S5 Ep. 1: Twin Flames with Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen

Russ von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, founders of The Shift at Samadhi Retreat

Russ von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, founders of The Shift at Samadhi Retreat

We’re back for Season 5 with our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen. But this time, we’re discussing Twin Flames! This is a very personal topic for Tianna, and the twin flame journey is how she and Shannon initially bonded. What exactly is a twin flame? Why have we been hearing more about this particular type of soul connection? Listen in to find out!

In this episode we cover:

  • Can you have more than one twin flame?

  • What are some indicators that you’re a twin flame?

  • What’s Shannon and Russell’s TF story?

  • Why are there typically taboos or seemingly impossible barriers in a TF connection?

  • How the kundalini activates through the shared chakra system of twin flames.

  • The Archangels’ message Tianna channeled for Shannon and Russ early on their TF journey & how they all helped each other as divine mirrors.

  • The understanding that twin flames are a collective of souls who have incarnated on the planet at this time to do this deep healing as part of Earth’s ascension.

  • One necessary and unavoidable stage on the TF path is the descent into the shadow realm.

  • What’s the key for moving out of the shadow stage?

  • How does Quantum Physics explain this phenomenon?

  • What stage are most twin flames stuck in?

  • How does astrology fit into this current emergence of twin flames?

  • If you’re on a TF journey, it will emerge in divine timing. Don’t try to manifest a twin flame.

  • The Dark Night of the Soul is no joke - ouch!

  • There’s not one equation for the alchemical TF Unification process; there are different paths.

  • The Twin Flame Healers is one example of a good resource/support for twin flames.

  • What is the runner/chaser dynamic? How do we move out of it?

Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen are the founders of the Shift Foundation and run The Shift at Samadhi Retreat, a spiritual retreat center near Wimberley. Learn more about their programs at TheShiftFoundation.org.

Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer and Life Coach. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit Shannonleigill.com. Russ von Ohlhausen, a Research Astrologer, is co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, has written and taught with Astrology Hub and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. To explore Russell’s insights on the merging of Science & Spirituality, visit VonOhlhausen.org.

Check out Tianna’s new book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self” on Amazon. It’s a spiritual guide to ease your journey and accelerate your growth - full of spiritual practices, Tianna’s own experiences and channeled wisdom from her Spirit Guide, Will.

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S4 Ep. 12: Extraordinary Experiences with Barbara and Lynn

Barbara Mango, Phd.

Barbara Mango, Phd.

Lynn Miller

Lynn Miller

Welcome to the last episode of Season 4! What is an extraordinary experience? In their book, “Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences,” our guests Barbara Mango, Phd. and Lynn Miller explain: “Extraordinary Experiences are those which occur beyond our five senses, time, and space. Such occurrences include Near-death Experiences, Out-of-Body Experiences, Past-life Memories, Paranormal Encounters, Contact with Non-Human Intelligences, Telepathy, Pre-cognition, etc. Regardless of the type of extraordinary experience, all are utterly transformational. It is only when we open our minds and hearts to embrace experiences which lay beyond our three-dimensional world, that we may begin to explore the very nature of consciousness.”

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How Barbara & Lynn met by working together in astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell’s research group.

  • The understanding that consciousness is non-local, which is the basis for all these different types of extraordinary experiences.

  • Why it was important for them to include the science behind these experiences and provide a balanced approach for experiencer and skeptic.

  • Which personality types are more prone to having extraordinary experiences?

  • What are some of the challenges and benefits of how these experiences change a person?

  • Barbara’s first experience with a non-physical being at 2 years old.

  • How, as a child, Barbara’s spontaneous remembrance of a past life immediately healed her in this life.

  • Lynn shares about her spontaneous out-of-body experiences and how she learned controlled OBEs.

  • Some techniques for OBE.

  • How the materialist assumption in science has limited the research on consciousness.

  • Telepathy and quantum entanglement.

  • The strong evidence for non-local consciousness based on Near Death experiences of the congenitally blind.

Barbara and Lynn’s debut book, “Convergence: The Interconnection of Extraordinary Experiences” is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. The authors take readers on extraordinary, life-altering voyages beyond time and space. One that is consistently described by experiencers as “realer than real,” powerfully loving, and forever life-altering. Near-death, out-of-body experiences, contact with non-human intelligent beings, and past-life recall are examples of such journeys. Barbara and Lynn explore each modality from their personal encounters, backed by cutting-edge science. Learn more by visiting their website https://www.extraordinaryexperiences.org/. You can also hear Barbara speak at the upcoming IANS conference in September 2021.

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S4 Ep. 11: The Other Side with Vinney Tolman

Vinney Tolman, Near-Death Experiencer

Vinney Tolman, Near-Death Experiencer


One of life’s greatest mysteries - what happens when you die? This week’s guest, Vinney Tolman, actually died and came back to reassure us of the most amazing love that exists on the Other Side. In this episode, you’ll hear Vinney’s detailed recounting of his three days in Heaven, a phenomenal near-death experience, and how it transformed his life.

Topics covered in this episode:

  • How did Vinney die?

  • The way he watched his own death from a theater, unaware of who died.

  • His ability to perceive the thoughts and feelings of everyone at the death scene and in the ambulance.

