importance of play. so that's the modeling behavior. In

her case, it was mirroring behavior around, you're mad, I'm mad. Let's be mad

together. I'm going to bite ankles, right? And so that's the type of thing that

typically shows up is this perceived 3D problem, but it really relates.

[00:11:34] To the human and it's in service , of the human. I mean, the animals

coming down saying, here are the things that I feel are important that you

should be talking about. And sometimes I'm talking to the personality.

Sometimes I'm talking to the higher self of the animal. And those are different


[00:11:50] It's different information, but it's always in service of right. And

every once in a while I'll feel something in the body, but that's not a typical.

Good thing for me.

[00:11:58] Tianna: I know it's different for everyone. I'm sure Nicole has some

questions about this, as far as like. Knowing when you're talking to the animal'spersonality or knowing when you're talking to the animal's higher self how is it

for you?

[00:12:11] How do you know?

[00:12:12] Nick: Yeah, they say very, , 3D centric things so for example, there

was another chihuahua I was talking to. And it was being very expressive about

the situation and my internal dialogue, I thought, wow, chihuahuas are so

expressive. And I just thought that in response and her response was, yeah, but

I'm pretty.

[00:12:36] Right. So those types of things, you go, okay, that's the personality

check that box. Now I know who I'm talking to right now. You know where, , a

gentleman came to me and. I think it was a cat who passed and then he started

talking about. I forgot who started the conversation around the hummingbirds,

but it was like, you see things that are reminders of the relationship you have

with him.

[00:12:56] He's gone. And I heard, like, this is the last dissent. I said, so he's

gone, he's moved on to do whatever he has to do. But there's reminders of the

relationship you have. And I think that's when he volunteered. Yeah, yeah. The

hummingbirds and the things. And , I thought that's what it was, but

[00:13:12] it's sort of the same thing, like it's right in front of you, but without

expressing it with someone who doesn't dismiss it and can talk the same

language, you don't really feel the validation and for a lot of folks, it really is

feel the validation or feel it's not in alignment with you.

[00:13:27] Like for me, it doesn't matter. I'm just telling you what I'm hearing

and what I'm seeing and what's coming through and you get to contextualize it

as much or as little as you want to.

[00:13:36] Nicole: So I know with psychics and intuitives, they have their

specialties, like my specialty is connecting the spirit guides.

[00:13:44] It's also medical intuition. It's also clearing entities from people in

spaces. Those are my three specialties. Communicating with animals. Not my

specialty and the animal will come in if the animal comes in, then I connect

with it pretty easily. But if someone says, I want to talk with my dog that has

crossed over that, I do certain, exercises to open myself up more to connect with

that animal where you have the opposite thing.[00:14:10] Animals are your thing. And I love that. If someone comes

specifically to talk with their dear pet that has crossed over, I might send them

to you. I can connect with their pet. But this is your thing. So I'm wondering if

also do you connect with angels, loved ones who've crossed over as in human

form go into other lifetimes?

[00:14:33] Do you do some of that as well? , or the main focus is pets, which is

enough all on its own. But I'm curious the fullness of your service services.


[00:14:42] Nick: Yeah. Yeah. Fascinating. Yeah. And so, for a while, no. , and

also not typical, but I would say this, it goes back to, let's go back to Chuckie

and the bright light, like if that bright light wants to bring in something else,

then that bright light will do that.

[00:14:58] Then I sort of. figure it out. So there were two cases where, and the

first one was really hard to navigate. It was the first time that type of thing

showed up for me. I think it was like a Wednesday morning and it's like six

o'clock in the morning and you're in that state.

[00:15:10] And that's where I typically remember things coming out of dream

state. Right. And there was this very clear, impression of a woman coming

through and, she was in the hospital, non responsive. And there was this

communication about I'm sorry, and , it was very uncomfortable for me.

[00:15:25] And I was like, I don't know what's going on right now. What's

happening right here. I said, you know, I'm not feeling entirely comfortable with

this right now. I would prefer this to not , be a thing. And then I tried to find her

and I couldn't find her.

[00:15:36] The timing was all wrong, but , I can't really say how all the things

line up from a time perspective, right? That was probably the lesson there for

me is there's a timeline in your world. Also, it doesn't work like you experience

it to work, right? I thought, well, who's going to show up on Friday at some

folks on Friday?

