S7 Ep. 14: Crossing 100 Episodes with Tim and Tianna


Tim Howe & Tianna Roser


Congratulations - we made it past our 100th episode! đŸ„ł We couldn’t have done it without all of you wonderful listeners and our amazing guests. This week we reflect on our journey Beyond the Illusion, hear from some of our former guests (most of who are doing well and one who’s going through a Dark Night of the Soul.) And tune in to hear a clip from Tim’s first podcast, Reclaim Your Mind, from back in his younger days (note the subtle Wyoming accent he used to have!)


TIANNA ROSER is an Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Soul Plan Practitioner and Certified Clinical Hypnotist specializing in Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT). She uses tools and processes to help people experience their true self, the source of real healing and growth. Learn more at https://www.awakeningtransformation.com. Tianna is the author of the book, “Awakening Transformation: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming Your Higher Self.” Her book is filled with practices to lighten your spiritual journey and accelerate growth, available on Amazon.

TIM HOWE has always been interested in unusual and strange phenomena and considers himself to be a consciousness explorer. He was born and raised in Table Rock Village, Wyoming, which happens to no longer exist. He currently makes his home in Austin, Texas where he is constantly surrounded by beautiful females (wife, daughter and cat).

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 Tim: Let's just tell everybody that we made it to our hundredth episode.

Tianna: Yeah, you gotta sound a little more excited about it than that.

Tim: I mean, I am. Yay. We did. It is awesome. We made it to our hundredth episode, everyone. Yeah. It's pretty cool., I know there are podcasts out there that have many, many more episodes, but for us it's a big deal because we don't do it that often. And, we have jobs and lives and so it's been a long journey. How many years is it? Do you know when we started it?

Tianna: In the summer of 2019.

Tim: Oh, wow. Okay. So yeah, we're getting up there.

Tianna: Well, it's funny because, we started off thinking we're going to do it every week. And we were like gung ho and then pretty quickly realized that's not sustainable for our lives to do it every week. I mean as cool and fun as it is. It's because we never have had sort of a plan. I think a lot of people that put out a podcast have sort of a plan to make it paying, somehow sustainable that way. And so we have no plan for any revenue generated from our podcast. It's always just been something sort of our passion project, We both love these topics and love talking to these people and having these conversations. And because it doesn't bring any money in, we still have to work, which we're fine with. There's different projects that have different purpose or intention and neither you or I really wanted it to go that way, but that means that we still have time and energy that we need to spend to pay the bills and so forth.

Tim: And so, yeah, I was going to say it would be nice to make money off of it. But then there's the added pressure that comes with that too. So you feel extra committed to your paying customers. And this way, I think it keeps it a little more light and easy for us to manage

Tianna: Yeah, because sometimes we're like, Oh my gosh, this came up and I have to do this. And we're like, okay, well, let's just record next week. I don't think anyone's sitting on the day that we're normally putting out an episode and going, when is it coming out? When is it coming? I mean, Hey, cool. If anyone is, thank you! But yeah, I don't think there's that much pressure that, oh, we have to put an episode out on this day. And so our schedule to put an episode out used to be on Fridays and now it's like every other Tuesday and then how long a season last is just really up to us and our schedules. It's kind of how long we take in between rather than calling it random. I'll say we're in our flow. It's our flow of our lives and the podcast kind of flows with.

Tim: Yeah, and the flow of the universe, like we don't really stress if we can't get it out on time. And I like that. I feel like it comes out better to that way. And we're able to put the time and attention that it needs into it every time. And yeah, I love that we have the same attitude with our guests. And I feel like that's worked out really well for us is that We've just kind of allowed the universe to bring the guests to us the most part. And it's just been awesome that way. I feel like it just keeps getting better every episode.

Tianna: Yeah. So looking back. That first season, it was a lot of you and I just talking. And there is something fun about that to us just having these conversations. But also, I think you and I both really love the new ideas and energy that a guest brings. So it's a hundred, actually a hundred and first episode. And just like in life, right, we're busy, we're doing, doing, doing, and then every now and then you need to just kind of stop and look back and reflect. And have gratitude and appreciation for how far you've come and reflect on what have you learned. And also, how do I want to move forward? And so I just think this is kind of a nice little point with the podcast that we get to do that and reflect back on how we've grown and changed and the podcast has changed and grown and what are we looking forward to as well?

Tim: Yeah, absolutely. I totally agree with that., So go ahead and explain what we did for this.

Tianna: So first of all, I think I said it the last time I was like, Oh my gosh, our hundredth episode is coming up.And it'd be cool just to check in with a few people that have been guests before. And then also at that time, I asked if people had questions. And I thought it would be fun since you and I sometimes talk about AI and what do we think about AI. And so I'd asked AI to go to our website and come up with some questions for us. And so I have those questions and I ouldn't find today the questions that other people had provided for us. When I do find that eventually that will be in a future episode. So I'm sorry. Hopefully no one's let down by that. But yeah, I thought we could start by the questions that AI asked us. And then also we have just a few messages from some of our former guests on what they're up to. Are you ready, Tim?

Tim: Yes.

Tianna: Okay, locked and loaded. Let's see. Okay. And this is a good one for me to ask you because Beyond the Illusion Podcast really was sort of your idea that you came to me with. So first question, what inspired you to start the Beyond the Illusion podcast? And what is your main goal with it?

Tim: So I've answered this a few times in the past, I think.

Tianna: But not everybody listens to every episode and it's been a while, I'm sure.

Tim: Yeah. And I kind of can't remember what I said back then So I'll say what I think it was, cause it's been a while and my memory's not perfect. I think it was that I started becoming interested in spirituality at some point, probably just out of dissatisfaction. I think everybody comes to a point in their life where they know something is missing if they have never explored spirituality, right?

Tim: So you get this feeling, this nagging little feeling that is like, there's more. You know there's more. You just know, inside of you. And so, eventually those people who feel that way start to look for whatever it is that they're feeling. I feel like for me there were several things that were the catalyst for this. I did get into a phase where I was exploring like psychedelics and mushrooms and that kind of thing. I felt like it opened up a part of me that I didn't know was there. So that was one catalyst, and then there was this other aspect of my life, which I've spoken about in the past, where I've been really interested in UFOs, and the idea of other beings out there that are not human. And obviously there are spiritual implications to that idea, and I've always been fascinated by that idea since I was a kid. I have like dozens and dozens of UFO and abduction books, and I've always been interested in that. And what I came to the conclusion of after reading all these books and doing so much research on my own about the topic is that it was about spirituality.

Tim: It really is the whole phenomenon is about these entities out there trying to wake us up, or help us wake up. And so that led me to find you and I wanted to do a past life regression. That's initially how I found you. And that was kind of the beginning of me exploring my own spirituality and what that meant to me, because it means something different to everyone. That's how I met you and then I joined- you have a Reiki group where people come and do Reiki together. And I met people there, and I started getting into these conversations, like we have now. And that's really where the podcast kind of,grew from, is me just enjoying being around the people who had the same interests as me and wanted to talk about these topics.