  • How a voice from spirit alerted a paramedic to not give up on him.

  • Meeting his guide, Drake.

  • The humbling experience of how much growing and learning Vinney had to do in order to move to a higher frequency.

  • What was the hardest principle for him to learn while in Spirit?

  • Does time exist in Spirit?

  • How the all-permeating love of God erases any trace of Earthly trauma.

  • What were the decompression chambers?

  • What’s the secret to a healthy soul?

  • The indescribable love radiating from everything, including a marble wall and a blade of grass.

  • The shock and difficulty of returning to this limited physical existence.

  • An incredible post NDE discovery about his guide.

  • What does it all boil down to? Love.

Vinney Tolman helps others connect and get answers from their spirit guides and from the higher spiritual realm. To connect with Vinney or book a session, visit livingGodsLIGHT.com.

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This helps other people to find us.

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S4 Ep. 10: Eclipse Season 2021 with Shannon and Russ

Russ and Shannon 320.JPG

Astrologers Russ von Ohlhausen & Shannon Gill of Lotus Bend Sanctuary

Join us in this special Summer Eclipse 2021 episode as our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen share their infinite wisdom. They help guide us through the current intensified cosmic energies so that we can best utilize this opportunity to further our awakening with ease and grace.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The changing realities of time.

  • How compassion is the key to moving beyond the divisiveness in our current reality.

  • The true higher meaning of Apocalypse.

  • What are the implications of being on the cusp of the end of the Age of Pisces, in which we believed we’re separate from our divinity, and now shifting into the Age of Aquarius?

  • How can we move “beyond the illusion” of separation?

  • Recognizing the value of a global ego death as a necessary step for awakening can help us navigate these turbulent times.

  • What’s the theme of 2021 as compared to 2020?

  • Upcoming transits this summer to pay attention to, particularly looking at the theme of control vs. freedom.

  • How can we use eclipse season to heal and bring balance to our lives?

  • “The cat in the mirror” - how our pets are beautiful spiritual guides.

  • What does the Full Moon eclipse on May 26th in Sagittarius represent? What’s the shadow of Sagittarius?

  • Can you handle the truth of what’s going on? How seeing the current shift from an eternal lens can help.

  • What’s the New Moon rebirth solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10th about?

  • Questions to ask yourself in this eclipse portal: Where are you being dogmatic in your life? Where are you creating division?

  • Can you unhook from the story and be the witnessing self?

  • What’s the significance of Pluto moving into Aquarius in 2023?

  • What should we be doing during this time to utilize it for our highest good?

Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen are the founders of the Shift Foundation and run Lotus Bend Sanctuary, a spiritual retreat center in South Austin. Learn more about Lotus Bend Sanctuary retreat center and programs at www.lotusbend.net.

Shannon Gill is a recognized national and international level Astrologer, Archetypal Life Coach and Jungian Counselor. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit www.shannonleigill.com

Russ von Ohlhausen is a transpersonal ontological conscious catalyzer, writer, lecturer and research astrologer. His work reflects a lifetime of study of science, religions, myths, metaphysics and most importantly – nature – and what they reveal about consciousness and human behavior. To learn more about Russ’s work, visit www.vonohlhausen.org

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S4 Ep. 9: Reinvent Yourself with Kerri Hummingbird

Kerri Hummingbird, soul guide, shamanic healer & author

Kerri Hummingbird, soul guide, shamanic healer & author


Have you ever felt like something important was missing from your life, but was unsure where or how to find it? This week’s guest author and healer Kerri Hummingbird knows exactly how you feel. She’s made it her life’s work to help people discover a meaningful fulfilling life by finding their way back to their authentic self.

In this episode we talk to Kerri about:

  • How writing books was a way to process and heal some of her most challenging experiences.

  • Why is Dolores Cannon meaningful to Kerri? What’s the Second Wave of volunteers?

  • The necessity of ancestral healing and reconciliation at this time of the Shift to transform our DNA.

  • What is the mother wound?

  • What does Kerri feel is her main function on the planet right now?

  • What’s a mesa carrier?

  • How finding our way back to mother earth is a core component of healing for us all.

  • Kerri describes her journey from the corporate world to becoming a healer.

  • What’s the competency model?

  • For lightworkers and starseeds, Kerri feels that making the biggest impact in the world starts with healing your own family wounds.

  • How did Hummingbird become part of her name?

  • Tobacco as a sacred medicine and spiritual teacher.

Kerri Hummingbird Sami is a soul guide, shamanic healer, award-winning author and inspirational speaker. Kerri has over 20 years of experience in leading by inspiration, and a special passion for empowering women to be the artists of their lives. She mentors women to rewrite the story of their lives through inner transformation, connection to essence, remembrance of purpose, and realignment to authenticity and truth.

To explore her offerings and events, visit https://kerrihummingbird.com/

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S4 Ep. 8: Church of the Sacred Womb with Clementine and Astra

Astra (Community Director) & Clementine (Executive Director), Church of the Sacred Womb

Astra (Community Director) & Clementine (Executive Director), Church of the Sacred Womb


This week we feature Clementine and Astra of the Church of the Sacred Womb. This isn’t your grandparents’ church! Their mission is to bring unique ritual healing experiences to the community, to empower healers and sensitives to make a living with their gifts, and to reinstate a cultural value on sacredness through ceremony. The Womb structure is the commonality amongst all of their ceremonial work; a container that is a grounded, safe space in which to reimprint your deepest subconscious mind with ease and grace is considered their greatest honor to create and offer to the people.