[00:15:53] Showing up for animal readings and I figured why'd asked them if

they had someone they knew who was nonresponsive in the hospital there was a

young lady who showed up and I said, you know, I'm asking everyone this

today and She was the last one and I thought like it'll just be another no I'll close

out and we're done for the day, right and she goes Well, as a matter of fact my

sister's in the hospital not responsive.[00:16:14] She tried to Kill herself , yesterday, Thursday, not being Wednesday,

the day that I woke up from the dream, right? So pre event, right? So it's a little,

like that didn't make sense to my human brain. Also, who cares about the human

brain in these cases, right? Be open to the channel. You get what you get, right?

[00:16:29] And, I said, so you have a dog, right? And does she have any dogs?

She does. She has a couple of dogs. And do those dogs know each other? Yeah,

they've met before. All right. So there's the connection. And then afterwards,

like I did my meditation, I said, , we had a deal. It was animals. I'm

communicating with animals and the response I got was right.

[00:16:51] Animals got it. Okay. So however it comes through because of the

animal says it's okay, then it comes through, there was a young lady I talked to a

few months ago who, she tells people she talks , to angels and I got on the line

with her and,

[00:17:07] it was sort of like this. It said, I don't know if you want this recorded

because you talk to beings, not just angels. And she goes, yeah, I do. But I only

knew she talked to angels. That was my perception. And so look, I don't know

how you brand yourself. I don't know what information you tell people.

[00:17:22] Right. So I said, , if it works, , if you want to record it, let's record it.

But to tell you what I heard before we get there. , and then we could just do it

over again. It's fine. I said, so I talked to your cat and. Then your cat brought in

the past cat, the cat that left the planet and they were in this doorframe and they

wouldn't move.

[00:17:38] And so I said to them, someone has to move forward , so I can have

the conversation with one of you, you choose, it's okay. And what I heard was,

but we're the same thing. And I told her this, and she goes, Oh, that's great.

Okay. We're going to record this. And I go, I'm excited. Actually, she's excited.

[00:17:53] Right. But I have no idea what's going on right now. And it turns out

that the cat who passed and the cat who's still on the planet shared the same

body. And I've heard about this and I've read about it again, going back to that

theory and practice thing, right? and she goes, Oh, this is what's happening.

[00:18:06] So she was sort of counseling me as I'm telling her what I saw, right?

This is what's happening. , they share the same body and there's a little bit of

different personality , when the dead one comes through and takes over the

body. , and then that's gone and that's the contract that they have.[00:18:17] That's the agreement. Okay. And then I told her, I saw this, the best

way I can describe it, it's like an oversized black bowling pin it just sort of sat in

my lab and she goes, Oh, , that was the cat that you're talking about. No, no, no.

It said apparition. I heard apparition and she said, Oh, that's the ghost that lives

in my house.

[00:18:34] Oh, okay. I said, it doesn't have any , personal space boundaries, like

no clear boundaries. Does it? Cause it was like literally in my lap. It's like

literally in my face. And she goes, no, no, no. I saw it getting out of my body

one morning, sort of like when I was talking about 6 AM, right?

[00:18:49] Like she sees it coming out of her body. Oh, okay. , I could imagine

how this, okay. Thing that I spent some time with would do something like that.

I mean, , it didn't feel nefarious, but it certainly wasn't a good time spending

time with it. , I wouldn't say. And then the third thing that showed up for her


[00:19:03] And it was a little hard to explain, but I'm telling her this. I said,

have you ever been to San Francisco? Uh huh. You know, when the fog rolls in,

it doesn't feel like weather, it feels like there's something coming at you. Right. I

said, that's sort of how it felt. And then as I'm seeing this cloud coming through

that had these sparkles in it.

[00:19:21] And it's like these glimmers of glitter or something. It was strange.

Well, what color was it? It was white. And , what about the sparkles glitter?

And she goes, Oh, Oh, well, that's the alien. That's been coming to see me since

I was a little girl. Oh, okay. And so after talking with her, I sat on the couch for

about two hours, just not doing anything, just staring at the space.

[00:19:43] I can't say the rest of the interview was a good one. I was so thrown

off by just the information and just the realization of the bowling pin and the

alien and, the ghost didn't really say anything. It didn't want to say anything. It

just wanted to sort of like.

[00:19:58] Be there and be recognized. And I don't really understand , what it

was all about. , but the alien, , I had a little bit of trouble connecting with the

alien to the point at the end before the alien ejected, it literally told me to go get

a tutor,

[00:20:13] which was hilarious.[00:20:18] Tianna: I want to go back to the two. Cats in the same body. I wasn't

sure if I understood that right. I mean, one soul normally stays in that cat body.

