“It's through the darkest times of your life that you find the greatest gifts and will be reborn back into the light of wisdom.” At 19 years old, Annabel Du Boulay began spending summers in rural Italy, which led to initiation into the heart of the Black Madonna and the path of the Divine Feminine. Through pilgrimage and personal trials, Annabel harnessed her inner warrior to stand strong when faced with patriarchal energy and embrace the power of sisterhood. Today, she shares her wisdom through the Avalon Rose Chapel, offering a sacred space for alchemy and growth.
What is the interplay between pagan honoring of Mother Earth and prayers to the Madonna, and how did it inspire Annabel's work with the Black Madonna?
How did Annabel's academic research on ancient paganism and mysticism lead her to strip back the layers of patriarchal manipulation and appropriation of these teachings?
What is the power of healthy sisterhood and the transformational nature of pilgrimages to sacred sites?
How did Annabel's daughter, Sophia Mary, initiate her onto a lived, embodied experience of the Sophianic descent and ascent of the soul?
What are the challenges of stepping into and honoring the divine feminine in places with patriarchal values, such as Sicily?
How can we hold strong boundaries against patriarchal intrusive energy while still being in our feminine flow?
What is the most important myth in the Rose Lineage, and what is it founded on?
How can men work with the divine feminine and what are the challenges they may face in doing so?
How can we connect with and honor the energies of the earth and the goddesses and archetypes that reside within it?
How can working with the Venus cycle and the myth of Inanna help us gain deep insights and inner gifts?
How can we embody the wise woman warrior archetype and harness the incredible strength and courage that dwells within each of us?
What is required to create the Sacred Marriage within oneself?
As Founder of The Avalon Rose Chapel®, ANNABEL DU BOULAY has over 30 years of embodied experience and academic research in the Western Mystery Tradition, including 22 years journeying on the Holy Isle of Glastonbury-Avalon. An author, speaker and coach, Annabel facilitates a program of online transpersonal trainings & sacred pilgrimages designed to help you harness your inner Warrior and manifest your full potential. https://annabelduboulay.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annabelduboulay Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annabelduboulaybusiness
TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at www.AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.
TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).
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I’d like to start off with how I know Annabel. And this goes back to 2019. And I was on a point in my journey. I think a lot of us women, and maybe men as well, have had experiences in our life where we felt disempowered in being in our feminine. So intentionally or unintentionally, we step into maybe more of these masculine qualities.
And that’s true on the spiritual journey as well, this transcendence versus embodiment. Of course we want both. Anyway, I’ve gotten to this point in my journey where I realized I really wanted to step more into my feminine in an empowered way, and I wanted to work with these different feminine goddesses and archetypes and draw from that. And so I was looking for someone with that experience and that wisdom. And I’d looked at a number of different programs, and what really drew me to Annabel is her integrity and
I’d listened to her speak and read things she’d written, and then her program. She didn’t
just take in anyone who wants to sign up, we had to interview for it. I appreciate that
because it needs to be a good fit for both sides, and I really like that. And signed up in
2019 for this pilgrimage that was going to happen in 2020, and we all know how that
went. So it kept getting pushed back.
And finally in 2022, last year, we’re able to do it. In the meanTime, it needed to change
venues and all of these things. And it was perfect because it was supposed to initially
be in a different area in Italy and then it turned out to be in Sicily, which was amazing. I’d
been to different parts in Italy and I’d never been to Sicily before, but it was really
special. I’;ll talk about that more maybe later, but maybe, Annabel, if you want to give
us your background, how did you come to have all of your knowledge and expertise and
experience in this realm?
Hi. Lovely. So actually, Italy was really my initiation onto the path of Goddess of the
Rose of the Divine Feminine. So back when I was 19, I started spending four summers
in a very rural village in southern Italy, and I became fascinated by the interplay
between what was a very pagan honoring of Mother Earth, but with prayers to the
Madonna. And I found that interplay, which is really a very gnostic path, so inspiring,
and it resonated deeply for me.
