S8 Ep. 9: Automatic Drawing with Ash Mystic


Ash Mystic, Intuitive Artist & Mystic


Art serves as a medium for self-expression, healing & connecting to higher realms of consciousness. Can doodling be a spiritual practice? This week’s guest, Ash Mystic, shares his unique practice of providing intuitive readings through his art doodling, better known as Automatic Drawing, and the synchronicities that led to the awakening of this ability.


  • What is Automatic Drawing & how did Ash come to do it?

  • Can anyone do art divination or is it only for people who are naturally artistic?

  • How did these last two big US eclipses affect Ash on his spiritual journey?

  • What’s the story behind the Twelve Mushrooms Oracle deck?

  • What does “beyond the illusion” mean to Ash?

  • In our highly polarized world, how can we transcend the duality perspective without spiritually bypassing?

  • What is Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory?

  • What inspired his Temple of Divine Light piano music album?

  • What are some of the keynotes of this early phase of the Aquarian Age?

ASH MYSTIC is a mystic, intuitive artist & technologist. He offers psychic readings through Automatic Drawing Divination. His primary passion is to help elevate our collective & individual levels of consciousness toward more holistic, compassionate, healthy, and regenerative states of being. https://ashmystic.com/ Check out his Twelve Mushrroms Oracle deck: https://twelvemushrooms.com/

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner & Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression & Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). https://www.awakeningtransformation.com. Tianna is the author of “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey & accelerate growth, available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Awakening-Transformation-Beginners-Becoming-Higher/dp/1737705303

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born & raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he’s constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter & cat).

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[00:00:00] Tianna: A lot of our guests on the podcast are people that we come across here in the greater Austin area, which is really fun, like people that we've actually met in person. And I came across Ash at that total eclipse of the heart event put on by our resident astrologers Shannon and Russ, which was really amazing.

[00:00:21] It was really a great event and so powerful. I feel like I shifted timelines and I'm still integrating a lot of that. First thing when I came into the event, I saw one of my friends and she was getting this reading and I was waiting for her to finish so I could go to say hi.

[00:00:37] It was going on for quite a while. I was like, what's going on? And then when I went over and she's like, oh, you have to get a reading from this guy. And so that was Ash. And he did this really cool kind of art divination reading and I would love if, one, I'm curious. Yeah. What was your experience from that eclipse event?

[00:00:56] And then two, if you could explain what that is that you do.

[00:01:00] Ash Mystic: I could, Tianna. Yes, that event felt really powerful and profound to me. And I was really touched that so many people were interested in the readings I was giving. Yeah, I felt really called to vend at the event. I had art available and then I did the live readings.

[00:01:17] Cause on the last solar eclipse, that was a very special, profound experience for me in 2017, the last total eclipse. And I felt like I really wanted to honor it with sharing my gifts. And it felt like a potent time to do that with it being in the Aries Libra axis. And so, yeah, with the readings I give.

[00:01:39] I practice automatic drawing, which is a divination practice, and it's kind of similar to tarot, but instead of having a deck of cards and pulling a card from that deck, I'm actually drawing them. A card on the spot and offering that to the listener. And so it starts with an intention or a question that the person has, similar to tarot.

[00:02:04] And then I do a little grounding meditation to get into it. And then the idea of it is that I'm letting my subconscious or superconscious mind come through. So as much as I can, I try not to think about what's being drawn. And I just sort of let my hand guide it. And it starts as like simple marks and lines, and then it becomes slightly more complex shapes.

[00:02:31] And what I find really fun about it and powerful is that it's actually an integration of logic and intuition or creativity and analysis, because it kind of starts subconsciously without any thought at all, but then I shift into like an interpretation mode where I say, Oh, that's interesting. That little squiggle looks like.

[00:02:52] I don't know, maybe a snake. And so then I kind of shift into the mode of, okay, I'm going to draw a snake. And then I kind of go back into the intuitive part. And then I just start doodling again. And I draw a square, maybe I'm like, Oh, that feels like it's a box. It's also kind of a clairvoyant thing where yeah, just like the meaning of that symbol appears and then by the end of it, I have sort of this composition of different symbols and I feel like they create a scene or a story together.

[00:03:21] So then I sort of reflect on how they might all make sense together and give an interpretation based on that and it's something that I actually started doing for myself and I didn't even know it was like a divination practice. This was in, I believe like 2018 and I was drawing, just doodling one day.

[00:03:44] And I remember what appeared was it felt like an image of an older man and he had a pipe with him. And I thought I had this image of my grandfather come through and And I was like, Oh, that's kind of interesting. And then I think it was a couple of days later, I was talking with my mom on the phone and she brought up her father, my grandfather. He smokes a tobacco pipe and it's not uncommon for us to talk about him, but I was like, Oh, that's neat.