And the other one would just utilize that to come visit? Or was it that they are

both concurrently sharing a body?

[00:20:37] I wasn't clear.

[00:20:38] Nick: Yeah, I couldn't give you the list of exactly how the rules

work, but my understanding is one, the cat that's passed off planet will come in

and spend time in the body and run around like it's the living cat, right? the soul

that currently resides in that body goes.

[00:20:54] That I don't understand.

[00:20:55] Tianna: That makes sense. I mean, because a lot of times people

feel like that with their loved ones too, right? , like a human loved one passed,

and then sometimes they feel like, , that soul comes through an animal visitor.

Or messenger. , it's mind boggling.

[00:21:09] There's so many possibilities of things. , as you're sharing with this

story, the more we go along, there's like, Oh, I didn't even think of that. Cause

with humans, there's walk ins where one soul decides that I'm going to leave,

but instead of having my body die, another soul decides it wants to.

[00:21:26] So I was like, Oh, maybe that's happening with animals too. I don't

know. It's really fascinating. All of the possibilities out there.

[00:21:34] Nicole: That's what I thought as well about the walk in recently. I

had a client and I didn't want to say it to them because I wasn't sure because I've

heard of walk ins, but I haven't consciously worked with a walk in before and I

saw during the session that she had a serious maturity.

[00:21:51] Thanks, guys. I had a car accident and I saw her spirit leave and

another spirit come in. And so in case I'm wrong, cause this is my Nicole

perspective and it can be off or it could be just full on wrong or I miss reading

it. I don't want to plant an idea inside someone if that's not actually true.

[00:22:11] And so I asked several questions about it. And then. I'm leading

towards the walk in area, but I'm not saying it. And then she goes, can you just

tell me if I'm a walk in? Because I think I'm a walk in and I was like, okay. And,

but I never thought of it with animals before. So thank you, Nick for saying, I

think there are different kinds of walk ins as well.[00:22:30] So the kind that you're saying is, unique as well.

[00:22:33] Nick: Yeah, the visitor of sorts. Yeah.

[00:22:35] Nicole: Yeah. And so I have a question. What does your session

look like? Like I have my container for my sessions. Tianna has her container. I

heard you say that they sent three questions and connect before you actually talk

with them.

[00:22:48] What is the session look like from beginning to end?

[00:22:50] Nick: Yeah, so I asked folks to fill out a form. First name, last name,

who's the animal you want to talk to, what's the name, age,, give me three

questions, breed, type of animal, really basic things. I wasn't asking for pictures

at first, and then someone said, you should ask for pictures.

[00:23:06] I think it'll work for you. And I enjoy seeing the pictures, but I don't

know how much they really actually make things different. With one exception

of, looking at the picture of the animal, everything in the picture started to

move., and so that gave me different context around, Oh, this, this animal is a

little trippy.

[00:23:21] This animal brings some mojo to your life is what I'm picking up

here. Right? So a little bit like Chucky, maybe not the same thing, but there's

some aspect that there's this very energetic aspect of this animal. At least in that

case, so that the picture in that case really helped out understanding what that

was because it was literally moving.

[00:23:40] And so I'll get in line with folks and before we started, we did a

quick little meditation. We'll do a little drop in, open up the space and I connect

with the animal actually beforehand. My take on it is I try to be a translator as

best as possible. Here's what I saw.

[00:23:54] Here's what it is. Here's what I saw. This is what they showed me.

Which makes it very strange when you say very oddball things and you have no

idea where it's coming from, if it will land. , and I'm lucky. I don't know if that's

the right word to use, but. Most of the things that I say they go.

[00:24:12] Oh, yeah. Well, that's that's this. Yeah. Okay. Okay, great. Like I

was talking to one lady and She had a great relationship with their dog So there

wasn't a lot to really talk about and she was just a happy person things weregoing well Like there wasn't much to work on And so the dog was just like

literally give me a laundry list of things.

[00:24:29] They she liked to do with her human And and it could have been

really good guesses Right. It could have been really good guesses of, you know,

it sounded something like this, , you have a fence in the back of your yard. You

guys spend time out there. We do your dog likes to do that. Your dog likes to

run around.

[00:24:43] It's not very good at doing it. I get that impression. No, you typically

doesn't come in first, but yeah, likes to run around. Okay. And then I pause and

she's worked with psychics in the past before. And she goes, what? Just say it.