Tim: And so, I thought, well, I had done a podcast in the past with my brother. And it was more just like fun. It was really light hearted and we had a lot of fun doing it. It was a lot of joking around and playing music that one of our friends, who actually does the music for this podcast, he used to join us on that podcast quite a bit and we would banter back and forth and play his music and talk about it. And it was unedited. It was really rough. it was before people even really knew what podcasts were. It was way back then. And so... I always wanted to do one again, and this was the perfect opportunity, you know? And I brought it up to you, and surprisingly you were ready to do it right away.

Tianna: Well, I had been thinking for a couple years already like, Oh, it would be cool to do a podcast. But honestly, I felt very overwhelmed by the technological aspect of it. And it was just like, I don't know how to do that. So it's something that was kind of in the background. So then when you brought it up, I was like, Cool- Somebody who knows how to do that. Yes. This is perfect. I don't have to figure all that out by myself. So do you still have any recordings from the podcast that you did with your brother? That'd be fun just to have a little clip of that.

Tim: Oh yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I have every single episode. I still have it. Okay. Yeah.

Tianna: Don't you think that would be fun?

Tim: Yeah, for sure. I have actually played the intro song that we used to use. I've played it on previous episodes, like in the very first season, I think. So, yeah, I'll be glad to pull out some old clips. That'd be fun. Yeah. I mean, some of them are not appropriate for this podcast, right? Because, you know, this is a different topic.

Tianna: Yeah, I’m sure you can find something that would be okay. Well, no, I'm not sure, but just knowing you, I don't think that you were swearing every single word.

Tim: No, not really. No. I mean, I was a lot like I am now, but maybe a little more crude because it was my brother, because we've known each other our whole lives. Yeah. And so we have a similar sense of humor and stuff. So, I don't know, but I think it probably aged well.nI hope.

Tianna: Oh, that'll be fun to find out. Yeah. What about, so yeah, why haven't we had any alien abductees as a guest on here, because that's such a passion of yours.

Tim: That is such a great question. And I've really been thinking a lot lately about reaching out to some of these people because I actually have in the past, because I was going to do a whole podcast on that by itself. So I know people out there who have lots of stories and experiences. And, I think we should really start reaching out to them because they have fascinating stories. Yeah.

Tianna: Yeah, we should.

Tim: Yeah, I will. Yeah. I have those connections and absolutely should that. Yes. Yeah, I'll get on that next season. We'll have some of that for sure.

Tianna: Nice. Yeah, I mean, of course, it's been a hugely popular topic on the planet for years, but I still think it's growing in popularity and there are more and more people that are open to those ideas and interested in it and I'm interested in it, but it's not a passion of mine. And so, like behind the scenes things people are maybe curious about. Because I'm the one that usually organizes who our guests are and so that's probably why we've never had any, because it's just not something that I seek out, even though I'm totally interested in it. Whereas that would be something that you seek out. And so, yeah, that would be fun to have more of that, which kind of leads into A. I. 's next question. How do you choose the topics and guests for your episodes? , it started off like that first season, , just to have a really quick look at what were all of our episodes , I like to go on our Instagram because it's a way I can quickly look and see all the different episodes.

Tim: That's a good idea, by the way, actually, I didn't think of doing that because I've wanted to go back before and I go to the website and it's kind of hard to go back that far.

Tianna: It is. Unfortunately on our website, we do our website on Squarespace and I'm the one that posts the stuff on the website. And the theme or whatever that we have..I wish there was a way that you could do search and so forth, but it doesn't have that option. So I would have to totally change the theme, which I'm always scared to mess with. Because I mean, I mostly like it, but it is all chronological. And so, yeah, we're in our seventh season and we're 101 episodes and you can't like quickly go back and look at something from season one. Whereas on our Instagram, I can quickly scroll and see, what was our first season? And I remember though we started out talking a lot, just you and I, and then also just people that I know. It was like, Oh, let me ask my friend Shannon. She was our first guest, Shannon Gill. She and her partner Russ are both astrologers. And to this day, there are our resident astrologers that people love. And so our first guest was Shannon. And then we had another episode, which was your natal chart reading, Tim, right?

Tim: Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah, now it's all coming back to me, wow. And you know what's cool is, now that you brought that up, I remember that. I remember her coming over to my house because back then, we used to do the recordings in person. Like we used to have the person show up at my house and we would sit around the table with the microphones and everything and we would talk. And now it's just all zoom. It just morphed into that.

Tianna: That’s another “background” thing. Well, so obviously with the pandemic, everything went to zoom. And then a lot of our guests are Austin based because there are people that I know and through my network and so forth. But I think a couple of things happened was one, everything shut down and everything went to zoom. And then two, we had some people who were not here in Austin. And then even though things opened up later, I’ll dish a little dirt
. Honestly, Tim was a little bit relieved because when I would go to his place for the podcast, his place is spotless. There's nothing out of place. It's like architectural digest photo shoot or something like this. And so there was like a certain pressure to keep it clean. This is how I feel too. I don't ever have people over my place because I feel like if I have somebody over, I have to clean everything and that's a big headache.

Tianna: And so once we started going to zoom, it was a relief for Tim. Like, Oh, I don't have to clean and organize everything. And so, yeah, let's just keep doing it over zoom. But it was funny because of course, there are some benefits for doing in person. So when we're in person, Tim and I could just give each other a look , and so it was very obvious. Like, Oh, whose turn is it to speak? There was a flow. And then when we moved to zoom and we couldn't give each other a look , there are a lot of times will be like a long pause as we're both trying to respectfully wait. Although you probably noticed, I will jump in there all the time. Because I have so many questions and Tim will hang back respectfully . But then I'll recognize, Oh my God, I'm hogging all the time, asking all the questions and then I'll hang back to see if Tim has a question. So it's kind of a fun flow, how that works. And then of course later, since these are not live. We can edit out some of the long pauses that we have between comments.

Tim: Yeah, there have been a few times recently where, because you can't make eye contact. I mean, you can try over zoom, but it's kind of hard to tell if somebody's making eye contact with you over zoom. So, there've been a few times where we would just sit there all silent with the guest. And I think the guests would get a little uncomfortable, but eventually, we'd ask a question.

Tianna: Well, we're trying to do this thing. I'm like, okay, well, if one of us has a question, just kind of move in closer to the screen, and that'll indicate to the other person that they have a question. We try to do that. Yeah, that works. You get really, like, enthralled in the conversation too sometimes, and I don't always remember to do that.

Tim: Yep. All right, next question. How many did it give you, a bunch? How many questions did it give?

Tianna: Oh, I don't have them numbered.I have them bulleted.

Tim: But it's a quite a few, or?

