Tamara Arnold, founder of The Chakra Business Academy.
Tamara Arnold, our guest for this episode, calls herself a Rebel Unicorn. She grew up feeling like a misfit, but found her Self and her mission through awakening her chakras and utilizing this energetic system to help others launch and grow the business of their dreams.
Some of the things we discuss with Tamara:
Tamara’s challenging experience with her son’s mental illness, and how it reactivated her spiritual gifts.
A quick primer on the 7 chakras.
Your breathing reflects the state of your heart chakra.
How Covid has activated people’s chakra clearing, particularly the root and throat chakra.
How does Tamara work with chakras for your business?
What is the “magical business method?”
What she means by: “Your body is your business” and “Clarity comes with movement.”
How life is a mirror of your own energy.
Using the chakras to overcome fear and overwhelm.
The immense value of learning to trust Spirit.
Tamara Arnold is a 3 time international best-selling author, an international speaker and an expert of chakras for business. As the founder of The Chakra Business Academy and Rebel Unicorn, Tamara’s mission is to help spirit driven entrepreneurs bust through their blocks and make a bigger impact in the world with their stardust. For over a decade Tamara has made the human body her study. From personal training to nutrition coaching and now energy work, Tamara has helped hundreds of people break free from self sabotaging behaviours.
For more information on Tamara, her books and her services, visit www.tamaraarnold.ca.
Tamara generously provided a link for our listeners to download her book, “The Magical Business Method” for free! Be sure to get your copy here: www.tamaraarnold.ca/freebook