So that was really my initiation onto the path of the Black Madonna. And so all my work
since then for the last 30 years has been always related to those lands and especially to
Sicily. So it really was for me, a dream come true to be able to take you all there last
year on pilgrimage and to go to all those ancient sacred sites and temples of the Rose
Goddess, where they were deeply worshipped and honored and revered. I think what’s
so important about making these pilgrimages to these sacred sites is that the energies
in those lands really affect you on that deep individual level in your psyche. So these
pilgrimages are very deeply transformational journeys where the archetypal energies of
those Goddesses really start to work on those archetypes within your psyche.
And that, for me, is the power of working with these Goddesses and with these
archetypes, like you said you were searching for. Yeah, it really surprised me
someTimes. Some of the places I was sort of expecting to have a certain kind of
experience, and then I felt like, oh, I didn’t really notice anything. And this, of course,
true for the spiritual journey, like letting go of all of our expectations whenever I was not
expecting something. It was crazy how intense some of the places were, how much it
brought up within me, and how I was able to relate to those Goddesses and parts in my
own life and on my own journey and how those energies were interwoven.
Actually, it was my first pilgrimage and I wasn’t sure what to expect, honestly. I’ve been on mostly a solo journey for a long Time. And part of the thing about we’re staying in
rooms with strangers, other women on a spiritual journey, but people we have never
met before. I think it goes back to you that the group was so amazing and we were so
cohesive, and I just couldn’t imagine how that could have fallen into place any better
than it did. It was so, so beautiful how connected we all were.
And that was a piece of it too, as far as coming into our feminine and having the sense
of community and this connection with others on the journey, which a lot of us don’t
have in our modern lives now. So that was a piece of it for me, too. That was really
special, that stayed with my heart and made me realize, like, yes, it is in some ways a
solo journey because we’re going to die alone or whatnot. But then that’s part of the
feminine experience and that’s part of the earthly experience. To be in a place and feel
the connection with the Earth and the energies and then commune with other sisters, it
was so incredible.
Thank you for that. Yeah, I completely agree with you. The power of healthy sisterhood
is just such a blessing in our lives. And I think you’re right, it;s actually quite rare. We live quite solitary lives, and that was definitely exacerbated by the Pandemic.
And I think finding other sisters who are of a similar stage on their path of soul
development and really feeling witnessed by them and honored and supported, feeling
that love and compassion and that understanding is such a gift and a blessing that we
so need in our world today. And also, I always find from facilitating sacred circles of
sisters, that it’s so fascinating to watch how we can trigger each other and we can mirror
each other and we can project onto each other. But ultimately, I really truly believe that
we’ve contracted a soul to come together for that deep work, that deep soul work. And
whatever happens on a pilgrimage or within any kind of gathering like that, that is held
within a safe container, is that people are transformed. They do experience healing
even at the Times when they might have to look at those shadow places within that are
getting triggered or any fear and resistance that comes up.
But ulTimately by the end of that journey, they are reborn. They are completely reborn
into the next viral of their lives and usually with a deeper strength, courage, self
knowledge and wisdom that comes from that deep sea diving. It was interesting too, the
contrast, because maybe Sicily compared to some other places in Italy, might be more
conservative or old world or have a little more of that patriarchal values. And so for us to
be stepping into and honoring the divine feminine, there were definitely some
experiences, like one hotel where we stayed and there was like this whole football team
of men and there was this really different energy. And a few Times when we went to
places, that patriarchal energy kind of butted heads with us.
And you really embodied this empowered, like being able to be really soft and open and
present when its appropriate. But also if somebody’s stepping to our boundaries, you
could just put that energy. I really liked seeing that. It was very helpful because of
course, we all have our own inner patriarch. And so to work with those energies and see
how for me, someTimes with the feminine, I veered into this more weak feeling
And so there’s a strong feminine that’s not manipulative or some of these other negative connotation. It was really helpful to see you embodying and expressing for us, that’s so
great. I love the way you describe that. And yeah, for me that is that real wise woman
warrior archetype that we all have within us. And as we grow through all of life’s
challenges, we really harness that incredible strength and courage that dwells within
each of us.