Tianna: 13. I don't necessarily like all of them, so, not necessarily going to ask. I mean, I think some of them are kind of dumb, but okay. So initially I was super freaked out by AI and I'm still freaked out by AI. And I know I've said this a number of times on the podcast, but then also realizing how helpful it can be as well. And It's going to grow more and more part of the way that we live and work and so forth. So let me just try it out and get acquainted with it. A lot of times I think it's a good starting point if you want ideas around something, but then also there'll be things that are just kind of lame or don't fit. That's at least the point where AI is at right now. I find it's a good starting point, but also you kind of have to weed through it and make sure that it makes sense. Oh, you know what? Actually, let's have a special guest pop in.

Tim: All right, this is exciting. We've never done this.

Tianna: No, we've never done that. Let's do it. Hold on, I got to let this person know.

Tim: It's like, I remember, that reminds me of my old podcast. Sometimes we'd have people call in. We'd have a way to hook them into the recording. And it would just be like my cousin or something, but it was still fun because he's a character.

TiannaI: t's like our biggest fans are Tim's family members. Like in the comments and stuff, which is so sweet. I mean, it's nice that they're interested in the same thing. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Here's our guest. I'm going to let them in. All right.

Tianna: Hello, you are our special secret guest. Who are you?

Hi, I'm Brandon Thomas of Expanding Reality Podcast. It's cool to see you. Hey Tim, what's up dude? Hey, how've you been? Every day above ground is a good one, allegedly. So yeah, we're doing well. I'm doing well. Good to see you. Yeah, you too. We were just talking about you like for the last couple of days.

Tim: Oh, nice. Yeah. It, you look like you've grown your hair out since I saw you last. What? No.

Tianna: I think you just had it back before maybe.

Brandon: No, I definitely have. I'm kidding with you. Yes, it's gotten ridiculous and out of control and we were just talking about how long it's getting. And yeah, just let my freak flag fly as they go.

Tim: No, it looks good, man.

Tianna: I just saw Brandon yesterday. Yeah, I actually met Brandon in person. , it spent the last few days in their incredible house up in Millsap, Texas. Yeah. Yeah.

Brandon. Yes, so , we set this up a couple of months ago, because there's an amazing listener, a mutual listener of ours. Actually, she's a listener of mine now because of you. She heard me on your episode when we hung out the first time. Her name is Allison Steele, so shout out to her and her mother. They are both diehard listeners.

Tianna: Her mother is Shannon Lee.

Brandon: Shannon Lee, yep. And amazing. And so she ended up just contacting me out of the blue.It's a long incredible story. She contacted me out of the blue a couple months ago. We ended up inviting her into our home just to come hang out. While she was here, I found out that that's how she knew of me. And so we ended up FaceTiming with Tianna. Tianna and I hadn't spoken in Well, like what eight months to a year since I had you on or I'd been on y'all show something like that Yeah, so I go, “Hey, do you have two seconds to FaceTime”, having not heard me in a year. And she was, “Yes, Absolutely.” And so we FaceTime immediately we get to make this young lady Allison's day. She was like shaking sitting there talking to Tianna. It was awesome and so we set this up at that time to have her come back around Halloween. She was gonna do past life regressions and we were just gonna hang out. So Allison ended up flying back. We only live..what was your drive, like four hours, three and a half hours?

Tianna: Three, yeah, three and change.

Brandon: uh huh. Which for Texas, it's nothing, And so she just scoots on down and hat drive is nice, the 281 right there. It's beautiful. Yeah, so she came up, Allison flew in, we hung out for a couple days, went hiking at Mineral Wells State Park and all kinds of stuff, so she met donkeys and it's been awesome.

Tianna: Yeah, he's got a bunch of cute donkeys and cats and dogs. But you gotta be careful now, Brandon, because everybody's going to be like, “Oh, cool, I'm gonna talk to Brandon and stay at his house and meet his donkeys.”

Brandon: Come on down. But as Tianna will tell you, I'm sometimes cool company. Sometimes I'm going through a dark night of the soul, apparently, so I don't know how great of a host I was. Honestly, I feel like I was apologizing the entire time you were here, to be honest.

Tianna: Oh, no, it was fabulous. And in fact, we're going to have. Oh, Tim doesn't know this yet, but I already was like, Oh, Brandon, we need to have you back on because yeah, Brandon's gone through this dark journey. And so while I was there, we recorded an episode for his podcast he's in the mindset of the prison planet, which I think.. and I've kind of said stuff about this before on the podcast, because it had come into my radar and it kind of concerned me. So here it was like, oh my gosh, Brandon's in that mindset now. So we had a really interesting conversation.

Brandon: I'm not sure if I'm gonna release it to the main feed yet. I may do it for Patreon, but probably won't put it out to the main feed. I'm super emotional, dude. I'm all over the place right now. And again, that's why I was like apologizing to her the whole time. These are great conversations and I see the dualistic nature of it. It's just I see both paths so clearly and, it feels like perceptions like this razor's edge, right? And it's just so many things. And I felt that I was on a real strong side of a certain perspective and it changed like instantly, just as if I shifted one degree and everything was now in an incredible way, the polar opposite, like in ridiculous ways. So yeah, it's just been an interesting time. And so you're welcome to come up and maybe I'm having fun. Maybe I'm not, I don't know, but it's been a dark adventure to be honest with you. Yeah.

Tianna But it's so real and authentic. And that's why I feel like some people that are on the spiritual path will paint this human experience from just this rosy lens. And I think if you're somebody that's really seeking truth and you are, and especially you, Brandon. You're so open minded and .exploring, willing to look under any rock and go to whatever lengths to, I don't know, to listen or just to consider different perspectives. And so I think a natural consequence of that is that it's not always pretty to see everything that's out there.

Brandon: I think I expanded my reality too far, you know what I mean? I just kind of, I was like, damn it, I did it. Cause that's how I explained it to you and that's what sucks about it to be honest with you. I have these moments and I don't think anybody's honest with themselves on this journey if they say that they don't. But I have these moments of just like cipher, just plug me back in, let me unforget a few things and back up from a few of the paths I've taken because that's what it feels like.

Brandon: I'm just running down these dark tunnels and going. Nope, not they're coming back. Nope, not they're coming back. You know what I mean? And it feels like it is a linear sort of journey. But as I've explored those, I've sort of zipped down the tunnels and you and I were speaking a lot about this and I'm to the point where it does, it looks like you have basically two perspectives, and I would say that that's dualistically what I've come to. Yes, it is sort of a dualistic experience in nature, in polarity and all of those things. And where I'm at is I feel like I've come so far that I went outside the game and I kind of saw back into it to see it at a big level, and it scared the scared the shit out of me, dude.

