S6 Ep. 8: The Pet Psychic Laura Stinchfield


Pets are amazing spiritual teachers. They demonstrate unconditional love, acceptance, present moment awareness and more. Many of us form deep bonds with our animal companions. In this episode, Pet Psychic Laura Stinchfield shares tips on how we can better communicate with our pets and explains about the animal afterlife.


  • Laura shares her earliest memories of hearing a pet telepathically speak to her.

  • The game-changing technique to let your pet know how long you’re going away for vacation.

  • What’s the best way to communicate so that your pet understands you?

  • Does Laura receive animal messages in words, images, feelings or some other way?

  • Do animals take on our baggage?

  • Do we have soul contracts with some of our pets?

  • Tim shares how a few days before his passing, his cat sort of gave him a “heads up”.

  • Do pets sometimes reincarnate as humans and vice-versa?

  • How can we distinguish a telepathic message vs. our own thought?

  • Tuning into higher frequencies and learning to notice energy signatures allows us to discern whose energy we are connecting with telepathically.

  • Do psychic gifts get passed on genetically through our DNA?

  • Laura shares a past life experience that explains her deep connection to elephants.

  • Does the type of species and body influence how a consciousness experiences life?

  • If your pet is having a behavioral problem, it can really help to get them out in nature more.

  • What’s the number one way a deceased pet communicates with you?

Laura Stinchfield uses telepathy to have two way conversations with alive animals, deceased animals, and people, and anyone who can’t speak for themselves. Think of her as a translator, teacher and guide. Her services are used by animal owners, trainers, behaviorists, veterinarians and rescue groups. As well as people who want to reach out to their loved ones in spirit, their young children, their disabled child or family member in a coma. Learn more about Laura and her services at ThePetPsychic.com.

Laura is the author of two books, “Voices of the Animals” and “Stormy’s Words of Wisdom” and a meditation cd, “Pet Communication, Loss and the Afterlife,” which you can find here.

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