And it is completely possible to be in your feminine flow, to be conscious of coming from
a place of an open heart and compassion and be fully in your warrior and hold very
strong boundaries against, like you said, that kind of patriarchal intrusive energy. And
again, this is something I find so fascinating whenever I kind of gather with really strong
women and we are in ritual or ceremony and we are just fully embodying the power of
the feminine. And the divine feminine that energetically always attracts the opposite
energy. It always attracts that patriarchal edge coming of us because the men, the souls
who are embodying that patriarchal energy for us really are so triggered by our
empowerment that it does create this energetic exchange, really. And so I always feel
that whatever we’re doing on that individual level and within our small circles, we are
having a huge energetic impact on the collective.
And you can see it manifesting all the Time. And you’re absolutely right. I mean, that
was a fascinating part of the pilgrimage playing out the entire Time. And I was definitely
being really challenged to be in my warrior and to protect that sacred container for all of
you against those kind of patriarchal threats that were.
Now, because we have Tim here, and I want to include Tim in the conversation. So we
were talking about these divine feminine things, and when we’re talking about the
patriarchal energy, like I said, we all have that within ourself. Doesn’t matter if we’re in a male body or female body. And so yeah, how do we include Tim in our conversation?
We’re not just talking about those that are in women’s bodies.
Right. We’re talking about men can work with the goddesses as well. Absolutely. I think
its so important because I work in a very union way, so I’m all about the animal and the
animus and creating that sacred marriage, that sacred union within each of us. So each
of us has a male and a female part of us.
And I think its just as important for the men to work with this feminine aspect and this
divine feminine aspect. But what I also really see and I don’t know if this resonates with
Tim I would love to hear your views on this as a man, but what I see is a lot of men
struggling to be fully in their power whilst simultaneously engaging with this feminine
aspect of themselves. I think its really hard for men at the moment. There isn’t like a
blueprint of how to be fully in your what I call, like, your hero warrior self and also be
open to that feminine part of yourself. So I would love to hear from Tim around that.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. You’re good at this. You kind of flipped it around and put the
question on us. I think it is a challenge for men right now, especially men in Western
cultures, where we’re expected to behave a certain way and even think a certain way.
And so we have expectations put on us from a very young age about what’s proper
behavior and I think that really influences people, many of men’s life decisions, and not
always in a positive way.
Right. Because if an opportunity comes to you in the form of that may make you appear
a certain way, you may not take up that opportunity, which is really unfortunate. So, for
example, anything that might threaten your sexuality, your appearance to the society as
a whole about how you are as a male. Right. So if we don’t consider the female aspect
of ourselves and actually accept that we are both we’re males and females at the core
of our being, then if we don’;t accept that, then we tend to, I think, act out in certain ways
that are inappropriate.
And I’ve seen this a lot with people I know, with myself, with a lot of people. And it
always comes out for males especially, it comes out as anger, right? But I think anger is
just masked frustration. Not always, but in many cases, anger is masked frustration in
the fact we’re feeling things and we’re living a certain way that we can’t I don’;t know what the word is, but it’s almost like we can’t unify our expectations and what we really want to do, right? Because at our deepest core and it’s funny I’;m going to use this example.
It’;s a really crude example, but it’;s this thought where I have these biases in my mind
where I see certain people a certain way because of what I just expect out of them just
from their appearance, right? So, for example, we met a person. He was really into
guns. He loved guns. And so immediately in my mind, I categorized this person as a
person who is probably extremely conservative.
Like, he probably votes a certain way, he probably behaves a certain way. He probably
has all these things, right? But once I got to know him and understand who he was
really and why he was into guns, it completely changed my opinion of him, right? Like, I
already had him categorized, so I had to take him out of that box and put him in another
box. Because the reason he loved guns was just because that was how he grew up.
