S6 Ep. 9: Light Language with Cynthia Brannum


Cynthia Brannum, Sophia Sound Illumination


Have you heard of Light Language? It’s a multi-dimensional form of frequency communication. Some people refer to it as “soul language.” The first time you hear it, it might sound strange or like gibberish. If you are sensitive, perhaps you can feel the high vibrational energy being transmitted. This week’s guest, Cynthia Brannum, describes it as “bypassing the conscious mind and tapping into the Superconscious, so that those areas are activated in a little more direct way than is usually possible.” Towards the end of this episode, Cynthia channels Light Language specifically for you, our listeners!


  • Which types of beings typically come through a Light Language session with Cynthia?

  • Who is Sophia? When was the first time Cynthia connected to her?

  • Is Light Language a type of communication or healing or both?

  • How Light Language is like a soul retrieval, calling back parts of our being we’ve been separated from.

  • What’s the process like for Cynthia? How does it feel for her?

  • What is Intuitive Painting? Is it a form of Light Language?

  • Her spiritual journey, from the 80s to 2015 -downloads, spiritual tinnitus, rapidly spinning energy, channeling.

  • The sequential process, spiritually guided by Sophia, that prepared Cynthia to acclimate to the higher frequencies of Light Language.

  • Can anyone learn to tap into Light Language?

  • How does Light Language differ from channeling?

  • How does Cynthia safeguard to only allow beneficial energies in?

  • What was the ascension process she experienced?

  • What are some good practices to do afterward to integrate it?

Cynthia Brannum allows Divine Beings to come forward using light language, light singing, toning, movement and image making. She has been lead through the Ascension experience and is able to embody archetypal, expanded “states of being”. Cynthia’s mission on Earth is to be of service and assist in this time of transformation into Divine Human. Learn more about Cynthia and her services at sophiasoundillumination.com

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