Brandon: And that's where it's at. And it just, like I said, erased almost like nothing mattered of all the stuff and all the joy and love and anything like that, and it's just dark. And so, in that when it came to the perspectives that were offered, though forging my own is what I've been doing. It sort of looks like I came to this fork in the road. And so, as I explored the one that I felt really, really drawn to, and very connected with, the spirituality. The big S, the little s, the all of it. I went down so many things, applied Gnostic principles, like you said, Tianna, I look at things so big, and apply so many different lenses to it.

Brandon: And what I ended up looking at and piecing together in this really dark way was, that it got to a point to where it required faith and trust, and even in yourself, right? Now, I've been on the mission to find that. I've been on the mission to find faith and trust, even in myself. I don't connect with things like you guys do, or like some people say, and I don't even know what I mean when I say that, like you guys do, right? I get this sense that there's... Some interesting, some people view this as a benevolent experience to where that they have contact with something or connection at least, a faith, a belief, a connection, even if it's a small little sliver of one, in something that they can't quote, see. But there's a feeling, there's a faith.

Brandon: Again, I've never possessed that. I've been looking for that. And so as it goes, as a seeker, you start to look at the NLP prospects of all of this kind of stuff. And you start to say, okay, well, if I'm seeking, that's a verb, right? I'm not gonna find anything. I'm gonna find more things to say, oh, I need to continue to seek. And I got to a point where I used to love the journey. I used to be like a big fan of the up and down and the Tower moments. Oh Man, these are great. They're indicators of something awesome. I'm super excited. The level up's coming and all that kind of stuff. And it got to be where the tower moments were so heavy and hard.

Brandon: And then, the way I'd explain it is the juice wasn't worth the squeeze. And so I sat here and said, okay, well, if it's faith and trust and all this kind of stuff, that that's my next inevitable step, then that is the reason I bailed on religion, right? It was the five letter word in my mind. It's a five letter cuss word. Trust and faith. And because I have a very interesting tapestry of a history up to this point where, Tianna, I don't know how deep we want to go into any of that stuff, but I have trust issues to say, to undersell it quite strongly, and so not knowing what that is and that being a requirement of the mechanism of the modus operandi, right?

Brandon: I found myself just in a dark hole of, okay, well, not for me. I described it to Tianna like I've been a tunnel, like in the aquarium. And I can see this beautiful world outside of me, but I'm sort of flowing through this track, this stinky, cold, dark track by myself in any direction, it's just linear. But I can see this 3D world all outside of me, where you guys are like swimming around, you're talking to guides, you're getting advice, you're like picking up on signs, you feel connections, and... What I'm feeling with that is it's an environment, yes, but it's not my environment, like I'm not supposed to be there.

Brandon: And the more I tried, the way I described it to Tianna was, it felt like I was breathing underwater. And so I'd dip in there, and I could hang out there for a little bit, but I couldn't stay there. And so I had to come back to this place, whatever this is, this darkness. And that's really what it feels like I was navigating this entire time, looking for connection, and thinking that that was it. Because again, the tapestry allowed me to turn away from things like... All the social structures, the ego structures that you're brought up on, like, my parents and I have a pretty interesting tapestry there to where, yeah, trust not found, and then we look at all your priests and religions and teachers. And there's again, things in every department where a child would learn trust and love to where I could check off, no, absolutely not. No, absolutely not in such specific, sometimes trauma inducing ways.

Brandon:And so I've sort of come to this conclusion with my lack of connection, I suppose you could say, that hidden in the void was this answer for me. And the answer was, yeah, it's out there, it's all around you. It's a couple of things. it's out there and it's all around you, but it's not for you, you can't access it. Or it's out there all around you, you can access it, but you're programming so deep. That we've ensured that you will never be able to reach it, right? It's the key hanging in the middle of the cell and I don't have wings. It's like that Batman thing with Bane, right? That had to climb that ridiculous thing. And then it got to the point where, okay, I can see the key, I can see these things, but I don't have the strength, right? Then all of this met me at extreme, I mean extreme burnout. And there's again a lot of personal things that are wrapped up into that situation that I'm not going to go into.

Brandon: I woke up with a mantra like every day for at least two months of you're gonna kill yourself today and again no guide or no Connection or no like sliver I just got to the why bother like what the hell's going on and then that led me is sort of into this looking at the work at howdy makowski and Tony Sayers and things like this where these people are talking about these Gnostic documents and this ancient order called the Cathars and how they kind of were done with that decorating their jail cell, they just want it out, and they sort of discovered this place is a demiurge sort of copy of reality, and it's a hell planet that's a trauma factory to keep you here, and it's a loosh thing that just sucks your energy. And once you sort of play that all in, under the tunnels that I've ran down with all the things that I thought I could breathe in the environment of, it brought me here. And so it seems like my environment is, or I'm most suited for, this sort of just hell thing I mean at least right now. I don't know. It's pretty dark place to be to be honest I don't recommend it

Tim: I mean the way you're describing it does sound pretty challenging to say the least and I, on many points, can relate to you and what you're saying, for sure. Yeah, because I think once you open up spiritually, then there is the possibility, and not probably just a possibility, but probably the inevitability that you will experience something like what you're describing. Maybe not to that extreme, but... You'll definitely experience like a dark night of the soul. I did and I still feel like many days. It is like that and I think it's good to remember this helped me a lot was we have these definitions of how things should be and how maybe we get caught up with other people's definitions of what they're experiencing and The world is just so much more malleable than that, the universe is.

Tim: So we've constructed these ideas of how things should be in our minds, and when they don't fit that, we're kind of thrown off, and then we create something else. And maybe it's just worse than what we had before. And so, I think eliminating our definitions of what we are, of what this place is, is probably very helpful, and it has been for me. I try to let go of as much of these mind constructs as I possibly can because I feel like if we truly are connected to something higher, then it will define that for us and we don't have to do it with our minds, because our minds are so limited they're built off of prior experience and if we let that prior experience determine what is here and now, then I think we're shutting off most of it.Cause, there's only this right now. That's it. And everything else is just an idea.

Tianna: This is a really big conversation, which is why I want it to be its own episode. I mean, we spent like three days going and so we were going in this deep conversation and then when I'm driving home the three plus hours, suddenly I'm like, Oh man, I need to say this to Brandon. And I was like, Oh, this is why we need an episode on Beyond the Illusion about this, because there's just a lot to say. So I want to just give that as a taste here for people for the episode that we have for sure.

Tim: Yeah, I definitely want to hear more about that. Yeah.

Tianna: Yeah. It's a really, really rich topic. I started to see it on Reddit a lot more in the reincarnation subs, right? I like to read about reincarnation past life subs and then people are like
.once I say it, then we're going to go into it. But, I really just wanted to be like, “Hey, I just hung out at Brandon's house and it was really cool to see him and I got to meet Alison and I got to meet Mary, his lovely partner and Yokai, your dog.” So cute.