And I go, okay, I'll just say it. And I go, popcorn. And she goes, no, I don't eat


[00:24:59] Okay, didn't land. And then I said, wheel of fortune. And there's

silence. And then she starts dying laughing. And she says, we watch it every

night together. And as a matter of fact, a couple weeks ago, I did have some

popcorn. I bet she had some. Right? So I'm just giving exactly what I get. And

sometimes there's things we should be talking about, right?

[00:25:21] Like the young lady With the job that she hated when we were

chatting like this, I saw this vase with roses. And I said, what do you do with

vases? He said, well, I paint them and I give them to people. Okay, well let's

talk about why this is showing up because this other thing over here is really not

jazzing you up to the point of causing you physical pain.

[00:25:36] And this other thing over here, and you could be making a dollar, a

million dollars. I have no idea how much you're making on it, but you're doing

this for a living, not that. , this is doing something for you. And so this is

certainly not a career, \ coaching session, but these two things are showing up in

contrast and they're showing up in contrast for a reason.

[00:25:54] So , let's talk about more of the things that really excites you and that

you like to spend time with and you give them away. So you're providing a

service for someone. And so that's typically the format that, that shows up.

[00:26:03] Tianna: I'm curious in terms of different types of animals, if their

consciousness feels different, you know, you talked about the personality and

the higher self. And I'm wondering, I don't know whether it's the personality or

the higher self of a cat versus a dog versus a hamster or something.[00:26:18] Nick: Yeah, over time.

[00:26:20] How I see the animal when it shows up has changed. Like dogs, they

sort of show up in like in a yard and they run up to me. cats are sort of stealthy.

Like all of a sudden I'm like, Oh, you're right there. Got it. Okay. you feel them

and then you're like, where are you?

[00:26:32] And then, Oh, . You're right over here. so from a breed perspective,

there's some consistency there. From an energetic perspective, dolphins are off

the charts. Dolphins are amazing. Horses have their own thing going on. I mean,

like, dolphins are so strong with their energetic signal.

[00:26:48] Horses have this very healing aspect of them. cats and dogs. For me,

at least, not a big difference. The difference is really in the individual animal

and , how it wants to show up. And sometimes it is that higher self and

sometimes it's that personality. But like I said, either way, they're trying to point

you in a direction that it thinks you should go in.

[00:27:07] Tianna: Have they talked to you much about , their experience on

the other side? I'm always curious to hear different perspectives about, when an

animal crosses over, what happens or what's the story like on the other side for


[00:27:19] Nick: the only thing that they have shared with me is, It's the same

thing in two different ways. It's not over like that. There's this perception of

over, right? Death is the end of things. Well, I mean, between plant medicine

and meditation and the animals. No, that is certainly not my perception, not

even a little, , I'm scared to death in one aspect and it's not death itself.

[00:27:42] It's what am I going to or not accomplish before that happens?

Right? That's the thing that's terrifying to me. , not the actual end. That's not the

end. That's going back to where we were not leaving where we are. Maybe one

way to phrase it, so the animals are really clear around, like, this is think about

it's like a stop on a train line stops over.

[00:28:00] I'm off. I'm on the train again. Right? And maybe I'm available. Or

maybe I'm not and there's other things to do over there once you leave here, just

like, knocks on your door and you're not home. They're not home. Okay. Well,

they may be home tomorrow , or maybe they moved.[00:28:11] We don't know. But the best way to think about it, I think, is this is a

temporary stop on a train line and we're here for some period of time. And then

after that, we get back on the ride. We go someplace else.

[00:28:20] Nicole: And you just said that sometimes you have some fear come

up over, am I going to be able to accomplish what I want to accomplish or what

I meant to accomplish in this world?

[00:28:28] I remember I went through a phase of that and then I had one of my

guides said to me, think about all your lives together. So if you think about just

one life, you're only going to get so much done. But if you think of all of your

lives on earth, and then if you expand it out, all of your existence, you're going

to get it done.

[00:28:46] And So that just was calming for me. I have a question about your

wife. Your wife married this lovely human. You were doing X job, going to

work every day, doing all the things, had this lovely relationship with your

animals, just like she did. And voila, you saw a psychic and things have

changed. And now people are asking you questions and all sorts of stuff.

[00:29:11] So how is this for her?

