Maegen and David Staab, creators of the Maegical podcast.
Welcome back for Season 3 of Beyond the Illusion! We kick things off with David and Maegen Staab, the creators of a podcast called Maegical: Stories of Healing and Spiritual Gifts. David and Maegen are passionate about their purpose to help others and are working on many projects including a YouTube channel and a book describing their inspirational healing story.
Topics we discuss in this episode include:
Affirmations: how Maegen reprogrammed her subconscious from victim to powerful manifestor.
The story of where the name Maegical came from.
How trauma can be the root cause for many physical symptoms in the body.
The energy within Maegen that tried to block her Ayahuasca experience.
Maegen’s wild intense Ayahuasca experience.
Changes in Maegen the day and months after Ayahuasca.
The lesson of Surrender.
David’s experience of Ayahuasca as a powerful feminine Divine loving energy.
“A Holy Sci-Fi Movie” - David’s description of his Ayahuasca experience.
David’s epiphany on the purpose of Maegen’s trauma, as well as messages he received about the Holy Bible, plant medicine, Mother Earth and more.
Considerations to take when selecting a Shaman for Ayahuasca.
You can listen to the Maegical podcast here, as well as via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, etc. You can access their YouTube channel here. David and Maegen also offer life coaching, business coaching, angel readings, Reiki and more. To learn more about all of David and Meagen’s offerings, visit their site