Some of the topics we discuss:

  • Why did Clementine and Astra decide to create a church? What does the name symbolize?

  • The necessity of the sacred container in spiritual communities.

  • Why is it important to be shadow aware and integrated in sacred work?

  • What are key elements in creating a healthy spiritual community?

  • How the tools of grounding, compassion and presence can prevent re-traumatizing people’s wounds.

  • As a leader of a conscious community, integrity comes through communication, setting boundaries, being assertive, understanding needs.

  • The beautiful journey of how the breaking down of our own will develops into trust and surrender to let the Divine lead us into something much more than we imagined.

  • What’s the difference between 3D, 4D and 5D?

  • Why is Clementine’s favorite quote: “The fruit is the last thing on the tree to grow?”

  • The birthing of a new paradigm with the feminine and masculine energies.

  • What’s a highly sensitive person? Are you one?

  • Why are ritual and ceremony important in our modern time?

The Church of the Sacred Womb is part of a larger cultural revolution that is occurring around the use of sacred medicines, ceremonial healing, and ritual experiences to repattern the subconscious mind. In basic terms, they are a group of shamanic and energy healers based in Austin, TX who share a common goal of bringing magical and healing experiences to the people who seek them.

Executive Director, Kalithena Clementine is an ancient wisdom keeper and very old soul currently living on Planet Earth, who is also sometimes a jaguar. She serves humanity through education, shadow work, space healing, mythopoetic vision, and by calling the greatest version of each person she meets to the fore.

Community Director Astra Cristos is a multidimensional explorer and wayshower here to help humans evolve. She learns about the Universe through music, dance, meditation, art, sacred geometry, conscious language and relationships with other beings. She also makes the best playlists known to humankind.

To explore their offerings and events, visit http://churchofthesacredwomb.org.

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S4 Ep. 7: Soul Plan with Blue Marsden

Blue Marsden, author & founder of the Holistic Healing College

Blue Marsden, author & founder of the Holistic Healing College


Do you know your life purpose? Are you still searching? This week’s guest, Blue Marsden, author of “Soul Plan: Reconnect with Your True Life” explains the Soul Plan, a new interpretation of an ancient system of life purpose analysis based upon the sound vibration of your birth name. This method works on the conscious and unconscious level and promises to bring the recipient greater freedom, connection, satisfaction, healing and life purpose activation.

Highlights from this episode:

  • This system looks at your overall vibration and how you’re manifesting in the world, using the vibration of the letters in your name.

  • What is the absolute illusion we all experience?

  • What information does the Soul Plan map out for you?

  • Around what age does the spiritual elements of our chart usually kick in?

  • How can a Soul Plan reading help you embody your soul destiny?

  • Blue tells the story of his own spiritual journey.

  • Who was Frank Alper, the original channeler of the system, and what was Blue’s connection to him?

  • How Blue adapted and modernized the system to represent more balance in the masculine and feminine aspects.

  • What is Soul Transformation Therapy?

  • What’s the Sefer Yetzirah?

  • How can applying the information from your Soul Plan help you overcome your challenges and meet your goals?

  • What’s Atlantean paddles and cosmic shamanism?

BLUE MARSDEN is the author of the Soul Plan: Reconnect with your True Life Purpose as well as founder and director of the Holistic Healing College, the London School of Chi Kung and the London College of Hypnotherapy. After many years of working with various intuitive methods he came across a little known system that resonated more than any other and after incorporating this into his own practice decided to introduce it as a module in the counseling program he founded. Over the years Blue researched the deeper origins of this work and on discovering synchronicities with his own non-dual understanding has subsequently modernized it, added new interpretations and channelled additional material and healing interventions to form what is now known as the Soul Plan system.

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help other people to find us.

S4 Ep. 6: Primal Uprising with Michelle and Keith Norris

Michelle & Keith Norris, founders of Paleo f(x) & authors of “Primal Uprising”

Michelle & Keith Norris, founders of Paleo f(x) & authors of “Primal Uprising”


Are you ready to escape the human zoo? This week we talk to Michelle and Keith Norris, founders of Paleo f(x), about their new book, “Primal Uprising: The Paleo f(x) Guide to Optimizing Your Health, Expanding Your Mind and Reclaiming Your Freedom.” Michelle and Keith are passionate about empowerment and becoming healthy and whole in all aspects of our lives.

In our chat with Michelle and Keith, we cover:

  • The divine timing at play for their book getting published.

  • How we’re indoctrinated to believe we need the system and don’t have power to be free on our own.

  • The touching story of their daughter Brittany’s life, and how her untimely passing inspired their work.

  • How living the so-called American Dream left them feeling empty inside.

  • The power of questioning EVERYTHING as a way to deprogram ourselves.

  • How learning the rules of the game enables you to disengage from it.

  • Accepting that we are responsible for being in this situation AND that we can take the steps to get out of it.