[00:29:12] Nick: Yeah, I mean, I'll speak for both of us, and then we can

differentiate a little bit, right? I mean, it's weird, right? , you start saying things

that sound very, very strange. But. Going back to me, so , it was compelling to

say the things, to dive into the work, it was painful not to move into it, and I

didn't know how to really move forward with it, and it was painful not to, so I

found a way to do that, and way better than, but there was an adjustment for

both of us around what I'm saying, and how I'm saying it, and who I'm saying it

to, And I think for both of us, things changed, last April when, , I went up to

Santa Barbara to, there's a place up there called District 216.

[00:29:50] , it's a psychedelic club. We go there and we talk a lot about them,

right? That's the context for reasons. And Jacob invited me. I met Jacob in

Vegas and. He told me he had speakers and, I asked him what type of speakers

and a buddy of mine was there and he said, you should ask him , what he does

pointing to me and I told Jacob what I did and, , part of it was

[00:30:07] , I ate a psychedelic cactus. And that's part of the story. , and the end

, part of the story is animals, right? And he goes, oh, , that sounds great. Why

don't you come up and talk about that? And I had no idea if there'd be oneperson or a hundred people or who's gonna show up and listen to a guy say, hi,

my name is I ate a Cactus.

[00:30:23] Also, I have a teacher who's my cat, right? Like, it sounds a little

weird. And so I showed up and, it was great. , there's maybe 1520 people there

and no one left prematurely and questions were asked. And so it was a good

time. And so I think it was a turning point for both of us of.

[00:30:37] You can say these things and with the right people, you get a certain

response. And if you don't stack the deck with a place that has a good

reputation, that has a week or two of promotion, and has had a history of good

speakers, like if you can't stack the deck like that in your favor and you're out in

the wild, there's some discernment that has to show up around anything.

[00:31:00] You know, who am I and what do I do? What's my belief systems?

Well, it depends on where we are and what we're going to talk about and if

that's something I really want to bring up or not. and , that framework doesn't

work all the time. So sometimes you say what you have to say when you have

to say it and people get to self select and that's a beautiful thing.

[00:31:18] When people step closer or they move further away, it used to be

uncomfortable. And now it's such a beautiful thing.

[00:31:23] Tianna: So, Chucky, , as your teacher, I'm curious, do you have, ,

sessions where, , after you have a session, does he come in and say, you know,

next time, maybe you should do it like this or anything like that?

[00:31:38] Nick: No, I mean, so going back to yeah. And it's not like we sit

down every day of the week and have dinner and ask how each other's day was.

[00:31:45] That's not what's happening remember,, what the animal

communicator told me, which was he's here to help open you up. And so it's

from that perspective of help open you up and keep you on this path. And so

he's come in a couple of times and in so many words has said, if you want to do

this You got to do it a little bit like this, or you got to keep an eye out for these

types of things.

[00:32:04] I mean, he's a very straight shooter and so he doesn't need to talk a

lot. He just goes and here's how it is. Okay. This is how it is. Got it. So there

was a time I was talking to my wife about something that was like a , little

crunchy conversation.[00:32:17] And , I wasn't feeling good about it, but what I was projecting to my

wife was trying to make it work out. But the version of it working out would

have been a whole lot of self sacrifice for myself and for her. And so, I'm telling

her, no, no, no. But inside, I'm trying to figure out how to make it work.

[00:32:34] do I do this? , how do I really self sacrifice for both of us? It was

really my intention, regardless of going, it's a bad idea. And so we broke up the

conversation. And my wife goes downstairs and I'm trying to just, process the

conversation a bit. And, I take out the guitar and I start tooling away on it.

[00:32:49] And he steps into the guitar case and starts to scratch. And,, he's

been in the guitar case before, but never looking to, use it like a bathroom. And

so I yelled at him, what are you doing? , go to the bathroom. And he gets out of

the guitar case, goes around the corner, I lose line of sight of him.

[00:33:03] I think he goes into the bathroom to do his thing. And I continue to

tool away in the guitar. But about five minutes later, I hear from my wife who's

downstairs where our bedrooms are there's shit on the bed. And I stopped

playing the guitar, knowing how I felt, and also what I was saying, two very

different things.

[00:33:19] I said, whose side is it on, Joel? She goes, it's on your side. So he and

I had a talk about that. I said, can you tell me about the shit on the bed? Like,

come on, give me a break here. , and he just walked me through a framework

around why it was a bad idea to self sacrifice and how to put yourself first.

[00:33:35] And, what are you going to get out of it for both of you guys?

Essentially, it was the conversation.

[00:33:41] Tianna: Wow.