[00:04:10] And so I felt like maybe there's something there and it inspired me to not just appreciate it, but to take action. And I was like, okay, it inspired me to make a little watercolor postcard and send it to my grandfather. So I was camping at the time and the Hill country of Texas.

[00:04:25] It was like late spring and so I drew some, blossoming prickly pear cactus flowers and sent that to him and he really appreciated it and he was like, wow, you did that? And so that felt like confirmation that the drawing I made inspired that and there was some meaning to it. So then I thought, that's interesting.

[00:04:42] Ash Mystic: If I can do a reading drawing for myself. Surely I could do it for other people. And I thought that'd be a really cool practice to offer readings to people. And so I started doing that. I started developing it and I did it for a few friends and they had profound experiences with seeing a lot of synchronicity with what was in the drawing come through and I didn't realize that it was maybe like several months later, I researched it because I was giving a little presentation on it. And I was like, I wonder if this is something other people do and I wasn't until then that I found out it has a name or it has probably has a few names, but one of them is automatic drawing.

[00:05:18] And so I was like, Oh, that's cool. So that was another confirmation that it wasn't just something I was making up, but something that a lot of other people stumbled upon too. Coincidentally. So, yeah, that's led me to current day doing that still.

[00:05:31] Tim: Yeah. It would still have as much validity, even if you did make it up and it was just you doing it.

[00:05:38] And you're the first person I've ever heard of doing this before, so I didn't even know there was such a thing as automatic drawing. But that's fascinating. Yeah. I'm kind of curious too. Also, I know you're in the Austin area and we are too. And it seems that all the, Similar minded people kind of gravitate towards each other or they find each other somehow.

[00:06:00] Tim: So I'm kind of curious, how did you even find Shannon and Russ and make it to their event?

[00:06:08] Ash Mystic: Yeah. So that's an interesting and, it could be a long story, but I'm happy to share it. Actually currently living in Ohio, but I have lived in an Austin area for quite a while. And so my first time in Austin, I moved there with my family in the middle of high school, and I spent like half of sophomore year and then junior and senior year there. And I didn't like it at the time because the environment I was exposed to there was very different than then.

[00:06:39] I actually came there several years after that, and I was exposed to a whole different community of people. And it was also kind of the program context I had or idea I had of Texas of like, you know, cowboys and maybe close minded people and so that's what I saw, because that's what I believed I was going to see.

[00:06:56] And actually it was several years later. So that was 2006. And then in about 2014, I had met someone at a Greenpeace volunteer meeting. I was living in North Carolina at the time and he was interested in exploring intentional communities. And he had some contacts in like New Mexico and Austin as well.

[00:07:19] And he. Invited and inspired me to join him. And so we started traveling around and staying with a few people who are also interested in doing this and basically like values oriented communities and based on values of abundance and sort of a resource based economy, as opposed to like whatever system is dominant in the world right now.

[00:07:40] So that inspired my move West. And Shannon and Russell were two people that my friend knew somehow in his contact network or someone introduced them to him. And so when we were in Austin, we paid them a visit at Lotus Bend. And so that's when we first met them, but it wasn't actually until a year later that they were hosting a labyrinth building ceremony.

[00:08:04] And so I attended that and I had a really magical, profound time there. And also another friend of mine, we both went there and felt so inspired. We really wanted to live there. And we knew that Shannon Ross were kind of inviting people to maybe camp or have tiny homes and create a little community there.

[00:08:22]  much aligned with what I was doing with the intentional community work. And so that did come to fruition and we stayed there for a few months and that summer and I ended up leaving for mental health reasons and I moved back to Ohio, but since then we've stayed in touch and I've been helping them with their website work because I have a background in website development and design.

[00:08:42] And so I've helped Shannon with her astrology website, Shannonleigill. com. I've also worked on the ashram.org website and then the 2024 total solar eclipse of the heart website. And they invited me to come for the event, and it made sense because I was working on the site and felt a strong connection to it.

[00:09:01] Tianna: Unless there's more than one labyrinth building ceremony event, I was at that event too, at Lotus Bend. Yeah. Oh wow. Where we put all the rocks down and created the labyrinth. Yeah. How funny.

[00:09:15] Ash Mystic: that is so funny. Yeah. And there were quite a few people there. Yeah. So I don't really remember everyone, but I didn't mean everybody.

[00:09:20] Tianna: No, me neither. But that's again, small world .