  • Gnostic Christianity & how finding the god within gives you true empowerment. (Elaine Pagels reference)

  • Michelle’s plant medicine experience of purging many dark past lives and the powerful healing of welcoming those parts back in with compassion.

  • Why it’s important to be specific in what and how you want to manifest something.

  • What were some of the blessings of 2020?

  • Empowerment through resilience.

  • What are the 7 Pillars for being an optimized human?

  • Beauty in the ashes - “everything is happening for your good”

  • What’s antifragility and how can it help?

Michelle and Keith Norris are the cofounders of Paleo f(x)™, the largest-of-its-kind health and wellness platform and event in the world. They are passionate speakers and motivators to those seeking deliverance from a broken healthcare system and disabled economic system. Having left the corporate grind far behind, they are now serial entrepreneurs in the health and wellness space, as well as tireless firebrands for advancing the Paleo movement - a cultural reawakening of self-empowerment for the 21st century. In addition to leading the Paleo f(x)™ movement, Michelle and Keith speak at events and conferences worldwide on the topic of self empowerment and breaking free of the human zoo.

Order their book “Primal Uprising: The Paleo f(x) Guide to Optimizing Your Health, Expanding Your Mind and Reclaiming Your Freedom” at paleofx.com/primaluprising. Find Michelle on Social Media: @DanaMichelleNorris and Keith at keithnorris.substack.com.

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S4 Ep. 5: Cannabis as the God Plant with Gia Kubik

Gia Kubik, cannabis leader, energy healer & standup comedian

Gia Kubik, cannabis leader, energy healer & standup comedian


When you think of cannabis, you might think of getting stoned, being silly and spacey or getting the munchies. And while it can lead to these things, this week’s guest Gia Kubik wants people to know that it can also be a powerful spiritual medicine. In fact, Gia is so passionate about all the amazing uses for cannabis, she has her own podcast, “Get Elevated with Gia.”

In this conversation we discuss with Gia:

  • Gia’s unusual late introduction to cannabis as an adult.

  • Shifting our perspective to treat it with reverence as a God plant.

  • Cannabis as a “teacher plant.”

  • Gia’s process of using it in Reiki healing sessions.

  • What is the Endocannabinoid system? Is our body “built for cannabis?”

  • Experiencing life as a ceremony; setting intentions with cannabis.

  • Differentiating between heavy vs frequent use.

  • How to discern whether your usage is helping or masking.

  • How cannabis can mimic other spirit medicines like MDMA, psilocybin or even ayahuasca.

  • Developing a relationship with the spirit of the plant.

  • Cannabis as a marriage counselor.

  • What direction does Gia think cannabis culture is heading?

Gia Kubik is a cannabis leader by day, mystical energy worker by night and stand up comedian just for fun. She’s got a pretty big passion for cannabis, and a lot of stories to make you laugh along the way. Her show is about global awareness, education and access to cannabis. AND It’s about life, getting elevated in all areas of your life. Cannabis is the north star there. Consciousness will do the rest. AND FUN – gotta get some laughs in and make all the big stuff feel easy and light. Join her every Saturday 7am or if you need that extra sleep - catch the replay of “Get Elevated with Gia: Truth and Clarity in Cannabis” at https://feeds.transistor.fm/get-elevated-with-gia-kubik

Find her on Instagram @gia.kubik.

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S4 Ep. 4: Gene Keys and Rooted Integration with Neil and Ash

Neil Durma & Ash Sumida offer the Rooted Integration Project, a coaching program to experience your integrated being.

Neil Durma & Ash Sumida offer the Rooted Integration Project, a coaching program to experience your integrated being.


Have you heard of Gene Keys? In this episode our guests Neil Durma and Ash Sumida share how this self discovery modality, based partly from the I Ching, the Kabbalah, Ayurveda and some astrology, can help us powerfully shift.

Some of the topics we cover:

  • Who brought forth the knowledge of Gene Keys?

  • What’s the connection between Human Design and Gene Keys?

  • How can one utilize the shadow, the gift and the siddhi within each genetic key?

  • How learning this system can unlock your own genius.

  • The value of embracing the shadow.

  • The need in spiritual communities to embrace light and dark, or risk lack of authenticity and true communication.

  • How Gene Keys transformed Neil and Ash’s lives.

  • How can this system help with childhood trauma?

  • Can reading these books activate spiritual downloads?

  • What is the gift of Versatility and how can we apply it to our own spiritual path?

  • What is Rooted Integration Project and who is it for?

  • Ash and Neil’s perspective on what Richard Rudd calls the Great Change.

  • What is Spiral Dynamics?

Neil Durma and Ash Sumida run the 3rd Eye Meditation Lounge & Elixir Bar, a center encompassing conscious health for the mind, body and soul in Austin, Texas. Visit their website to explore the calendar of classes, events and services: 3rdeyemeditationlounge.com. Learn more about Neil’s offerings at 3rdeyetonic.com and Ash’s offerings at healingthroughjourney.com.

The Rooted Integration Project is not your typical coaching program. It was created with the intention to bring people back to their roots and to assess what is not longer serving their evolution. They will uproot and clear what’s not needed within the physical, emotional, mental and energetic body so that you can experience your integrated being and move through life with grace and harmony. To learn more, visit rootedinegrationproject.com.