[00:33:42] Nicole: Just hearing you talk, think about so many times, my spirit

guides and helpers, other people's spirit guides and helpers really help us be able

to see something that we've been doing or saying or enacting , and see it from

this place of beautiful, compassionate observation, and then be able to shift it.

[00:34:03] And like when my guides say, Hey, Nicole. , I will say that

sometimes they sit me down to tell me things, just like he sat you down to, to

talk with you about something. One sit down that we had was monumental for

me, life changing for me in that particular area. And it was said with such

compassion and love.[00:34:25] And so one of the things that I'm imagining you offer to your clients

who come to you is this compassion and love from their animals and also to

help them through really challenging times, whether things that are happening

in their outside world or internally in their hearts and their minds.

[00:34:43] Nick: Yeah.

[00:34:43] Thank you for that. It's a great summary. Yeah. I mean, and that's

pretty much what happens or, minimally is the intention of what happens when

the animals show up and I give the information.

[00:34:52] Tianna: What are your thoughts about, , humans relationships with

animals? And certainly nowadays, having pets are very, very common thing,

and a lot of us, treat our pets like our Children or a family member.

[00:35:05] And I think, that is probably way heightened over in the past. Oh,

who knows? And history. But it seems like it, What are your thoughts on

whether, like, this was an assignment that you mentioned, but do you think it's,

normal that we have some kind of soul agreements with the important animals

in our lives or maybe half the time it's just a random circumstance or I don't

know, I'm curious about your thoughts.

[00:35:30] Nick: Yeah, you know, , we have a, a rule or a phrase or a guideline,

however you want to. name it in the house, which is there are no coincidences.

They just don't exist. So, things show up for very specific reasons. , whether it

was the dog or the cat or the tree or whatever it was that showed up something

was going to show up.

[00:35:48] There was a thing to be said by someone because you need to hear it.

And that was the messenger because that's how things lined up. Or maybe this

specific little being had to enter your house. Maybe. Yeah. When I met, , little

Chucky , up in Marin County, we were living up in the Bay Area.

[00:36:05] I walked in and his little paw was sticking it out of the cage, just

trying to get my attention. And That was it like I want to see that one and I

picked them up and Within five ten minutes. I was like, I'm good. Like what do

we need to do? And my wife's like you don't want to see now.

[00:36:22] I have no interest in seeing anything like I'm good What do we need

to do next?[00:36:26] Nicole: , I love hearing people's stories of, they just knew, even

when they're say going through adoption of a human child, not a pet, they just

knew like, that's my baby.

[00:36:35] Nick: That's it.

[00:36:36] Nicole: That's my cat. That's my dog. That's my horse.

[00:36:39] , and I'm theirs.

[00:36:40] Nick: That's right. , this is the future. This is what's going to happen.

Let's go do it. Yeah.

[00:36:44] Nicole: And that there's this also peer relationship. It's not like I own

you I don't even know how to describe it, but this peer like, Oh, we're here for

each other. I'll care for you. You care for me.

[00:36:55] We learn together and whatever that might look like for each person

and their animal.

[00:37:00] Nick: Yeah. And there's this wonderful book. It's called, , kinship

with all life and it was produced in the fifties. And the author is a writer in

Hollywood, I think it was 1954. This book is published, right?

[00:37:13] So , keep that date in mind. And the story is about friends of his who

are on their way to New York and they drop off this dog to him. Hey, , can you

watch your dog? We're going to New York. We got to put on a Broadway play.

When are you going to be back? I don't know. A few months. We'll figure it out.

[00:37:31] We'll let you know. Oh, okay. And so he brings the dog in and the

first couple of chapters are, Him getting used to the dog, the dog getting used to

him, but there's this undercurrent of, I'd never had a dog like this. Dogs don't

typically do this type of thing, right? And this dog was treated as an equal, he

was in all the movies, doing all the things strong heart is his name.

[00:37:51] And , he was a star. He was a dog star for his time on the planet.

Right. And there's a point in the book chapter three, or maybe four or whatever,

where he's sitting in his typewriter and he's looking outside of a beautiful sunny

day in LA and he's going, do I work or do I hike?

[00:38:07] Do we work or do I hike? I forget it. I'm going to go for a hike. And

the dog rips in with one hiking shoe. Into the room, leaves the room, rips in withthe other hiking shoes, the belt, the jacket, all the things, and he's going, All I

had to do was think hike, and now the dog is ripping through with all these


[00:38:23] And now he's like, really what is going on here, right? So that's the

relationship he starts to have with this dog. And in this book, he's trying to

figure out this whole thing. And so I think he goes to Death Valley, and he

meets a friend of his. And, he explains how rattlesnakes, , do you know who

gets bitten by rattlesnakes?