[00:09:23] Ash Mystic: Yeah. And that happened with someone else. I didn't realize that they were there until afterward. And so I feel like that was sort of a nexus point in the timespace continuum of bringing people together.

[00:09:33] Tianna: Yeah, absolutely have you always been into art or was that something more connected to your spirituality brought that out or how does that work?

[00:09:42] Ash Mystic: Yeah, that's a good question. I'd say my mom from a young age inspired me to work on art and for a long time. It was mostly just a fun hobby, I would say. And growing up, I was very heavily influenced by my dad who is very logical kind of analytical and also by my school system, very like secular.

[00:10:02] And so I kind of developed this, atheist, I guess, worldview. And I was more focused on like working and doing and creating things that I thought the world expected of me. And so art was, maybe pushed on the back burner a little bit. And then later on I'd tell you, I had my spiritual awakening in my mid twenties, which is around the time that I developed the automatic drawing practice and had a few other profound experiences.

[00:10:26] And, yeah, I started seeing art as a spiritual tool, as a therapeutic tool, and it's been huge for me, for my mental health. I've been in a poetry group for a couple of years. Recently I've been taking a little bit of a break from it, but, there's like a therapeutic poetry group and I feel that is one of my core passions now focusing on art and also sort of balancing the logic and intuition again.

[00:10:50] I think that's a really big theme for me and I think there's a lot of power there. That's actually where a synchronicity manifests is when you bring together the two hemispheres of your brain, where it's almost like, a playful curiosity about the world. And then you apply a little bit of logic to it and you're like, Oh yeah, that makes sense.

[00:11:07] And that's where the synchronicity happens. And I think good art does that too, where it incorporates like sacred geometry and the golden ratio. to create something as aesthetically pleasing, but also mathematical and logical.

[00:11:21] Tianna: Do you think that as far as the automatic drawing, is it really for people who were already naturally artistically inclined?

[00:11:30] Or do you think anyone who sort of connects deeply spiritually could do it as well? What are your thoughts on that?

[00:11:37] Ash Mystic: Yes, so absolutely. I think it's something for everyone. And my style, I would say I'm very much like a folk artist, so I don't have much or any training in specific techniques, like artistic techniques.

[00:11:50] and I think that's really freeing and actually a benefit, because it doesn't confine us as much to what we expect it should look like. And with the automatic drawing, it really is just doodling and it can be more complex or detailed, depending on how much time you do it for. Vut in order to get the symbols that have meaning, it really just takes a little bit of time. And I'd say an important part is to be in touch with your intuition because that's where you're going to be able to interpret the symbols and apply it to one's life.

[00:12:18] It's important to be able to trust the messages that are given. And I think that's really a challenging thing with any kind of psychic work is I think everyone has the potential to do psychic work and it's really just. If we have mental blocks that, make us say, Oh, no, that can't be right. And I know you do the past life regression and in between life regression and hypnotherapy and with all that, it's about trusting what you're seeing.

[00:12:41] And there are definitely ways to practice, I think just helps with that. I'm a part of a metaphysical development group and we just give messages to each other, practice. It's usually just clairvoyant, like whatever we're thinking. We have a partner and we share what we see and ask if that resonates with them and maybe give a little more details of what it might mean.

[00:13:03] And that really helps build trust and confidence or faith, that it's going to work.

[00:13:08] Tianna: Fun. Can you imagine if we got to do that in school growing up, how much more developed we could be in our intuitive gifts?

[00:13:15] Ash Mystic: Yes, that'd be incredible.

[00:13:17] Tim: Yeah, I know there's so much that the school system is missing out on if they're not embracing these kind of alternative ideas.

[00:13:24] So you mentioned earlier on your spiritual journey that you had a couple of profound Experiences and that kind of piqued my curiosity. I was wondering if you wanted to talk about those at all

[00:13:35] Ash Mystic: Oh sure. Thanks for asking. Yeah, so The one big one that's coming to mind happened. It's related to the first solar eclipse.

[00:13:42] I mentioned the great American eclipse in 2017. So I guess a little bit of background first. I'd been doing the intentional community work and traveling around and it was very inspiring. And I feel like there's still a lot of potential there, but I saw some big issues with it, at least for me personally, where it was tough, really difficult to stay grounded because we were trying to do so many different Things that were different than how society does things that, I kind of had a loss of identity and it was difficult to make decisions and trying a new value system, like every little, decision requires a different approach.

[00:14:19] I was feeling burnt out and it was difficult to detach from the need for kind of the comforts I was used to and. So basically I felt like it wasn't working out for me and I was needing something different. I was also very angry. I felt angry at modern society in the world. And I was like, why can't things just be different and feeling kind of hopeless basically.