To explore the Gene Keys and discover your free profile, visit genekeys.com.

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S4 Ep. 3: The New Earth Masters with Nada and Christopher

Founders of the first online healing center - New Earth Masters, Christopher and Nada

Founders of the first online healing center - New Earth Masters, Christopher and Nada


What is the New Earth and what does it mean to be a “New Earth Master”? As Mother Earth ascends into higher vibration, we must shift also. This week’s guests, Nada and Christopher, share their perspectives on how to awaken into your own divine mastery.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How they were spiritually guided to create their work online just before Covid.

  • The challenges and blessings of Covid and this time on the planet.

  • Their awakening stories and numerous catalysts, including the passing of Christopher’s mother and Nada’s Near Death experience.

  • Some of their exciting online courses coming soon on the Divine Masculine, Tantra and Being an Embodied Lightworker.

  • Why there seems to be more women at spiritual classes and events.

  • Do men have deeper wounds?

  • How can we co-create a more unified Collective Consciousness?

  • What can we do when fear and rage show up around this uncertainty?

  • What is the valuable role the “darkness” plays in our awakening?

  • How do we anchor the ascension timeline? What do they mean by “in-scension”?

  • Are people awakening at younger ages now?

New Earth Masters was birthed when Nada and Christopher merged their previous successful independent holistic businesses together in 2019. In combination, they have over 17 years of experience in the Alternative wellness domain. They’re committed to bringing you the best of the best - from knowledge, wisdom, tools, techniques, meditations, activations and practices for you to elevate your frequency, embody your mastery and thrive in every area of your life while fulfilling your life purpose.

They currently offer Private Spiritual Coaching and various powerful healing sessions for you to upgrade your life and your frequency. New Earth Masters also offers 12 super potent Spiritual Online Courses, from healing the inner child activating the sacred feminine, embracing the divine masculine, awakening the christ heart activating the Starseed DNA and more! Visit www.newearthmasters.com.

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S4 Ep. 2: Sacred Spirit Medicines

Ayahuasca, Kambo and DMT - join us in this discussion of our recent exploration into these consciousness medicines. After a few wonderful Season 3 guests shared about these sacred substances, both of us, Tim and Tianna, felt inspired to explore these spirit medicines. We did Kambo together with Tim’s wife and Tianna did a trilogy over a few weeks: Ayahuasca, then Kambo, finishing with DMT. Tune in to hear what happened!

In this episode we discuss:

  • The pros and cons of doing a one-on-one plant medicine ceremony vs. experiencing it in a group.

  • How some sensitive souls need to be aware of the possibility of being a portal for collective healing rather than just your own personal healing.

  • The interconnectiveness of our experiences during the Kambo ceremony.

  • Why was the color green so powerful in Tim’s experience?

  • The breakthrough Tim received through communicating with the trees.

  • How did he integrate it? Was the shift lasting?

  • How MDMA had been a catalyst for Tianna’s initial spiritual awakening years ago, a trigger of remembrance of Oneness, yet she was guided to find those same states naturally through meditation.

  • The difference of the masculine (yang) spiritual path vs. the feminine (yin) spiritual path, and the role the body plays in Tianna’s spiritual journey.

  • What message did Divine Mother give her?

  • Exploring the idea of whether it’s needed or appropriate for ancient spiritual traditions to evolve in the new energies of this Aquarian time.

  • Why it’s crucial to do your due diligence and find facilitators who create a strong container for holding safe space for participants.

  • Tianna’s initial failed initiation, facing darkness and evil.

  • The haunting hypnotic power of the icaro medicine songs.

  • Why Tianna felt called to do a DMT ceremony a couple weeks later after an emotional energetic residue stayed with her in the days after Ayahuasca, “the stain on her soul.”

  • What are some of these other sacred medicines, Yopo, Sananga?

  • DMT and the beautiful completion of Tianna’s journey: being Divine Mother, transformation through compassion for the darkness.

  • The power of compassion, which is the bridge from darkness to light. This is the path back to Unity.

  • Why it’s important to be willing to face whatever the sacred medicines show you.

If you’re in the Austin area and want to experience a sacred Kambo ceremony with Rebecca Naylor, or if you just wish to learn more about Kambo, visit www.kambospiritpath.com.

Tianna Roser is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist and Reiki Master Teacher. For more information on her services, visit www.awakeningtransformation.com.

If you’re enjoying listening to Beyond the Illusion Podcast, please leave a rating on Apple or Google Podcasts. This will help other people to find us.

S4 Ep. 1: The Astrology of 2021 with Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen

Russ von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, founders of Lotus Bend Sanctuary and the Shift Foundation

Russ von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, founders of Lotus Bend Sanctuary and the Shift Foundation

Welcome back for Season 4! What better way to kick off a new year than getting the cosmic lowdown from our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen. After all, Shannon’s December 2019 interview with us on the energies of 2020 was pretty spot on. You don’t want to miss what 2021 has in store. Russ and Shannon break it down for us in this episode. Spoiler alert: There’s no “going back to normal!”

In this episode we discuss:

  • How the power of Astrology, the history of cycles, gives us a map for our current time of Shift.

  • Taking a look at the astrological ages, the broader view of how we got here.

