Human Design

Ep. 10: Human Design with Amy Lee

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Human Design might be one of the most useful tools that you’ve never heard of for understanding yourself. It’s not a belief system, but a body of knowledge that synthesizes essential elements of Astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah and the Hindu-Brahmin Chakra systems. It provides a unique map and a navigation system that can help us to know and love what we are so that our lives become more fulfilling and more our own. (Summarized from Our guest is Amy Lee, a Professional Analyst and Living Design Guide who has completed training with Human Design America and the International Human Design School. Amy explains the Human Design system in a way that helps us understand how it can be applied into our lives.

In this episode we discuss:

  • What exactly is Human Design?

  • How the mechanics of our life force energy work, and how that affects the way we function, how we relate to others, and the way we experience conditioning in the world.

  • What are the Personality and Design aspects of the chart?

  • The I Ching and how it relates to Human Design.

  • The way that this system helps us to be our unique, authentic self.

  • In terms of relationships, how recognizing each person’s unique nature through their Human Design type allows us to better communicate with and understand each other.

  • Benefits of defined vs undefined areas of your body graph.

  • How Human Design shows us the best life strategy for our type.

  • What the heck is a Generator, Manifestor, Projector and more….

Amy Lee has been studying consciousness and holistic health for over 20 years, fueled by a love of many systems that have been created to understand, organize and explore the human experience. As a certified Human Design practitioner, she is certified to provide Foundation Readings, the Living Your Design Program and analysis of the Incarnation Cross, Cycles (Solar Return, Saturn Return, Uranus Opposition & Chiron Return), Partnership and Family Systems (Penta). To learn more about Amy Lee or to schedule a session, visit