[00:14:40] Ash Mystic: And so that was the mood or state I was in. And then the eclipse was coming up and I just felt called go to it perhaps as a way to get a different perspective or just to kind of take a break from what I was focusing on. And so I spontaneously decided to take a road trip east from Austin to Tennessee to see it just a solo road trip by myself.

[00:15:02] And that felt really fun in itself, just being spontaneous. And I did some day trips on the way. I stopped at the diamond mine in Arkansas =, checking out some of the cool forest drives. And just kind of just wanting to be more in myself and just focus on myself and not think about things so much.

[00:15:18] So I got to the eclipse. I met up with my parents who drove from the north from Ohio and we had a beautiful time. We were in a soybean field near Nashville with a few other people just kind of remote. And we had a beautiful view is clear skies. And when the eclipse came, the crickets and birds went silent and it got dark and cool.

[00:15:42] And, Tianna, we shared that experience at a total eclipse from the heart recently and, seeing how magical it is. And so that felt really profound and the energies were feeling really palpable. And then the next day I was getting ready to drive back home to Austin. And so I drove, I started driving from Nashville at West and then I was passing Memphis and I was wanting to take a break.

[00:16:06] So I stopped at a field, on mud Island park in Memphis. And I was still feeling really irritable and kind of like angsty, from all the previous things I was thinking about, but something drew me to just sink in. And it's feel gratitude for everything. I think there was like a bank on the bank of the river and it triggered thoughts of the 1 percent and being angry at them.

[00:16:29] And I was like, I need to stop this. So I was just like, thank you. I appreciate everything you've done that has enabled me to do what I do. It kind of symbolized this, whatever you want to call it, patriarchy or system of control. And I was like, yeah, there's some negative or dark aspects to it.

[00:16:47] But on the flip side. My life is very abundant in so many ways. And I felt the same thing for an American flag I saw next to it. And I was really trying to integrate this duality back into unity and, going beyond the illusion of separation.

[00:17:02] Tianna: Love that.

[00:17:03] Ash Mystic: Yes. Thank you. So, so that felt like a big lift and then I was walking through the field and I was feeling very joyous and suddenly my heart felt light.

[00:17:13] And I just felt like at one with everything. I was just appreciating everything. And the reason I shared all that is because I feel like that shift was really important for what happened next, that allowed this profound experience to happen. So I was walking and kind of on the edge of a forested area in a field.

[00:17:33] I came across these 12 mushrooms growing in the ground and they were in an arc like kind of a fairy ring circle between two trees. And that's not an unusual thing for mushrooms to do, but something about them drew my attention. So I started studying them more and just kind of with a playful curiosity.

[00:17:55] Like I've done with my automatic drawing practice. I was like, Hmm, what could these mushrooms mean? And I feel like each one was very unique and had a character to it. And I was like, what would each character say? And so I realized that one of them was kind of standing up straight and tall.

[00:18:08] And I was like, Oh, that looks like a young mushroom. It's sort of representing youth and growth. And then there was another mushroom that was crooked, falling over. And I was like, Oh, that kind of feels like it's older and getting thick or aging. And then there was one mushroom standing up and another next to it.

[00:18:24] And I was like, oh wow, that's like it lost a loved one. And then another group of mushrooms, they were both lying on the ground. I'm like, oh wow. That's like, they died together. And on the other side, there were two standing up that to me felt like represented birth, like they're coming together and creating a new mushroom like the one next to it.

[00:18:43] And this is all easier to see with a visual, but I know with audio, I'll do my best. and then the last group was relationships and it consisted of two mushrooms standing next to each other, really close. And then two mushrooms standing farther away. And I was like, wow, that's like sort of balancing.

[00:19:00] In a relationship, being together with someone and separate at the same time. So anyway, and they were all arranged in the right order. So it was like birth, then growth, then relationships, then aging, illness, loss, and death. And then I was like, wow. Then the two trees are between , it's like the mushrooms represent the stages of life.

[00:19:18] And then the trees are the spirit realm. So there's one tree where after death, you kind of ascend metaphorically, upward or literally around into the spirit realm. And then the next tree is the reincarnation, the rebirth, coming back into the physical realm, the 3d. And when I saw this, it was so elegant and powerful and beautiful.

[00:19:39] And I had this, I would say like a rapture experience where I had this intense emotion come up and I started crying hysterically and I just thought it was so beautiful and I really felt like a message from a spirit source, a higher being, higher intelligence, and it felt like such a supportive message to me in that period of my life when I was kind of confused and not sure what to do or think or believe.