  • What are the differences between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius?

  • Are we fully now moving into the Age of Aquarius?

  • How do we shift out of the polarization (Light vs. Dark, Masculine vs. Feminine, division based on beliefs, etc.) that’s instigating conflict?

  • What does it mean when the Nodal Axis/destiny line changes signs?

  • What is the focus and our homework for the current Gemini/Sagittarius Nodal Axis?

  • What is The Great Mutation and how does the move from Earth to Air affect us?

  • How are things going to play out with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this year? Chaos? Revolution?

  • What are the major aspects you definitely need to know about for this month, January 2021?

  • How does cryptocurrency reflect the Aquarian Age? Can astrology inform us on the cycles of crypto?

  • Which signs will be most affected this year?

  • How does sovereignty and privacy fit into this shift?

  • What are some astrological remedies to help us get through?

Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen are the founders of the Shift Foundation and run Lotus Bend Sanctuary, a spiritual retreat center in South Austin. Learn more about Lotus Bend Sanctuary retreat center and programs at https://www.lotusbend.net.

Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer and Life Coach. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit Shannonleigill.com. Russ von Ohlhausen, a Research Astrologer, is co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, has written and taught with Astrology Hub and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. To connect with Russ, email him at riohlhausen@gmail.com.

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S3 Ep. 14: You Were Not Born to Suffer with Blake Bauer

Blake Bauer, author of “You Were Not Born to Suffer.”

Blake Bauer, author of “You Were Not Born to Suffer.”

The topic of self love constantly arises on the path of awakening. Underneath our desire to heal and grow spiritually is a deep fear that we are unworthy of love. This week’s guest, Blake Bauer, author of “You Were Not Born to Suffer,” experienced the painful journey from self loathing to inner freedom and now shares his insights to help others heal.

Highlights from this episode:

  • What is suffering?

  • Blake’s pre-awakening story of growing up in an unconscious family, having self destructive tendencies & experiencing psychological torment

  • The blessing in disguise of his physical injury.

  • What “practical, no BS tools” helped Blake shift?

  • Develop your inner compass by asking yourself, “Am I valuing myself 100% in this situation or not?”

  • “All of our struggles are a cry from our soul asking us to be more true to ourselves.”

  • Why not all mindsets are created equal.

  • The value of a belief system is determined by its outcome. Ask yourself, “Does this belief serve me?”

  • More questions to ask yourself that will help you unravel old patterning and release suffering.

  • What is “healthy selfishness” vs unhealthy selfishness?

  • What’s the root cause of our suffering?

  • How can we help men in particular to embrace vulnerability and the concept of self love?

Blake D. Bauer is the author of the international bestselling book You Were Not Born To Suffer. Each year he helps thousands of people who cannot find effective support from conventional psychology, medicine, or religion. Blake is a world-renowned teacher and speaker with an extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, nutrition, traditional healing, and mindfulness meditation. Based on both his personal experience overcoming deep suffering, addiction, and adversity, as well as his professional success with over 100,000 people worldwide, Blake’s pioneering work integrates what he’s found to be the most effective approaches to optimal mental, emotional, and physical health. For more information, please visit https://www.unconditional-selflove.com

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S3 Ep. 13: Kambo Spirit Path with Rebecca Naylor

Rebecca Naylor, Certified Practitioner of Kambo Medicine

Rebecca Naylor, Certified Practitioner of Kambo Medicine

What exactly is Kambo, you ask? “Kambo is a non-psychoactive traditional Amazonian medicine used in ceremony that is derived from the Giant Monkey Frog. Users report amazing health improvements for a variety of conditions, both physical and spiritual. Kambo is used to address a large spectrum of physical and emotional issues.” (from kambospiritpath.com) Perhaps like us, you’ll want to experience Kambo yourself after hearing our conversation with this week’s guest, Rebecca Naylor, a passionate, well-spoken Kambo practitioner.

Highlights from this episode:

  • How long have the indigenous tribes been using Kambo and for what purposes?

  • Why is it called “vacina de la foresta” (vaccine of the forest)?

  • How does Kambo work as an energy medicine?

  • What are some of the physical and psychospiritual issues Kambo can help?

  • When and how did Kambo become known outside of the Amazon?

  • How decades of research has shown powerful effects of the peptides in Kambo.

  • The beautiful inherent protective system in which the frog won’t release Kambo if held in captivity.

  • The ethical, sustainable sourcing method in which Rebecca obtains this medicine.

  • Rebecca’s journey: How “the frog hijacked her life in the best way possible.”

  • Is Kambo good for everyone?

  • What exactly happens during a Kambo ceremony?

  • Why it’s called The Great Revealer.

  • How Kambo is a heart opener medicine.

  • The collective birthing process we’re in towards Unity Consciousness, and the role shamanism and sacred medicines play as a midwife.

Rebecca Naylor is an Energy Medicine Practitioner working with a full spectrum of holistic healing modalities based in indigenous ancestral medicine wisdom and shamanic energy healing. 

She assists people towards unlocking their Full Human Potential in evolutionary consciousness by reclaiming and deepening their physical, emotional, and spiritual health through guided Sacred Medicine Ceremonies, Shamanic Journeys, Quantum Energy Healing, Space Healing & Sacred Design, and Spiritual Life Coaching.

