Ep. 8: Exploring Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness

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Have you experienced a non-ordinary state of consciousness? How can we identify a non-ordinary state of consciousness? Stan Grof explains that “Non-ordinary states of consciousness are characterized by dramatic perceptual changes, intense and often unusual emotions, profound alterations in the thought processes and behavior, and by a variety of psychosomatic manifestations.”

In this episode, we explore:

  • Why don’t we value non-ordinary states of consciousness?

  • The repercussions of the imbalance between masculine and feminine energies in our society.

  • Tianna’s first big non-ordinary state of consciousness experience on the psychedelic drug Ecstasy.

  • Do psychedelics create an illusion or remove our veil to the true reality of Oneness?

  • How these states of bliss and oneness can be experienced naturally, without psychedelics.

  • So what exactly happened at the Holotropic Breathwork workshop?

TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at AwakeningTransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).