[00:20:05] and I had been toying with the idea of reincarnation being a possibility. And that was like really strong confirmation that yes, this is a sign like this is nature telling me that this is real. And then I had this, like the part of the rapture experience, I felt this oneness of connection with everything.

[00:20:22] and I have worked with plant medicine and it felt very similar to that. Even though I wasn't, even though I mentioned mushrooms, I wasn't taking any psilocybin or anything, but it felt so similar to that. And like, this is so interesting that it actually feels like that too. And so I was just on the Grass.

[00:20:37] I was like crying for probably a few hours, just soaking in this beautiful energy and it just felt so profound. And then it inspired me to really want to share that message. And now seven years later, I just released an Oracle card deck called 12 mushrooms, and it encapsulates all the wisdom from that.

[00:20:57] And so hold up on the screen here. so you can see, I know on the audio won't be able to hear it, but be on the beautiful. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, those are beautiful. So on the front, thanks. On the front side of the cards are the stages.

[00:21:09] Tianna: I love the shimmer.  Mm-Hmm.

[00:21:12] Ash Mystic: Yeah. Thank you. I had a lot of fun with the holographic effect.

[00:21:14] Uhhuh. .

[00:21:15] Tianna: Oh wow. Yeah. All the stages. Mm-Hmm.

[00:21:17] Ash Mystic: and on the back are sort of the psycho spiritual states that I was in that kind of led up to that event. And one other thing I thought was really interesting was a couple weeks after that event happened, I was playing around with applying the mushrooms onto the fruit of life sacred geometry pattern.

[00:21:39] Tim: And I

[00:21:39] Ash Mystic: noticed that they really elegantly created all these symmetries. And In the deck and on my website, I go into detail about  how everything really mirrors each other. but that felt like another profound confirmation that there was something to this.

[00:21:52] Tim: Yeah. Wow. That's an incredible story.

[00:21:55] Thank you for sharing that with us. Yeah. And I love that it gives everyone some background on where the cards came from, like the images on the cards. So yeah, that's fascinating. I always ask everyone, not everyone, but if I remember to, I ask a lot of people what their opinion or idea is of, What's happening right now with humanity? what's happening on the globe? what's happening in the world as far as like our evolution spiritually and, yeah.

[00:22:29] What are your ideas about that?

[00:22:30] Ash Mystic: Yeah, and I suppose as an intro to that. This past week I was meditating on the name of your podcast, Beyond the Illusion, and I was thinking about what that means to me. And I know I mentioned a little bit, but basically going or seen beyond the illusion of separation. And I'm sure you've talked about this in depth, but yeah.

[00:22:51] And I thought it was interesting how it really, the illusion of separation applies to so many things, like everything really it's the illusion of separation between the physical 3d world. And the spiritual 5d world, it's the illusion between life and death, the illusion between ourselves and other souls, the illusion between science and spirituality.

[00:23:13] And then it also extends to the illusion. I think there's a tendency right now to be. And maybe instead of like separation between each other,  there's this idea of separation between classes, like the rich and the poor. And I think, perhaps that's a more Enlightened perspective, but I think that's still a duality perspective.

[00:23:33] Ash Mystic: And I think it's important to see everyone as the same,  even the people with power and without power. And I see that coming to a head right now in the world, kind of that, dissolution. I think what's important about that is if we create that separation, it disempowers us because by saying that there are these powerful people that control everything.

[00:23:53] We partially manifest that and we allow them to have that power. But if we take the responsibility to say, okay, yes, there's this power dynamic, but what are we going to do about it? I think it's important for us to come together and see how we can improve the world. It's important to be aware of things, but to spend less energy on complaining and more energy on just being better ourselves is really important.

[00:24:16] And I think all that goes along with the age of Aquarius and especially also we're in the first Deacon, I think of the age of Aquarius, which is Libra, and I know Shannon talks about this. Libra is about balance, seeing both perspectives.

[00:24:30] And to see what role we play in a relationship and balance that out. Also with Aquarius, we see a huge advancement in technology. And right now AI has really, I think, taken the world by storm. I think that's another place that we're being called to dissolve the illusion of separation where perhaps we don't see AI as artificial, but rather like an extension of ourselves.

[00:24:55] I'm not fully sure how I feel about when and where it's appropriate to use AI. I'm still figuring it out for myself, but I think that's a really important thing for us to collectively to figure out. And I think if we use it consciously, it has a potential to be okay just like with any technology.

[00:25:11] It's how we use it. And it's the level of consciousness of the people using it that matters and has the effects, technology, I think is kind of indifferent, just like the universe is that's how we use it that matters.