She is a Certified Practitioner of Kambo Medicine with the IAKP (International Association of Kambo Practitioners), Energy Medicine Practitioner trained under the Lotus Energy Institute, Spiritual Life Coach mentored under Suzy Batiz (CEO & Founder of ALIVE OS, Supernatural, and Poo-Pourri), and Award Winning Licensed Interior Designer. 

She has a holistic healing practice based in Austin, TX and offers private & group healing sessions, spiritual healing retreats, classes, and events. To learn more about Rebecca’s services or to schedule with her, please visit kambospiritpath.com. You can also find her on Instagram @kambospiritpath and Facebook @kambospiritpath.

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S3 Ep. 12: Kundalini Activation with Tara Springett

Tara Springett, author of “Healing Kundalini Symptoms”

Tara Springett, author of “Healing Kundalini Symptoms”

For those on a spiritual path, the word Kundalini is shrouded in mystique and awe. This powerful evolutionary force awakens consciousness and is said to activate through spiritual practices, initiation by a teacher or by divine grace. Known for its unruly spiritual intensity, Kundalini is both exalted and feared. In this episode we discuss Kundalini with Tara Springett, a Buddhist therapist, teacher and expert in treating Kundalini syndrome.

Highlights from this episode:

  • What exactly is Kundalini?

  • What are the 4 areas in which Kundalini creates consciousness expansion?

  • The “block of ice” metaphor, which describes the stages of Kundalini awakening.

  • Understanding Kundalini as a natural process, much like a consciousness version of puberty.

  • Kundalini is not all light and roses, it’s more like mountain climbing. You must be prepared for all the unconscious material that can come up.

  • What are Tara’s suggestions for people who want to activate their Kundalini?

  • Are there more people experiencing Kundalini awakening at this time?

  • What is Tara’s Higher Consciousness healing method?

  • How Tara’s Tibetan Buddhism background influenced her practice and the healing techniques she uses.

  • Tara shares the story of her 40+ year journey with Kundalini.

  • Is the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Tummo the same thing as Kundalini?

  • Can Kundalini help you in manifesting?

  • Is the Kundalini process constant or does it ebb and flow?

  • Does the energy move in an orderly fashion from root chakra up?

Tara is a fully licensed psychotherapist and counselor with qualifications in gestalt therapy, body awareness therapy and transpersonal therapy. She’s also been a dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1986, teaching meditation groups and combining Buddhist wisdom and counseling in assisting her clients with their personal growth, self development and improvement. Since 2011, Tara has specialized in helping over 1000 people suffering from Kundalini syndrome. She is the author of several self-help books, including “Healing Kundalini Symptoms,” “Advanced Manifesting,” and “Enlightenment Through the Path of Kundalini.” For more on Tara’s books and services, visit www.taraspringett.com and www.kundalinisymptoms.com.

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S3 Ep. 11: The Final Gift of the Beloved with Barron Steffen

Barron Steffen, author of “The Final Gift of the Beloved: Her Disappearance - 13 Days”

Barron Steffen, author of “The Final Gift of the Beloved: Her Disappearance - 13 Days”

Loss can be a powerful catalyst for spiritual transformation. In this episode we speak with Barron Steffen, author of “The Final Gift of the Beloved,“ an account of the 13 days after the death of his beloved wife Seana. We loved talking to Barron, who’s sincere, deep and insightful.

Excerpt from the book: “During the 13 day journey, Barron draws on nearly forty years of study and training with gurus and mediation teacher to discover ecstatic love, save fractured relationships, and glimpse a greater arc and purpose for being alive. A love story disguised as a tragedy, Barron weaves extraordinarily poignant and powerful experiences with honesty and revelations that will change lives. Along with intense pain and emotion, there is also great beauty and transcendent insight, for nothing is as it appears.”

Highlights from this episode:

  • How writing and sharing his story helped Barron realize that even a devastating tragedy could help him understand himself and his purpose for being alive and to benefit humanity.

  • The difficult but powerful lesson of letting go.

  • The “astonishing, almost repelling” idea that Seana’s disappearance could be the greatest gift she had to give him.

  • Barron’s experience of Shaktipat initiation from Baba Muktananda at age 20.

  • What’s the unaskable question?

  • What’s the first book Barron would recommend to people who just experienced a loss of a loved one?

  • The Yoga of Mindset - replacing the old tapes in our heads with new ones.

  • “Whatever thought we’re thinking in each moment determines our experience in that moment.”

  • How can we become the gardeners of our own mind?

  • Barron’s experience of communicating with Seana from the other side.

Barron Steffen is a longtime student on the spiritual path of Siddha Yoga, a big band crooner, and a widower. He has been a big wave surfer, a 1980s Italian pop singer, and an award-winning elementary school teacher. Barron has now fully transitioned from the elementary school classroom to his company, The Yoga of Mindset, where he teaches children and adults how to use their thoughts so they’re not used by them. For more on The Yoga of Mindset and “The Final Gift of the Beloved: Her Disappearance - 13 Days”, visit BarronSteffen.com.