Tim: Oh,what a cool dog. Yeah. Just really happy to have you pop in and hopefully we'll have that conversation soon because I think there's a lot that we can say about that whole topic.

Brandon: I'd love to, and I don't disagree. And it was something I even told you and, I've had a couple other people invite me on and I'm just like, I don't want to be spreading this message. Like this is dark. . And what I was doing, and really like I said, apologizing to you profusely, and only in the way that where
Tim, it was like everything I would say, I'd be like, “Okay, now look, don't take this personally, and I'm not trying to say it to you, but..” I mean, it's so deep, and we won't go too dark into it, but I mean, it was even like, I intellectually have worked this out, dude. And that's what I have to lean on, because again, the trust isn't there. And the sliver of iota of hope or feeling, or connection, or even anything that something is governing this, that is benevolent. Because I don't disagree with you that maybe something's there, but I definitely argue with its motives, for sure, nd your role within them. And that's something I was breaking down with Tianna. In the meantime, just one more thing: Howdy Minkowski's book, Exit the Cave. If you guys want to check it out, the audiobook is, he reads it himself on YouTube, it's completely free. Or you can check it out o Amazon. I'm about to have him on December 1st, I have him booked to come on. And that's going to be an amazing conversation. So it is dark stuff, but if anybody out there is looking for just some deeper questions, and they're thinking that some folks aren't quite ringing the bell of the darkness that they're experiencing, and you may just want to feel like you're at least not alone a little bit, a little sliver, that's just my quick book recommendation. We could do a thousand, but start there.

Tianna: Well, the weird thing is that I think at first, hearing the loss of any hope that you have and the really dark view, part of me was just like, Oh, so wanting you to feel and see and know the light that I know, and I started off and I caught myself and had to tell myself “You're not here to save anybody, Tianna.” And I think it's a really good opportunity to work through that. But what I found actually having those conversations is it helped me to even more solidify what I believe in actually. That it only strengthens like, how I know what I know within me. Which again, it's like this whole spiritual journey, or just this whole, you can call it truth journey instead (because maybe there's a a weight of the word spiritual.) But this whole truth exploration or journey- ultimately any kind of experience that we have inwardly, we can't prove to other people outwardly. Or even the idea of is love real? And what is love? And how can I prove that to you? And I can't. But it's weird, like it just really actually strengthened or solidified my knowing about what I know. So anyway, it'll be fun to have that conversation and what I really love about it as well is that you and I have totally opposite beliefs about it and yet we were very respectful to each other the whole time. And we didn't come out of it angry or upset with each other. And I think just even that is valuable because there's so much polarization that's going on on the planet. and any of these big wars and social issues and just to maybe embody or demonstrate that you can have these meaningful conversations and sharing ideas in a way that is respectful to one another.

Brandon: It's a beautiful thing that you said. And absolutely. And that's why the whole, like I said, Tim. I mean, every other bit of the conversation. I was like, “Now, look, you know I love you. We're just talking here, right?” I'm just where this is where I'm at. It sucks. But I mean, it was dark, and what it is really at its core is. Of course, I'm respectful of y'all's experiences and I've been this way. And I've said this throughout the show, I've been seeking, I've been learning, I'm not an experiencer, so no UFOs, no poltergeist activity, no anything like that. No voices in the head. No, that are good to me. And no, no, anything like that. So again, this connection, I don't doubt that you experience. it's not for me to judge anybody else's experience and say, Oh, that sucks. Actually to the opposite. I feel that it is such a motivating and influencing factor and just a blanket that you wear around. That's amazing. It's just this hope again, this lighthouse that this is for a purpose, that there's a meaning in the role that you play in it and that even the ups and downs are worth it. That's the part I got to. Again, juice isn't worth the squeeze.

Brandon: I am done being squeezed that way. And that's really what it was. And then that bothers me to a huge ego level. Well, why wasn't I strong enough? Why, didn't I stand up? Why wasn't I able to withstand that? Why did I crumble so quick? Didn't somebody come in and help? Even though I don't expect the savior, I then reach out and outsource sort of these questions to like, well, what are other people saying or comforting them through these rough times? Oh, my gods are, I just have this and I don't. And so again, these coping mechanisms that are innate in you guys, I don't experience/ But again, and excuse me, it's not for me to talk shit about it, Because I don't think that that's what's occurring either. I do, again, feel that y'all are, Anybody who says that they are, Within reason and character and all that, I don't believe everybody's telling the truth, But they are experiencing something, if it's genuine, And you know the difference, Then that's awesome.

Brandon:What I am again, but heard about, if you will, is I don't interface with it. And, again, it calls in all kinds of stuff. So, it's this fascinating thing. And this is why, again, we talked just briefly about the Prison Planet thing is, because it's such a personalized thing. I've just figured out my prison. Not everybody's figured out their prison yet. Mine is, I'm abundantly talented and ridiculous, ridiculous amounts of weight, just stupid, but it's this next step part of it, and it's this bigger growth outside, and these programming setbacks. It's this healing trauma loop, it's all of these things that took away the carrot on the stick for me, to contribute energy to the system. And so now I just do it without the carrot, and it sucks. And that's again the part that I've kind of feel like I'm at, I don't know what the going on here, but that's what it is.

Tianna: This is what happens. I'm so tempted to like, we could just dig into this, but I want to put a pause on that. So that we can have that full conversation, coming up soon. Thank you so much for popping in, Brandon. We love you. Oh yeah. Bijanka loves you. Yeah, I hear from other people like, oh, who is that Brandon guy? He's so amazing. So you just have the way that your mind works is really amazing. Anyway, thank you so much, for popping in and we look forward to having a full discussion on that topic in the near future.

Brandon: We'd love to. Congratulations on the centennial. Dude way to go, Tim. I love you guys so much.

Tim: Thank you. Yeah. Good to hear from you, man. You too, dude. Bye, guys. Alright, bye. Yeah, that's some heavy stuff there, for sure. Yeah, yeah. But I'm kind of interested. I want to hear more.

Tianna: Totally.

Tim: I love Brandon. He's awesome. I think that whatever he's going through, it's like pedal to the metal. he doesn't have like a 50%, 75%. He has a 100%. And so, he's going through, it's going to be very, really intense, I think.

Tianna: I appreciate the honesty and the transparency. When you are creating all of these things and you have this podcast that's about this or that, and then if you start to see things differently or you have a different experience, then how much of that do you share? And I think it is really just like us talking about our stuff. Sometimes it's like, oh, it's not about us, but then it kind of is. I mean, we created this and because people that are interested in this podcast are interested in the spiritual journey. And so our lives are a reflection of the spiritual journey and it's sort of validating, that we all go through our ups and downs. And I totally went through a dark night of the soul and it lasted for like two years almost. And so it can get really dark. And I think that that is part of the journey of like, facing not just.. I always say this and that's why I'm like, I'm such a broken record, but I'm not into the “good vibes only tribe”, right? I think that we have to face darkness and try to grapple with why does that exist in this reality? And what is the purpose of polarity? And so that'll be a really interesting conversation to have. So Brandon's the only one that we're able to bring on live today, but then we have some messages that a few other people that were guests before sent in. Do you want to read some?