[00:25:21] Tianna: You would think that on a podcast called Beyond the Illusion that we would have talked about this a lot. But actually thinking about it in our five years, Tim, I feel like only in our intro episode did we kind of talk about the illusion, which, yeah, I perceive it a lot as the illusion of separation.

[00:25:38] I think it's really interesting, and I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. I can see both sides. Yeah, from these different perspectives that I'm seeing in the spiritual community on one hand, we're talking about unity consciousness and how we're all one.

[00:25:53] We need to dissolve that illusion. On the other hand,  I know Tim's really into Law of One and they talk about polarizing. We have to be like really polarized in service to others. And so there's some people in spiritual community talking like, Oh no, you have to really polarize to the service to other side.

[00:26:10] And there's others that are like, no, we have to integrate. And I kind of hold the space of both, which doesn't seem like you have to choose one or the other. But I do think that And I wonder about this, that this system, this incarnating on earth type of system, that duality was an important illusion so that we could grow through that illusion.

[00:26:32] And I'm coming from the perspective of, I don't believe it's a prison planet. I believe that we chose to incarnate and chose to be in this illusion. And so there's this thing about the dance between the two sides and there's beautiful things about, we are not going to lose our individuality.

[00:26:49] I don't think, because that's part of the experience is to hold the space of both, The oneness unity consciousness and get to experience ourself as individualized. But how is that going to look moving forward as we continue to become more aware of our oneness? Will this place Earth still have the polarities, because I do think it creates a lot of opportunity for growth and insight and understanding and awareness.

[00:27:18] So I'm just throwing out these ideas. I'm not giving any conclusions or answers. What are your thoughts about different, ways of looking at it, Ash? Hmm.

[00:27:25] Ash Mystic: And it's funny because I almost wonder if the desire to pick a side between unity and the polarized help to others then in itself. Maybe we don't need, that's also maybe a separation idea and that we don't have to choose.

[00:27:40] Tianna: Yeah, I'm not choosing. I'm liking them both. I want it all. I don't want to have to choose.

[00:27:45] No, I don't know.

[00:27:47] Ash Mystic: And then, even though we're in the age of Aquarius, Every person still has their own signs and we still have the polarities of the planets and unless the planets are going away, I would imagine that would continue and that it's still beneficial to kind of embody the different archetypes you have Aries and Libra , and Aquarius And, kind of creating these poles into collectiveness versus singularness.

[00:28:13] And I think another model or philosophy that could be helpful, are you familiar with Ken Wilber and his integral theory?

[00:28:21] Tianna: I've heard of him, but I'm not familiar with that theory. Tim, are you familiar?

[00:28:26] Tim: No, I've heard of him as well, but no, I'm not familiar with it.

[00:28:29] Tianna: Tell us about it.

[00:28:30] Ash Mystic: Yeah, sure. So he creates what he calls a model of everything or a system of everything that tries to incorporate different perspectives on things. He has this one diagram that's called all quadrants, all levels. And basically it shows how we have sort of the inner experience and the outer experience.

[00:28:51] And then we also have the single experience of like the individual And the greater experience of the collective and how they're all one. And you can see like elements of society and each one or elements of the world. And then the all levels part he developed this idea of holons, or I don't know if he invented it, but he at least kind of popularized it.

[00:29:11] A holon is basically something that is a whole by itself, but then it's also part of a greater whole. So you can imagine like. A cell is part of an organ and an organ is part of the body. And his argument is that that also applies to the development of consciousness of humanity on earth. And that over time we kind of expand our consciousness, but it doesn't mean we get rid of the old, but rather what happens is we transcend and include the previous.

[00:29:42] So,, if you look back to ancient times, we might've started like, kind of what you might call archaic or mythic worldview and culture. And then it kind of developed towards like religious and then towards like scientific, like with the enlightenment, and now we're kind of in this postmodern age and.

[00:30:00] I think it's easy to believe that it's kind of out with the old and with the new, but what really happens is we take the best of the past and then we kind of add a new wrapping around it. I feel like that's what's happening one good analogy is the chakras. So, we have sort of seven basic chakras and we value all of them.

[00:30:21] We have the root chakra at the base, which is kind of our primal self. And then the crown chakra at the top kind of represents our enlightened self. And it's not that we only focus on the crown chakra and the third eye. We want to honor the benefits of the lower chakras. Our foundation, it gives at the root chakra, it gives us our security for a physical body and then the sacral, it gives us our passion.

[00:30:45] And yeah, there are some perhaps negative or dark aspects of those with, violence, but we still value those chakras and we're not going to get rid of them. And I think the same applies with, as we evolve collectively, we have these past societies that, are kind of aspects of our culture that we're still going to carry through.