He grew up around people who taught him how to use them. He liked teaching people
how to use them. It wasn;t like anything nefarious about him. And he said this to me,
and it made me really kind of think he’s like anyone who has a gun. They don’t want to really kill anyone.
That’s the last thing they want to do, but they want to be able to know that they’re safe. And I thought, wow, that’s a really interesting perspective. It’;s just that he’s taking it to an extreme, right? Like, he really wants this feeling of being safe, and that’s what everybody wants. Everybody wants to feel safe and secure.
And so that was his reasoning behind being into guns. And I thought, wow, that’s really
interesting. He’s kind of a softie deep down. And I was like, there’s really this aspect of him that I didn’;t know until he said that to me. So I feel like that is essentially what happens with a lot of males.
We have these feelings, like these tender feelings, like we’re sensitive, just like women.
We’re just as sensitive as they are. But we have to externalize this. We have to make
this appearance that we’re not sensitive, that we don’t have those aspects, that we’re like these really tough people who can handle anything. And that just isn't true.
So I think what you said earlier about keeping an open heart, keeping just that attitude,
that emotion, that feeling of like, hey, I can be open, I can be vulnerable, it’s okay,
because we all are. I think that can go a long ways for men, especially because for me,
it’s like one of my kind of golden rules now that when I come across like, a decision or
like a contemplation that I can’;t come to an easy resolution. So maybe there’;s like,
some tension in my life or in my mind, there’s some decision to be made. I always come
back to this really simple rule, and it’s like, what would I do if I were just trying to be
kind, if I were just trying to be loving, if I were just trying to be accepting? What would
the behavior be then?
And so you take that really simple, essential rule like, how can I just be kind here? And
it makes something really complicated, super simple. That’s what I always try to go back
to. And that’s a very feminine aspect. That’;s a very feminine quality.
It’s like being kind and loving. That’;s so easy. It really is easy if you think about it. But life is complicated. Well, that’s my perspective.
Wow, that is so beautiful. It really reminds me of something I heard last week. And this
woman said, whenever you have one of those shadow thoughts or judgments is to just
immediately say, I forgive myself for that thought and I return to love. I return to love.
And yeah, you speaking just so reminds me of that.
And it’s beautiful for me as a woman to hear a man voice, all of that, and share all of
that, because that actually takes a huge amount of courage to go to those places of
vulnerability and share that. And I think the more and more men can speak publicly like
this, the more they’ll feel safe to accurate. Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. Thank you.
So I was kind of curious. You mentioned earlier that you had spent Time in southern
Italy as a child. And so from that point, did that really influence what you consider to be
like, your spiritual journey? And maybe you can elaborate on what that was like for the
remainder of your life until now. Yeah, so I actually started going there when I was 19,
and I had an Italian boyfriend for five years, and he was from a very rural village in
southern Italy.
So we spent all our summers living there. And as I was saying at the beginning, that
really was my initiation into becoming fascinated by this path and this interplay, this
gnostic path. And at the same Time, I was studying my first degree, and as part of that
English degree, I had read all the Greek myths, and I’d been studying the medieval
mystics. And at the same age, 19, I remember calling my father, who I had these amazing philosophical discussions with and saying, why is God male? That was kind of
like the birthing of my feminism, really.
And I have since been on a 30 year quest exploring that question. And after Italy and
being initiated onto the path of the Black Madonna, whose this later embodiment of the
original Black Earth Mother Goddess. I then went to Peru and I was working
volunteering with orphans out there, but I was living in the house of a shaman and I
traveled all around Peru with him and did some amazing ceremonies in ayahuasca in
the jungle and the Amazon with one of the last tribes there. And that was really my
initiation onto the path of pachamama, of really honoring Mother Earth. And then when I
returned to London, I went back to university and I did my masters in two years of my
PhD research, and I focused on researching ancient paganism and gnosticism and
And I really began to strip back the layers of patriarchal manipulation and appropriation
of these ancient teachings, which, from a sociological point of view, I could see had
been done by patriarchal religion in order to predominantly control women in society. So
as I began to peel back these layers of distortion and get to these arrive at these
original gnostic teachings of early Christianity that are actually founded on millennia of
pagan mythology, I really found my path. But at that point it was more of a left brain
academic path. So in 1999, I gave birth to my daughter, Sophia Mary, and she was born
requiring life saving surgery in another eleven operation. So she was the one who
actually came in as this very ancient, wise soul to initiate me onto a very lived,
embodied experience of that repeated Sophia Lake descent and ascent of the soul.