Tim: oh, yes, of course.

Tianna: This is a funny thing with the podcast too when we first started I just can remember having to go through a thing of 1) realizing I'm telling all these really personal stories and anyone can find them on the internet. And then 2) when I'm listening back, I'm like, “Man, Tim's voice is always just so smooth and even and I'm all over the place. Because when I get really excited, I can have kind of a high pitched squeaky voice. And then other times I can be kind of calmer. And I was like, “Oh man, why can't my voice just be that stable and smooth?” But finally just kind of accepting like, no, that's who I am. I have a very excitable personality. And that's the enthusiasm that I bring and it's reflected in my voice. So it's been kind of fun to go through that as well. And let go of maybe some self consciousness on a bunch of different levels. Self consciousness of telling my story and self consciousness of how I sound when I'm telling my story. Did you go through some of that too?

Tim: Oh, my gosh, I'm so glad you brought that up. Because yeah, I feel the exact same way. I was even thinking today. Okay. That I was really uncomfortable and self conscious for the first couple of years doing this podcast every single episode and you can hear it in my voice. So yeah, it's been a huge change for me as well as far as like being comfortable with myself and the things that I say and the way that I say them and yeah, like you said, my voice and everything. And so yeah, it's been a lot of self acceptance for sure. Yeah, and I don't always sound even. Because if you were in my house, you would hear me yelling, you would hear me getting excited, you would hear me talking to my cats with their cat voice, and all that stuff, so yeah.

Tianna: Oh, do the cat voice! Come on, do the cat voice.

Tim: Oh, no, no, I'm not nearly comfortable enough doing that in front of people, but the cats know it. And, my kid and my wife hear it sometimes and I'm sure they think I'm an idiot, but whatever. They only hear it sometimes.

Tianna: When I was at Brandon's place, I'm talking to the donkeys, I'm talking to the cats, I'm talking to the dogs. There's definitely a different voice than the people voice. It's funny how we do that, right? I won't do baby talk for anyone. I'm like, no. I don't even do baby talk with babies. It's like baby talk for whatever reason bugs me.

Tim: It's annoying.

Tianna: Yeah, there's like a cutesy voice. Anyway, yeah, there's a whole thing with the baby talk that like now now people know it's my pet peeve.

Tim: That's all right. Don't worry about me This is it. This isn't all love and light here

Tianna: No, no, no. I'm afraid like my friends and family, it'll be like, she doesn't like baby talk. And then they do it just to bug me, like when I used to want to bug people, there's the 50 nifty United States song. Do you know that one? Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas that you learn in school to know all of the states. And then, so if I ever just wanted to bug, like I think my sister and my brother, I'll sing, I'll whip that song out. And it's so annoying that, you know, they're, “Okay, I'll do whatever, just stop, stop doing that.” And now people know that baby talk is the thing that bugs me.

Tim: That's your kryptonite. Okay.

Tianna: Yes.

Tim:Yeah, I kind of agree with you on that one. It's kind of annoying.

Tianna: The worst is if a couple does baby talk. Oh my God. That's the worst. That's what I was thinking of right now. A grown man and a grown woman doing baby talk to each other is like, vomit inducing.

Tim: It is. Sorry. It's surprising too. Cause I saw a couple doing that the other day and it was shocking actually. It was like, Oh my God. There are people that do that.

Tianna: And then out in public. Okay, Tim, go ahead.

Tim: Okay. Yeah. So we got some messages from some of our prior guests and this is Amy Lee. She did the episode in season one, about human design. I remember her. She was fantastic. Super intelligent person. She says “Lovely to hear from you and congratulations on your 100th episode I believe you are also good friends with shannon and russ whom we've gotten to spend more time with since moving to wimberly.” She moved to Wimberley. Cool. Yeah, right. Yeah. I was like, oh my gosh. I didn't know that.

Tianna: I didn't either. Cool. Small world, yeah.

Tim: “Moving to Wimberley several months ago, I truly enjoyed talking with you and Tim on Beyond the Illusion and received a lot of positive feedback at the time. I appreciated the questions you both brought and found our conversation to be a great introduction to human design. Hard to believe it's been at least a few years since we met. My best to you in your current endeavors, Amy.” That was really nice. Yeah, isn't that interesting that she's now in Wimberley?

Tianna: So I was like, oh, I probably will see you sometime at one of Shannon and Russ's events in the near future.

Tim:Yeah, so nice. I sometimes wonder where these people are and what they're doing. So it's good to hear from them. Do you want to read the next one from Michele? From Michele Blood. So I remember she was on doing the affirmations.

Tianna: She was one of the guests, and Tim and I, we talk about this and usually we'll just say it on air. Sometimes with some guests, I feel a lot of energy or we feel energy with different guests. I remember when she was on, I felt like I was in kind of an altered state and it was really interesting how her energy affected me in a good way, right? In a really good way. So it says “dearest Tianna and Tim, I wanted to thank you again for having me on your inspiring, wonderful show. I also wanted to send you a special gift of my new product. The World's First Manifestation Video Book. I wrote the book version and then turned it into a video book. It's so much fun and so unique.” So we're going to have this link here so that you can check it out. “In love and oneness, Michele.”

Tim: Oh, how nice. I'll have to check that out as well. And she's always giving you know when Michele came on she gave us a bunch of stuff and I think that's why her her stuff works is because she's in that mode of like i'm giving. She's always giving

Tianna: Yeah, I'm in the abundance and prosperity class from our recent guests, Golbahar and Brian, and we talk about that. Because it's like the giving mindset and then just the law of tenfold return. What you're giving freely without any attachments or expecting anything back comes back tenfold. So, yeah, I think Michele Blood is a perfect example of that.

Tim: Absolutely. Yeah. And that is true. I believe that. So this next one, I'm glad I get to read this one because I love Tara. Or Tara, is it Tara? She pronounced it Tara, right? Yeah, Tara Springett. Oh my gosh. This one was one of my favorites episodes and I got her books and I read them and I did her stuff. It's just great. she's so awesome here's what she said. “I remember our interview fondly since then I have had more and more clients seeking help for kundalini symptoms until I have become completely run over by them Now I have a waiting list with many hundred of people on it and have begun to offer groups instead of only one on one sessions It appears to me that more and more people are experiencing this consciousness expansion.Thanks to podcasts like your own and that humankind is truly experiencing a quantum leap into higher consciousness. All the best to you and Tim. Tara.” Yes, I totally agree. That's so cool. She's overwhelmed with clients, right? That's awesome. Yeah, that's amazing. And that's all due to our podcast. I'm just kidding.