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S3 Ep. 10: Messages from Beyond with Suzie Courtney

Suzie Courtney, author of “Heaven Held, an Angelic Account of Children in Transition”

Suzie Courtney, author of “Heaven Held, an Angelic Account of Children in Transition”

Are our departed loved ones able to communicate with us from the other side? In this episode we talk with author, Suzie Courtney. After the tragic loss of her son Daniel, Suzie was determined to connect with him, which led her to learn automatic writing. These messages from beyond provide solace and inspiration, which Suzie shares in her 4 books on grief and healing.

Highlights from this episode:

  • Daniel’s story, his unexpected passing and Suzie’s premonition beforehand.

  • How grief was a catalyst for her writing career.

  • The power of story to open a conversation around loss with children.

  • How a channeler friend initiated the first communications from Daniel.

  • What is automatic writing? Can anyone learn it?

  • What’s the process Suzie used for automatic writing?

  • How long did it take her to get her first sentence?

  • Is there a protocol she uses for spiritual protection during automatic writing?

  • The good that has come out of Daniel’s passing.

  • The role Daniel plays on the other side as a Light Being guide with children.

  • Suzie shares a recent automatic writing message from Daniel.

  • What’s the overriding message Suzie wishes to convey to bereaved parents?

  • Does automatic writing tire her out?

Suzie Courtney is an author, grief coach and crystal healer. She has written four books on grief and healing, including “Heaven Held,” a dialogue between the author and her departed son who is a Light Being Guide and “Through the Eyes of a Dove,” a source of solace in times of sorrow, one that can help the grieving to grow, trust, believe and learn to live with their child in spirit. For more on Suzie and her books, visit www.suziesbooks.com.

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S3 Ep. 9: Healing Crystals with Terrie Marie

Terrie Marie, Master Crystologist, Crystal & Angelic Realm Channel

Terrie Marie, Master Crystologist, Crystal & Angelic Realm Channel

Have you caught the crystal craze? Crystals have become increasingly popular in recent years, yet they are more than just pretty rocks. Crystals have healing properties due to their unique vibrations. In this week’s episode, we speak with Terrie Marie, a Master Cystologist and Crystal Channel, to learn about how to connect with and utilize crystals to improve our lives.

Highlights from this episode:

  • How Terrie Marie opened up to working with and communicating with crystals.

  • Do crystals communicate from an individualized consciousness or group consciousness?

  • What are some ways to detect whether a crystal is natural or synthetic?

  • How can crystals be used to help align your chakras or raise your vibration?

  • What are some crystals that help to absorb negative energy?

  • Does size matter? Does proximity matter?

  • Do all crystals work well together?

  • How should we cleanse our crystals and how often?

  • Are new types of crystals continuing to be discovered?

  • How to make your own crystal infused water.

  • What is a crystal energy transfusion and how can you do it?

  • Are there ethics around taking crystals home that you find out in nature?

Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms. is a highly attuned Master Crystologist, Crystal and Angelic Realm and Intuitive Crystal Channel. She utilizes and enlists the Power of Crystals in her personal daily spiritual practice. Through her work, she teaches her clients how they too can tap in the the Power of Crystals in simple practical ways. For more on Terrie Marie’s crystal offerings, visit http://thecrystologist.com. For more on all of Terrie Marie’s offerings, including Angelic, Intuitive and Crystals, visit http://www.angeldreamteam.com.

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S3 Ep. 8: The Way of Meditation with Chad Foreman

Chad Foreman, founder of The Way of Meditation

Chad Foreman, founder of The Way of Meditation

Finally! In this week’s episode we bring you a long overdue discussion on meditation with Chad Foreman, a former Buddhist monk and founder of the popular website, The Way of Meditation. Meditation can sometimes be difficult for people at first, yet it’s a key tool for experiencing what’s beyond the veil of illusion. Chad delights us with his spiritual knowledge and interesting stories. Stay tuned until the end for a short Inner Fire meditation.

Highlights from this episode:

  • What led Chad to give up everything and move to a Buddhist monastery?

  • The challenge of following your spiritual path in everyday society, walking the line between the spiritual and material worlds.

  • Why mindfulness is the foundation for meditation.

  • Relaxed concentration - as the Buddhists say, “the balance of not too tight, not too loose concentration”

  • How many minutes of meditation is considered the gold standard?

  • What are some of the different types of meditation?

  • The somewhat controversial story of Chad teaching a powerful meditation technique, Inner Fire.

  • Why Inner Fire meditation is particularly good for Westerners.

  • What’s the different between Relative and Ultimate meditation?

  • The many scientifically proven positive effects of practicing breathwork.

  • The way that Chad is able to tailor individual meditation techniques for people’s unique needs.

  • The power of crying spontaneously during meditation.

Chad Foreman is a former Buddhist monk who studied and practised Tibetan Buddhism for six years with his Guru Khensur Rinpoche living in an isolated meditation retreat hut in a Buddhist centre in Australia. With his Guru's blessing Chad has been teaching meditation since 2002 empowering people to experience the deepest levels of meditation for themselves. Chad is the founder of The Way of Meditation website, has published hundreds of articles, written a book, offers private online meditation coaching and leads meditation workshops and retreats in Australia and around the world. To access Chad’s articles and services, visit https://www.thewayofmeditation.com.au. You can also join the Way of Meditation Facebook community here.

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