[00:38:43] The white guy gets bitten by rattlesnakes. Do you know why? No.

Because Native Americans think of them as their brothers just having this other

experience on the planet. , where someone else who's afraid of them or despises

them, there's a certain type of signal to that, right? I don't like you. You're a

threat or I'm a threat to you.

[00:39:02] That's a very different relationship versus we're just sharing space

Oh, there you are. My bad, like you keep on going your way. I'll keep on going

my way it's very different. And so from the perspective of we're on the planet as

one of Multiple beings doing what we got to do. And being a being doesn't

mean a human being, it means anything because at the core of it, we're animals,

but we're also part of nature.

[00:39:25] And when we take ourselves out of that equation where nature's in

this bubble over here and us is in this other little bubble over here and we

separate ourselves, nothing good comes from that. Nothing ever good comes

from it, but when we think of ourselves as part of that bigger bubble, well, we're

not extracting from it anymore.

[00:39:42] We're interacting with it now, and that's a very different relationship.

And really, what's going to happen if you play any one of those things out to the

fullest extent? What's going to happen if you play out extraction to the fullest

extent? At some point, there won't be anything else to extract. And if we're here

doing this thing together, well Then we can build things.

[00:40:01] Then we can think about how all the other beings and things sharing

the space get along and why they're here and you don't have to understand it.

You just have to know that they're here for their own reasons.

[00:40:09] Tianna: Yeah, that's where we need to move as a society for sure.

And hopefully we are.[00:40:16] I know that you maybe have a session where you help people who

are wanting to develop is it? their intuitive gifts in general, or is it specifically

just, with animals.

[00:40:25] Nick: Yeah. Yes. So sort of like Nicole, like you have your lanes.

This is what I do.

[00:40:28] Like this shows up, You could be an athlete and it's like, well, what

sport do you play? Okay. Well, what position do you play? Okay. You could

have that conversation very similar to what we're talking about here. When I

started understanding energy work in 2017 working with the gentleman that I

mentioned earlier He taught me one about energy, but also how to track other

people's energy.

[00:40:45] Oh, well, that's fun. Okay And so I can work with folks around their

energy and getting them in meditation and helping with their connection right

and sort of getting the blocks out of the way and just working with them And

I've worked , with folks, individuals, groups around doing that and then there's

homework every week and that helps to open up their communication with

whatever we want to call it, spirit, source, whatever you choose to label that's

that works for you.

[00:41:10] Then what happens from there happens from there., the fun part that

I see is, and I don't know if you guys have had this experience is. You know,

when I'm working with someone, we have this experience like it's right off the

bat. Something is happening. . They're astral projecting, they're seeing whatever

they're seeing, something is happening, right?

[00:41:27] And so tracking them, sometimes I'm like, man, this feels like

traveling. And then you get validation around, yeah, I was in outer space and

this is what I saw. , and then you give them the homework. Which includes

meditation and they come back the next week and they go, yeah, yeah, like it

was great and all, but it wasn't like how we do it.

[00:41:45] So there's something that happens when you open up the space with

folks where you can fast track that connection with them, right? It's a skill, the

conversation of skill versus gift. Well, I think when it shows up, it's a gift, right?

Because you get to do something with it or not. But then after that, it's a skill.

[00:42:00] You got to work on it. All right, and so I have training days, aka in

the morning's meditation. And then there's game day, Friday, , or Wednesday,typically when I sit down, communicate with the animal, and then I debrief with

the human on Friday, like training for those things throughout the week.

[00:42:18] It's that commitment. And so folks need to get into that rhythm of

doing that, but also having a coach on the field. I mean, the best players in pick

the game, they have a coach. Jordan had a coach, right? Like, , why would

Michael Jordan have a coach? Because he's the best. The reason why he has a

coach is because he's the best, right?

[00:42:36] Like he has blind spots and he doesn't want them holding him back

coaches , can help you get there quicker, better, faster. So working with folks

one on one or in groups helps facilitate that.

[00:42:47] Nicole: I love all of that. You say of, I certainly have this

experience. I'm sure many of us have this experience that I might try something

at home and I'm like, Oh, this is falling flat.