Tianna: Yeah, it's due to all the people that are having their Kundalini activated, that's due to this energy, the vibration on the planet and this shift in this awakening. And so a lot of people are having these kind of activation, awakening experiences, and she just created some really good resources to help people through that.

Tim: Yeah, for sure.

Tianna: So I'll read the next one from Michael Thornhill. He came on twice. The first one was the trauma informed healing and galactic channeling episode. And that was season five, episode 10. And so he says, “Congratulations on the hundredth episode. Awesome news. The world is a better place with you both in it. It's always a pleasure to connect with you both. Our audience loves the beyond the illusion podcast, and we love the deep conversations that have arisen with such amazing hosts. Thanks again. Updates from us at Casa Galactica. We have a new retreat center where we continue to host ayahuasca healing and evolution retreats, Bufo ceremonies and a plethora of online and in person sessions and courses to help you heal and evolve. And so we'll put the link to their website and they said, please, check it out and reach out to us for a free 30 minute consultation with us to find out more.” That's really generous 30 minutes, consultation wishing you all the best and continued success with the show. “Much love Michael and Jamie at Casa Galactica in Peru.”

Tim: Oh, how nice.

Tianna: Yeah, and remember he did some channeling. So we've had a few people on the show that have channeled, and so that was cool.

Tim: I really appreciate that too, when they're willing to do that, it gives it like a certain level of validity, and that's not something to take lightly. I think that's kind of putting them on the spot and everything and they go ahead and do that I think it's awesome.

Tianna: Yeah, because I channel my guide Will but I can't do it for anybody else sitting in front of me. I get too self conscious. If somebody wants to give me a question and then later on, on my own in private I’ll channel and then come back to you. So yeah when people are channeling live on the spot spontaneously I give them a lot of credit for being able to really let their personality consciousness step aside and flow into the higher consciousness state.

Tim: Absolutely. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to read the next one and I'm so glad this is working outPerfect. Because it's Victoria Belue. She did the tarot card and the dream analysis episode in season 5. And that one was just so incredible because I had a session with her and it was amazing. It was so good that I actually go back and listen to it because I recorded it. And so I go back and listen to it every so often. It's incredible that it still applies to me and it's got to be a couple years ago that I had this session I mean it still applies to my life now. So yeah, that was so good. Okay, she says “Congratulations, Tianna and Tim on your hundredth episode. Thank you for having me on beyond the illusion twice as a guest. Several friends and clients mentioned that they had listened to the interviews and truly enjoyed them. They, like me, have become big fans of your show. I'm still busy reading tarot for clients and helping them interpret their dream symbology. And now I'm writing the 6th book in my urban fantasy series, The Tarot Legacies. Plus we are coming up on our 10th year of publishing Astrologic Magazine. I say we, of course, because Tianna, you are a monthly contributor to the magazine with your articles about Soul Awakening. I always learn so much from them. I'm proud to publish the magazine bringing ancient science into modern practice for the benefit of all. I call it practical metaphysics. Tianna and Tim, I wish you a thousand more episodes.”

Tianna: Yeah, I wanted to say, our listeners probably know that I had formed a group. The group (where Tim came up to me afterward and asked about if I wanted to do the podcast) is called Austin Spiritual Awakening. And so the Austin Spiritual Awakening group is connected with our podcast because definitely through the group and some of the members shout out to Nina Jolly. Nina Jolly is somebody who has connected us to a lot of the guests because she's like, Oh my gosh. You need to have this person on and all the people that Nina Jolly, recommends are always amazing. They have so much information- people like Lizzie Hernandez and Nicole Parrish, they're people that could just totally have their own show and just talk, and Tim and I are just listening because they have so much to say. And they're people that have become friends of mine now. And so I'm really grateful for that. And then also this opportunity with Victoria to write an article for the Astrologic Magazine came out of this. So I do that monthly, as she said. What I wanted to say about Austin Spiritual Awakening was that one of the members had a session with Victoria. He had a dream that he wanted to work with and he told me it was just really amazing.

Tianna: And so it's fun when I get that kind of feedback where people have sessions with people that are on our podcast and get really good results or experiences or guidance or support for anything. And,my good friend Shannon, who is our astrologer, like she's told me so many times about people from all over the world that have come to her through our podcast. And one of the cool things that happened for her maybe a year or two, maybe it was a year ago was that a very popular astrology podcast called astrology hub had found Shannon through our podcast and asked her to be one of the featured astrologers every year. They feature just like 10 or 12 astrologers and Shannon was a featured astrologer and they found her through our podcast. So it was really cool to hear that.

Tim: Yeah, when I hear those things, it makes me feel so good because really that's the point of the podcast is to help other people like them. And I think that's awesome. Also I want to say your meetup group. Austin Spiritual Awakening. That's what it's called, right? Yeah. Yeah. Austin Spiritual Awakening. It kind of is the reason this podcast exists. And it supports it so much. Like you said, like so many guests and things are recommended from them. And I love everybody in that group. I just want to say that it's an awesome group. I need to go more often, but I still I don't even really need to go that much. I get so much out of it each time I go. I love it. So,we have one more. it's an audio recording. The next one. So we get to hear this person. Okay. And it's Barbara With, right?

Tianna: Yeah, Barbara With, she did the channeling Einstein and, she's coming to Austin and so she'll be here and do a night of channeling and then do that conflict revolution workshop. So that's another thing that was really cool.

Tim: Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I've been announcing that at the end of our past couple episodes. And so, yeah, that's about to happen, right? Yeah. Okay. Let me play it. Okay.

Barbara: “Hey, Tianna and Tim, this is Barbara With. I am calling to congratulate you two on your 101st podcast. Oh my God. I know how much energy it takes to put on a podcast, not just the technical stuff, but the people and the steady stream of inspiring and high level information that you're providing. You're doing such a great job. I know how much work it is. So kudos for you and just keep doing what you're doing. And here's to the next 100. I wanted to share with you what happened after our episode aired. And for those who don't know, I am a psychic channel who's been working with Albert Einstein and a group we call The Party, as well as a bunch of angels since about 1993.

Barbara: And these angels told us they were going to teach us step by step instructions for world peace. One person at a time, starting with self. And sure enough, they did. And we call it Conflict Revolution. Not Conflict Resolution. It's Conflict Revolution. And it is a revolutionary way to resolve conflicts inside us, first and foremost, that are steps on that path to global peace as well. And I'm so excited right now to be out on a world peace tour. And I'm calling for the participation of the willing. Those of you who are willing to take part in what Einstein would call a thought experiment. And I'm calling it a worldwide non violent action. Not resistance, because we know what we resist persists.

