Russ von Ohlhausen and Shannon Gill, founders of Lotus Bend Sanctuary and the Shift Foundation
Welcome back for Season 4! What better way to kick off a new year than getting the cosmic lowdown from our favorite astrologers, Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen. After all, Shannon’s December 2019 interview with us on the energies of 2020 was pretty spot on. You don’t want to miss what 2021 has in store. Russ and Shannon break it down for us in this episode. Spoiler alert: There’s no “going back to normal!”
In this episode we discuss:
How the power of Astrology, the history of cycles, gives us a map for our current time of Shift.
Taking a look at the astrological ages, the broader view of how we got here.
What are the differences between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius?
Are we fully now moving into the Age of Aquarius?
How do we shift out of the polarization (Light vs. Dark, Masculine vs. Feminine, division based on beliefs, etc.) that’s instigating conflict?
What does it mean when the Nodal Axis/destiny line changes signs?
What is the focus and our homework for the current Gemini/Sagittarius Nodal Axis?
What is The Great Mutation and how does the move from Earth to Air affect us?
How are things going to play out with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus this year? Chaos? Revolution?
What are the major aspects you definitely need to know about for this month, January 2021?
How does cryptocurrency reflect the Aquarian Age? Can astrology inform us on the cycles of crypto?
Which signs will be most affected this year?
How does sovereignty and privacy fit into this shift?
What are some astrological remedies to help us get through?
Astrologers Shannon Gill and Russ von Ohlhausen are the founders of the Shift Foundation and run Lotus Bend Sanctuary, a spiritual retreat center in South Austin. Learn more about Lotus Bend Sanctuary retreat center and programs at
Shannon Gill is a Certified Evolutionary Astrologer and Life Coach. To learn more about Shannon’s services or to schedule a session with her, visit Russ von Ohlhausen, a Research Astrologer, is co-founder of the Astrological Society of Austin in 2005, has written and taught with Astrology Hub and NCGR, and lectured at various esoteric organizations such as IONS (Institute for Noetic Science) & INACS. To connect with Russ, email him at
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