And that’s when I came to truly embody and understand in that lived kind of right brain
way who Sophia the Black Goddess specifically is, and her mythos and her archetypal
energies, and they’re actually founded on the original myth of Inana ishtar from
Sumeria, which is in turn inspired by the movement of the planet Venus, which I track in
my Rose monthly membership. So Venus has this incredible journey, this eight year cycle,
and within that eight years, there are 19 month synodic periods where she goes on
these seven waning moon conjunctions, three luminations in the underworld and then
seven waxing moon conjunctions. And this inspired really, the most important myth in
the Rose lineage, which is this myth of Inanna and her descent and ascent out of the
underworld. And this started to really become a path that I lived and breathed within my
own personal experience, life experience. And with every descent from the challenges
of life and every ascent, I really felt such deep gratitude for the gifts of the greater
wisdom and love and compassion and strength and courage that I was receiving from
each of these challenging experiences.
And so I channeled all my postgraduate research and these life experiences with my
daughter into my historical witch values novel, The Circumstance, which is set in the
village in Italy where I lived. And I’d had my second daughter at that point, and I was
pregnant with my son. And we just moved down to Glastonbury, Avalon, where I’d been
coming for ten years. And I gave a talk at the book launch to hundreds of people, and I
was like, this is what I’ve learned. And it’s through the darkest Times of your life that you find the greatest gifts and will reborn back into the light of wisdom.
And it was like I’ve thrown gauntlet down to life and specifically to Avalon, here in
Glastonbury, the island of the dead. Transformation, rebirth. And three months later, I
gave birth to my son, who was born with an even virus syndrome. So he was born
unable to breathe, feed, speak or smile. And he spent five months fighting for his life in
intensive care.
And then we were given the option that he could either go into a nursing home or I could
be trained by intensive care nurses, which I chose. And for the next several months, I
was resuscitating him under emergency conditions several Times a day. And this
experience took me to a whole other level of debt. And in that place I experienced a
rage and a lack of compassion that I didn’t believe possible in myself, like I didn’t
recognize myself. But through going through this healing journey with these Shadow
emotions, I was able to realize that Goddess, the Divine Source, wasn’t doing this to me
and to my children, but that actually she was the one that was holding me and holding
us within that darkness and within that challenging Time.
And so I began to paint the Healing Womb art installation. It was literally like a nine
month gestation. And I painted my way through the Mother of Loss and all my grief and
anger through the Mother of Solitude, because I’m sure everyone can resonate with that
deep feeling of aloneness that we all experience through our life challenges, regardless
of how many people are loving and supporting us. There is that place of journeying into
the wilderness on your own, and that is ulTimately where you find your strength and
power to survive, because you have to do that on your own. And then I came through
into the Mother of Healing with Bridget, the Rose Celtic Goddess, and back.
And I was able to feel compassion again. And when Zach was nine and Sophia was 19.
So the kind of magical completion of those cycles, I founded the Avalon Rose Chapel
in Glastonbury on Beltane in 2018. And that for me, felt like this incredible culmination of
those 19 years of journey with my children and all those years beforehand of journeying
with Goddess and all these myths and archetypes. It was a culmination of everything
that we had been through and all my knowledge coalescing and being grounded in the
energies of the Earth as close as to the original Magdalene Chapel, whose foundations
were found within Glastonbury Abbey.