[00:42:57] I'm having a hard time connecting with my spirit guide animal. Yet

when I get with one more person, two more people, three more. People, it

amplifies, we connect our energy together and amplifies us together. And so , if

you could offer something to people who are listening right now, some way that

they maybe can open their intuition a little more, connect with their animals a

little more, if there's some tool or process , or way of being that you could.

[00:43:27] Nick: Yeah, yeah, I call them the three C's, right? , you can break

them down into coincidence, channel and commit, right? So first one is

coincidences, a. k. a. there are no coincidences. So, , when I'm working with

folks, as an icebreaker, I'll, say, have you ever had this experience? You're

sitting around doing nothing, doing your day to day and all of a sudden your

phone rings.

[00:43:45] Or you get a text , and you think, Oh my God, I was just thinking

about that person or vice versa. Right. A lot of people have had that experience ,

that is the most simplistic version of what we're talking about that I can think of

that we all share in one form or another. And so here's what you can do with


[00:44:00] Oh my God. So strange. I was just thinking about you. What a

coincidence. You can't do anything with coincidence. You can't do anything

with weird, but if you see them as little pieces of breadcrumbs that you can pick

up, then you start to see the other breadcrumbs. Now everything starts to open

up. So rule number one, there's no coincidences.[00:44:19] There just aren't. Let's stop talking about it that way and then we get

rid of a bunch of other language. The other thing is being that channel, , you

can't, I mean, people want to, I want to manifest a million dollars. Okay. So the

best version of all the things you could possibly get is financial 1 million.

[00:44:38] Let's talk about that. You blinded out everything else and you also

limited yourself to a million dollars. Right? So be open to all the good things

that can happen and all the communication that can come. That's the channel,

right? , for me, that's the hardest part, being open to it, wanting to get it now,

like, is there more?

[00:44:55] You just got to be okay with what you get. And I've gotten one piece

of information that is a two hour conversation. Because , it's worth having that

two hour conversation and I walk in there going, oh shit, really, is that all I have

walking in the door? And then it was a two hour conversation. Okay.

[00:45:08] And the last thing I'll say is, , commit. There's a commitment aspect

to it and I already described it, but it's, , waking up every morning, doing the

thing every morning. And , it's the training for the actual event. if you were to

equate this to going to the gym, you don't go, I'm really committed to getting in

shape this year.

[00:45:25] I may go to the gym tomorrow. Congratulations. That's going to

work out great. Right. But if you're going to commit to it, , you get your gym

membership. You go there at a certain time, you pick your days, you get a

trainer and you go, I'll see you again tomorrow at seven o'clock. Right. And

that's the commitment for it, whether you're training for an event or whatever.

[00:45:43] I mean, I'm sort of training for an event, but you can just train to

train and things start to open up. What's the worst that's going to happen if

there's no event, you'll be healthier. What's the worst thing that's going to

happen in this case? You're going to have a better connection, right? Like

something good is going to come out of that.

[00:45:57] So , that's the starting point for a lot of folks is getting that context

of, well, how do we start to do this? Because when it comes down to it, , here's

the funniest part of all this. It's not hard. It's not hard to do this. It's actually

really, really simple. And , I over complicated it, certainly.

[00:46:14] And I think a lot of other folks, it has to be hard. This mystical thing.

It has to be really hard, right? No. We get in our own way if we just don't layer

on top of it, strip the things away and then it's way easier.[00:46:26] Tianna: Thank you. So our time is coming to a close.

[00:46:30] Nicole: I have one last question because people come to me with this

question, helping find their lost animal. It is not my skill set. I will give it my

best go, but I will tell them this is not my skill set. Is it your skill set to help? It

[00:46:46] Nick: is not typically medical , and lost animals are not my thing.

Yeah, I had a young lady come to me with the lost animal and the best I can

give her is, , you know, like some folks can sort of give you like lat long, like,

look over here.

[00:46:59] Right., what I was starting to see was here's the scenario that I think

happened that resulted in what we're talking about. Right. But that doesn't get us

to a solution. Maybe it's validating, but I think it's other people who are more

helpful with those scenarios than I am.

[00:47:13] Nicole: I think it's really, , important or helpful for people to know

that psychics have specialties. And it's like, Oh, finding lost animals isn't my

specialty. So what is my specialty? Is pretty darn unique over here. So you

being able to communicate with animals, that is very unique. Psychics can do

all sorts of things.

[00:47:32] There are only a certain amount that are skilled animal

communicators. So I'm really glad you came on and that we got to meet you.

[00:47:39] Nick: Super fun. Thank you, ladies.

[00:47:41] Tianna: Thank you.