Trey Ganem & his crystal skull, David
Trey & Michele Ganem
This week we talk with Trey Ganem, who creates customized caskets and is also known as “Trey the Texas Medium.” What exactly is a medium? Simply put, a medium is someone who communicates with people who are no longer alive. Obviously Trey is not your average guy! He’s a fun guy to talk to, full of interesting stories about his communications with those on the other side and how his unique gifts help bring closure to those who’ve crossed over, and even more, to their loved ones left behind.
Topics we discuss in this episode:
How Trey came together with the crystal skull he calls David.
What inspired him to start creating custom caskets?
How Trey’s gift of mediumship reawakened while building a casket.
The story of when the spirit of a Baltimore Ravens football player showed up in his home.
The process of how the information comes through to him.
The past life regression experiences Trey & his wife Michele had with Tianna.
In his medium readings, is there a guarantee that someone will communicate with who they want?
How did he get his tv show “Trey the Texas Medium” on A&E?
The special hugs Trey gives from loved ones on the other side and Tim’s story of giving this type of hug once.
The blessing and healing a custom caskets brings to family members.
For information on Trey’s custom caskets, visit and their Facebook page @SoulShineIndustries. To learn more about Trey Ganem’s mediumship and his show “Trey the Texas Medium,” visit and follow his Facebook page @TreytheTexasMedium You can also google “Trey the Texas Medium” to find out the latest information.
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