Michele Blood, author, speaker and creator of MusiVation™, which combines music & affirmations.
This week we speak with Michele Blood, a very inspiring author and worldwide speaker who has shared the stage with Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and more. Not only has Michele created a unique and powerful combination of music with affirmations called MusiVation™, but she also offers a special spiritual activation called The Mystical Experience. I really feel Michele’s high vibration and the energy she transmits when she speaks. Energy doesn’t lie! I was buzzing for days after we recorded and I continue to experience the same energetic shift when listening to her two part audiobook, “Become a Magnet to Money” and “The Sea of Unlimited Consciousness.”
In this episode we dive into:
The car accident that served as a catalyst for Michele’s big spiritual shift.
How Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” inspired Michele’s healing.
Why singing affirmations to music makes them more powerful and work 300 times faster!
What are some key guidelines on creating effective affirmations?
Michele’s deep love for God and her first experience with an awakened teacher.
What are her light transmissions?
Her Kundalini awakening and how she uses the energy to heal people.
What is The Mystical Experience and how does she discern who’s ready to receive it?
Why Michele feels there aren’t necessarily more people awakening at this time.
The Stargate experience before awakening, an incredible experience of many different dimensions and beings.
The importance of working with an enlightened teacher and the protection they provide you.
How the Shakti of Kundalini changes the cells in your body to light.
Why you should never meditate focusing only on the Crown chakra.
The process of clearing the central energy channel, the Sushumna, and opening the heart chakra, a doorway to another dimension.
The Dark Night of the Soul (covered in her book, “The Unlimited Sea of Consciousness”)
Kriya Yoga for balancing the ida and pingala energy channels
Michele Blood is a successful, multi-talented lady. She has created MusiVation™ products and gives seminars worldwide. Her public Mystical Success events have been held in over 16 countries. After many years of meditation, Michele’s Kundalini awakened and transformed her consciousness. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of true happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.
Michele generously created a link for our listeners to download for free the new version of “The Magic of Affirmation Power” ebook, plus 4 different programs for visualization, goal setting and a few of her favorite affirmation songs at micheleblood.com/beyondtheillusion. To learn more about Michele, her music, books, events and services, visit www.micheleblood.com. To find out about The Mystical Experience, personalized prayer recordings and watch free videos on topics such as Kriya Yoga, check out www.themysticalexperience.com.