[00:31:04] Tianna: Beautiful. Yeah. Thanks. That makes a lot of sense to me. That feels good to me.

[00:31:09] Ash Mystic: Yeah.

[00:31:10] Tianna: What about, I think you have some other offerings as well.

[00:31:14] Ash Mystic: Oh yes. So, the 12 mushrooms oracle deck I have that available on my website and then it also has its own dedicated website, 12 mushrooms. com and Can either type in the word 12 or the number 12, both of them work

[00:31:28] Tianna: and

[00:31:29] Ash Mystic: yeah,

[00:31:29] Tianna: of course, cause you're a web guy, so, you know,

[00:31:33] Ash Mystic: yes, exactly.

[00:31:35] That was fun to do. And then I also I play piano and so I recently published an album called temple of divine light. And it's based on the seven divine rays of light, which are, it's sort of this different aspects of the universe, and each one is associated with a chohan or ascended master, and I worked with.

[00:31:57] A metaphysical study group called the current way and we did a set of guided meditations. And so each one of these tracks goes with one of the meditations that we did. And so I have that available. It's a meditative piano album.

[00:32:11] Tianna: Wow. I have all of Alice Bailey's books, but they're not easy reading.

[00:32:16] I have them and I've studied some of them well and . So yeah, the seven rays. Like esoteric studies, they'll talk about it, but you don't hear that much about it otherwise outside of that. So that's really cool that you did that. Thank you.

[00:32:28] Ash Mystic: Yeah. They're very focused on like kind of American spiritualism.

[00:32:34] It's sort of one of their main focuses. So the chohans come up a lot in that St. Germain and Lady Nada and All of them.

[00:32:41] Tianna: Nice.

[00:32:42] Tim: Very cool. Yeah. It seems like we've had a few people that are doing musical things, right? Sound comes up a lot lately. So I feel like, something in the universe is pointing towards Light and

[00:32:53] Tianna: sound.

[00:32:53] Yeah. Light and sound. Exactly. Are really powerful, and then I think there's so much more to be explored there in this Aquarian age,. I think now it's finally, I'm gonna say finally, but actually still in the greater population, it's not like everybody knows about sound and color healing. But in the spiritual community, it seems like in the last, whatever.

[00:33:14] Yeah. 5, 10 years or something, it's really kind of exploded. And I think it's going to continue to from maybe like Atlantean times or Lemurian times. And they did a lot of this stuff. It's coming back and people are accessing or recovering their gifts or their memories around that. And I saw on your about page you mentioned your star seed origins.

[00:33:35] Do you want to talk about that at all?

[00:33:37] Ash Mystic: Sure. So I feel like my origin is probably from the Sirius star system. And I think one of the main reasons for that, which I also thought of when you were talking about the sound technology is that I feel like I have special connections to ancient Egypt. Yeah.

[00:33:52] Yeah. And I did a past life regression once, and I felt like I was maybe a priest or sort of an assistant or almost like an artist, working on a temple in Giza, I'm pretty sure. And Sirius is very connected to ancient Egypt because it lines up with the Great Pyramid, at the time of the Lion's Gate.

[00:34:15] And, yeah, the lion skate is something that I feel a special connection to, Oh, look at that. Yes. I love that. You have my lion skate watercolor. Awesome. Yes. And so, yeah, it feels like an intuitive connection

[00:34:29] and I suppose that's, how I feel.

[00:34:31] Tim: Yeah, I was just going to mention that it's funny how you were saying earlier, Tianna, that. This is the Aquarian age and there are more things that are gonna be discovered or rediscovered as far as like technologies and those sort of things.

[00:34:45] And it made me think of, just how much astrology and the movement of the celestial bodies do impact us and our way of life. And Since I've known you, Tianna, you've always talked about astrology, and so I became interested in it just kind of by osmosis, right, right here, like I was just absorbing everything, and now I really pay attention to it all, and I know what's happening, , and it really does make a lot of sense that when things are happening in the cosmos, that it's reflected in ourselves and in our lives.

[00:35:19] And it's almost like magic, sometimes there's a retrograde and everything that goes along with the retrograde, it really does happen that way. And then when it finishes, , things start to progress again like they were. And I've really, really noticed that, and not just in my life, but in other people's lives, and even at my work, and everywhere.

[00:35:37] And, yes, I do feel like this Aquarian Age is going to be It's almost like we don't even have to try things just start happening again like they were meant to and so i'm really Looking forward to Whatever's coming and i'm actually enjoying what's happening now because I feel like right now we are moving through a lot of really intense Transitions and Whatever's happening is really making things Very interesting right now on earth And I'm just kind of wondering, have you been having, challenges or interesting experiences going through these past few months or this year at all, Ash?

