Mia Loweree, Akashic Records Consultant & Universal Intuitive
Photo Credit: Episode image of the Cosmos is artwork created by Mia Loweree
What are the Akashic Records? According to EdgarCayce.org, “the Akashic Records, aka The Book of Life, can be equated to the universe’s central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.” Who can access these records? How can we utilize this information for the highest good?
In this episode we have a conversation about the Akashic Records with Mia Loweree, an Akashic Records Consultant.
Ideas we discuss in this episode:
How Mia’s understanding of the Akashic Records has evolved through years of working with them.
The understanding that the Akashic Records isn’t used to predict the future, but can provide insight into potentiality.
Can anyone access the Book of Records?
Tim and Tianna’s experiences of their Akashic Records Consultation with Mia.
The Universal Law that a person needs to seek this energy in some way before it can be revealed .
How this tool assists us in utilizing our own free will to receive loving guidance.
Are there ever questions asked in which the questioner is not given an answer?
What has Akashic Records: businesses, relationships, property, pets?
What are Grace Points and Release Statements? How do they help us?
Mia Loweree began her studies in July 2007 with Lauralyn Bunn, who has been teaching how to access the Akashic Records with a sacred prayer for 21 years. She received her certification through Lauralyn’s Akashic Pathways training and mentoring program. Mia has been a practicing Akashic Record Consultant since January 2012, and has come to understand that accessing the Akashic Records is one of the most powerful, Loving tools available to have an opportunity to “see” oneself, others, situations, etc.. from your “Soul point of view.” She’s also gifted in multiple areas of Intuition. To learn more about Mia and her services or to schedule a session, visit https://mialoweree.com
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