And that created a sacred container for the first Time for the true Gnostic teachings that
weave together these lineages of the Rose and the Celtic Druidic here on the holy
island of Avalon. And then, as I was saying, when the Pandemic hit, I had to close those
premises. But through this incredible series of synchronicities, I was able to purchase
this incredible chapel on the Isle of the Dog in the great lake of Avalon, beneath the dog
star Sirius. And so this sacred space is now the container for the teachings that I share
on what I call the Avalon Wisdom.
That was a beautiful journey. I was thinking about how yeah, it’s really helpful to kind of
study these myths and the Venus cycle. And I really like the word initiation because it’s
not something that we always talk about because we don’t have a lot of ceremonies in
our society anymore. It’s very secular. We don’t see our life in that way as cycles.
And so, like you said, when the difficult things happen, it just seems really unfair. We
feel really lost versus when we study these myths and these cycles, we realize that that
is part of the journey and that is part of the human experience. And like you said, when
we go down in the depths, that’s where we gain a lot of our inner strengths and our
deep insights and inner gifts. And so it really helped me because I hadn’t really studied
any of these myths in these goddesses before, or the Venus cycle or all of these things.
But to be able to relate our lives to that, the cycles in our lives, and put that into
perspective, I think is so helpful.
We’re so disconnected from that now. And to realize that we’re not alone in our
pilgrimage. We all had different backgrounds and different stories, but again, you can
still see those cycles flowing through regardless of whose life or what story. And to be
able to apply that and to feel connected to one another really helps support us through
our journey. Yeah, absolutely.
I so agree with you though. I find, like, the myth and especially this archetypal descent
and ascent of the soul is just so reassuring. And like you say, everyone resonates with
that. Everyone, every soul goes on this journey repeatedly through each lifeTime. And
there is so much to be gained from the utter trust and surrender to the journey because
we know if we’re on that downward spiral that there is only one way after that we’re
going to come back up.
And just trusting in the rebirth is one of the most empowering things because then we
can surrender to whatever shadow experiences are moving through us because I think
its the resistance against the shadow experiences that causes a lot of the trauma within
that experience. But if we surrender and trust in the rebirth, then I think we’ll bereborn
much more quickly through that experience than if we resist it.
Yeah, absolutely. So you mentioned that you had purchased this chapel under a series
of synchronicities. I want to hear more about that story. And then also, do you have
regular services there or do you live there? How does it work?
What happens there? So the Avalon Rose Chapel is a retreat center, so it’s available to
hire for groups of up to twelve. And we come here and then when our guests aren’t
here, and then I also run retreats here myself. But it is the most incredible sacred
container and it was just amazing what happened, because I’;d been renting for a couple
of years during the pandemic and I was looking to buy and I had this sole intention to
return back to the land where I grew up, which is about 3 hours away from here. And I
put an offer in on a house and it was all going through and they pulled out literally the
night before we were going to exchange contracts.
So I was like, oh my God, what am I going to do? And I was under a Time pressure to
get it done legally in the UK. So I was looking on the internet and I looked at these
houses, none of them felt right, but I was going to just have to go for one anyway. And
then I changed the map search, or the map search changed itself on Google and this
chapel just pinged up and it was like ten Times better than any other house I’d looked
at. And it was back in the next door village to where I’d first lived when I’d moved down Here.
So back in the land that I feel is the land of my soul down here. And I knew the phrase
and stepped in the house that it was the one that I was being guided there. And then I
walked in and the woman who’d been the guardian of it for ten years had all the same
books, research books, all the same artwork, statues, and I knew immediately she was
on exactly the same spiritual path. And I just began to cry and the statue was just
looking at me like crazy woman. And then it all just flowed with such ease and grace,
but it really was a very strong, energetic handing over of the guardianship, really to us.
And she gifted me some beautiful artwork. And then when the first day of owning it, I
walked into the garden and there were these four crow feathers that had been placed, I
think very ritually in the garden on the land. So I feel so deeply blessed. I know that it
was very set out by spirit and now it feels such a. Blessing to be able to offer the sacred
space for other people to use, because the energies are so incredible.