[00:36:13] And if you want to talk about it, I'll be happy to hear it.

[00:36:17] Ash Mystic: Thank you. Yeah, I love what you just said, because I think people that understand and know the power of astrology, they know how a big deal it is that we're in the age of Aquarius. And people who don't, I mean, they might want to see a different world, but.

[00:36:31] They might get fixated on, well, the past 2000 years haven't been so great. So why are we going to change now? But I think the planets are really helping us with that. And that, the energies that are reflected by the positions of the planets right now. And it doesn't mean we can just sit back, we all play a part, but I think it's almost like allowing and allowing what we feel is best in the moment to come through us.

[00:36:54] And if we all just play a part doing that, then I think it'll just add up to manifesting the world we want. And sometimes that means resting. I feel like that's been a pattern for me the past couple months is to not force things to happen. And there's some other methodologies like human design.

[00:37:13] That's based on astrology that I've been finding helpful, learning my authority and like for me, I'm a spleen projector and it's important for me to wait for an invitation to things

[00:37:24] Tim: and,

[00:37:25] Ash Mystic: And it's funny because I was thinking about reaching out to Tianna and you, Tim, about Beyond the Illusion, because I know Shannon Russ were on it.

[00:37:32] I'm like, Oh, that'd be so cool to talk there. And I didn't know when the best time would be. And then I met Tianna at the eclipse event and she invited me. I was like, Oh, yeah, this is perfect.

[00:37:42] Tianna: Oh, that's funny.

[00:37:44] Ash Mystic: Yeah. So yeah, I think it's just like listening to what, , planets are saying, listening to what my body's saying.

[00:37:51] And for this eclipse, for me, it was the solar eclipse in April. A big theme was definitely relationships, which makes sense. Cause it was in the areas, Libra node axis. And, so yeah, I definitely had some challenges come up around relationships in multiple cases. And also seeing it take place around me and I won't go into details, but yeah, it was definitely, I could tell there was a connection there.

[00:38:12] And I think the fact that I knew that that was likely to happen because The positions, it helped me to accept it more and have less resistance and be like, okay, it makes sense that things are difficult right now. And that really helped me so I didn't feel as much guilt or shame about how things went.

[00:38:30] It was just sort of like, yep, this is how things are. We'll just go with the flow.

[00:38:34] Tianna: Yeah, that's a really good point, because sometimes people don't like astrology because they don't like to look at it as causative, but I don't look at it that way. I just think there's these different influences and there's these different themes and I think it's helpful to know the themes.

[00:38:52] So that then it gives us greater insight and understanding about what's going on. And like you said, also then maybe for those of us, because I tend to be one of those that like, in the four agreements it's like, don't take anything personally. Nothing's personal. A lot of times it's like, Oh, what did I do?

[00:39:08] How could I do something better? What did I do wrong here? And a lot of times it's like, no, that's just the growth theme that's going through right now as a transit. And you didn't do anything wrong. You were meant to work through that theme. And so I like the heads up on the growth themes, personally.


[00:39:24] Ash Mystic: Absolutely. And saying it just now is a good reminder, cause even though I was just at the eclipse spending all this focus on it. I need to remind myself every day.

[00:39:34] Tim: Yes, we all do for sure. Especially that part you just said about not taking things personally.

[00:39:38] I feel like that's a really good thing to remember too.Ash, this has been a great conversation. We're already at the time and I was going to ask you if you could please share with our listeners, where they can find out more about you and how to get your cards and all that stuff.

[00:39:54] Ash Mystic: Wonderful.

[00:39:54] Thank you. So I offer the automatic drawing and some of my art at ash mystic. com. And then the Oracle deck is that 12 mushrooms. com. Each one also links to each other. So you can find me on either of those. Perfect.

[00:40:10] Tianna: Or find him out in the cosmos. . .

[00:40:12] Ash Mystic: Yep. I'll be there.

[00:40:16] Tianna: It's been really fun having you on. Yeah. Thanks so much. Yeah, I'm glad. Thank you. You manifested yourself to be on here, so I love that .

[00:40:25] Ash Mystic: Yay. Thank you so much. Yeah. This was a real honor. Really a pleasure to talk with both of you.

[00:40:29] Tim: Ah, you're welcome. Yeah.

[00:40:31] Ash Mystic: I love what you're doing with your podcast and giving people that platform and having those conversations.

[00:40:36] It's really profound and meaningful. Oh, thank you.

[00:40:40] Tianna: Yeah, it's a pleasure for sure. Thank you.