Like the Michael Ley line. I’m literally sitting on the Michael Ley line, so it flows through
Glastonbury tour and then through this chapel, through St. Michael’s Church, and then
to borrow up the Sacred hill mound near here, which is like a smaller version of the tour.
So the energies are incredible, they’re deeply healing, and it is a real blessing for us to
be able to gift the space for groups to come here and really receive from these
energies. Can you explain what the Michael ley line is for people who are not familiar?
Yeah. So in the UK, we have our two primary lay lines, some people call them dragon
lines, which are like energy lines in the earth, are called the Michael and Mary ley lines.
And they create this incredible serpentine path all the way from the East Coast, the
Northeast coast, down to the Southwest coast, and at various points they cross in
what’s known as the Sacred Union or the Sacred Marriage. So the Mary ley line is
obviously the feminine line, and that tends to run through all the valleys and the ancient
sacred wells and springs, which often now have churches dedicated to St. Mary built on
them over the sacred springs.
And then the michael ley line tends to flow through the high hilltops, the beacon hilltops,
and obviously carries that very masculine energy and often has chapels or churches
dedicated to St. Michael on these hilltops and then at these sites. And there’s one, they
do it in Glastonbury Abbey and they do it here. They unite and they cross and they create this incredibly powerful, energetic vortex of sacred marriage energy. So I literally walk between the two ley lines in the fields with my dogs behind the chapel.
So I literally feel like I’m walking in like the fields of the Sacred Marriage every day. And
then with all my groups, my pilgrimage, I take them on the first date environment, and
we do a really profound ceremony working with these energies that really create that
alchemical sacred marriage between the red of the female Mary and the white of the
male Michael, actually within the land of Avalon. Wow. Do you think that this Time on
the planet right now, which obviously these are special Times spiritually, do you think
we’re ready for that sacred marriage energy finally to be embodied? Definitely.
Oh, my goddess. Yes. But as everyone knows, we have to find that within ourselves
first. And that’s a journey that I’ve been on and I was single for two and a half years, kind of over the portal of the Pandemic and I had to do so much deep shadow work on
myself, looking back at my past decades of relationship ending, a lot of deep healing
and deep soul searching and really coming home to myself. That real linear energy, that
inner sacred marriage before I was actually able and felt strong enough within myself
and my love for myself and my self sufficiency to actually call in an alpha male who
could match my strength because I needed to reach that point within me where I could
release control, basically.
I think in order to call in that soulmate or that twin flame or whatever you want to call it,
that person who is going to match you, you have to do that in a while and create that
sacred marriage within and that requires a lot of honesty and vulnerability.
What do you want to tell our listeners about? What are you working on these days. Or yeah, so much so I have my Mary Michael pilgrimage, the classroom in the summons coming up in ten days, so the doors are open for next year’s one next June for that. And then my Avalon Rose practitioner training, which you did, begins on the 19 June when that finishes. And that’s an incredible invitation to really harness your soul gift and for me to empower you, to unite your innate soul gift, your lived, embodied gnosis, with the practitioner, the transpersonal techniques that I share with you, and the Rose Avalon mysteries in order to take those teachings out for the healing and empowerment of women, ostensibly, so that I feel really passionate about.
And then I have my Rose Goddess Pilgrimage which you came on last year. Can’t believe we’re going back. So, yeah, that’s on the 9 August. Again, the same dates as last year. So I cannot wait to go back.
And then my priestess training begins when I get back in late August. So, yeah, every year I run those four events, the two pilgrimages and the two trainings. Beautiful. Yeah, exciting. Sounds great.
So it looks like we’re already out of Time and can you please let our listeners know where they can find you online if they want to find out more about you and your book and your services? Yes, sure. So my website is Annabel DuBoulay.com and then you can also find me on Instagram and Facebook under that name. Awesome. It was such a pleasure to have you on.