Barbara: So this is a worldwide non violent action where we are going to make the choice. To end the age of war based on the premise of using conflict, revolution, or something like it to allow us to get our focus off of the projection and back onto ourselves and then inspire us to take action to resolve those conflicts within us first and foremost, not just inspiration to do it, but very clear step by step instructions. What happened though, was I got a call from the granddaughter of an Italian astrophysicist who had actually worked with Albert Einstein in real life. And her grandfather ended up working on the Manhattan Project. And she said every time she would ever ask him about what happened with the Manhattan Project, he would go in the other room and weep.

Barbara: So we had a fantastic reading. And we're able to connect with Bruno. And yes, of course, he's in The Party. Of course, he's in The Party. There are so many souls in the afterlife who are with us, working to help us figure out how to resolve our conflicts because they've escalated. Whatever we're doing isn't working. It's escalated now to the point where we need this new system. So we're calling for the participation of the willing and I'm so, so thankful for the two of you to, to have a channel where we can have this voice because it's, it's an important conversation we have to have right now. The other thing that happened is I am coming to Austin.

Barbara:We are having an event November 10 and 11. Friday night the 10th, I'll be channeling Einstein. And on the 11th, we're gonna present the unified field theories and the maps of human consciousness and walk us through conflict revolution. So if you wanna join us, go to Synergy Alliance dot llc. Go under events and sign up. Space is limited, but we're good so far. We've got room so far. So thanks again, Tianna and Tim. Keep up the great work and I will look forward to having another conversation with you soon. Maybe I'm leaving for Oslo in December and gonna be working around Europe. I've been invited to Romania and also to Tel Aviv. But we'll see how that goes. In any case, hold me in your prayers, folks, and continue to become the change.”

Tim: Okay, wow, that was really nice. That was nice to hear from her.

Tianna: What powerful work she's doing before the whole Israel Gaza thing blew up. It was already so important, but now it's like even more amplified. And it also makes me think about when Russ and Shannon came on and talked about the changing of the nodes and how Aries north node- Aries is ruled by Mars and they were saying that there was going to probably be more war. And they were saying, that switched in the summertime and it's an 18 month transit. And it's so interesting how all of these things play out that way and these bigger energies that are happening.

Tim: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It'll be interesting to see how it all works itself out. Yeah.

Tianna: I just really want to thank all of our listeners. We're so appreciative of you. I just hear little stories here and there from people and just all the ways that one of our guests will impact somebody, and I just really appreciate every single listener. It's so fun to do this and just to have any positive impact on someone's life makes it meaningful and worthwhile.

Tim: Yeah, I second that. Definitely. Thank you, everyone. Thank you for listening. All right. Well, I guess that's it. That was a great episode and congratulations to you, Tianna.

Tianna: Congratulations, Tim. We'll see where this takes us and how this evolves. So one of the questions from AI was, and I'm kind of just curious how you would answer this. What are some of the future plans or goals you have for the podcast? We talked before maybe about creating a community around this or. We have different ideas, or maybe we'd like to hear from you guys if you have any ideas for the podcast and how you'd like to see us grow and evolve. What are your thoughts, Tim?

Tim: Yeah, absolutely. I do want to do something like where there's a community around it. Yeah, I think that's a great idea. I think there's more that can come out of this. And people want more. I think there's an opportunity here for us to kind of bring people together. And we've done a lot of that already, and I feel like that energy is kind of around us, and so, yeah, we should continue that. I don't know exactly how that would look, or how it would play out into the real world, but yeah, I think there's definitely something more to this audience and this group that we've created. So, yeah. And I don't know, I mean I want to continue doing guest interviews. And like I said, I have plans to bring on some more people who are not practitioners of something, but who have experienced maybe something weird or different. And I think that, so yeah, a little more of that aspect and yeah, just keep going, you know? How about you? You got, you have any ideas?

Tianna: Yeah, I think Austin Spiritual Awakening, it's got some, what am I trying to say?

Tim: Crossover?

Tianna: Some synergy? Thank you. That’s it, crossover. That's exactly the word that I was looking for. Yeah, it's got some crossover but that community is very much an in person community, really. But I would love to create more of a beyond the illusion online community. So anyway, that's something that you and I can discuss more. Or also Brandon, when I was just there and then we were hiking. He was like, yeah, we should just do some kind of cool retreat with expanding reality and beyond the illusion where we just go hiking and go on nature walks. And I was like, yeah, I think Tim would be down for that.

Tim: Yeah. Yeah. I already have that idea. I'm definitely gonna do that. That'd be cool if he wants to do that too. I'd be down for that for sure. I'm sure they have great areas over by where he is to do that, right?

Tianna: Yeah. Yeah. Or wherever we decide, but not like super structured and so forth. But we could have things like hikes and things like that. But also just people are hanging out, having these deep conversations and so forth, just cause that's what our listeners like to do. That's what you and I like to do. And so, yeah, it's just fun to have those in person and to meet people while being in a beautiful nature setting, kind of finding that balance. Yep, for sure. Alright, well here's to the next hundred episodes.

Tim: Yeah, here's to the next hundred. Alright, so, do you have anything you'd like to share with the audience before we say goodbye?

Tianna: Oh, I do have something a friend of mine, Sharon Hudson and I are coming out with something new. So talking about online community. I have something new that we're creating. It's called Cosmic Mastermind Group. So if anybody is familiar with a mastermind group, I think it was Napoleon Hill from Think and Grow Rich who first sort of created the concept of a mastermind group, especially like people who are a small business or a solopreneur and so forth. You don't have to be somebody who's in the spiritual business per se, but just maybe somebody who is interested in these concepts, right? About energy and maybe open to astrology or human design. So we're creating a mastermind group of just like eight to 10 people. We're going to meet on zoom twice a month. And the way the mastermind group is, is each person gets a little time to present maybe a question or ask for support for something from the group, just whether it's support is your feedback or ideas, like everybody has your goals or your projects.

Tianna: And so the idea is that Sharon and I are going to cultivate the group because we have a questionnaire that will ask a lot of things. We're going to create the group balanced in our astrology. So like, I think you and I, Tim, we create a really good balance, you with your Taurus earthiness and me with my Cancer & Pisces kind of spiritual woowoo out there ness. Like we balance each other really well. And so that's the idea is to kind of cultivate a group that from that spiritual energetic aspect brings a balance, but also skills and abilities, right? Like somebody is going to be good with really being able to look at the details and somebody else might be good with really promoting their business. And so the mastermind group, it's a mastermind group in that way, but also we're taking into account kind of astrology and human design, spiritual aspects. And so I just find as a single business person, you know that it's kind of hard sometimes doing everything by yourself and I've just really over the years, having developed kind of a nice little community found it so helpful and valuable to have people to bounce ideas off of and have people who understand this is to have the same struggle.

Tianna: So Sharon and I do that every now and then we get together and we talk about things and then I just realized that, yeah, that I would like to have a small community like that. People who come together that are all excited, like I am enthusiastic, but also kind of need other people to bounce ideas off and have support from. And so that's something that's going to kick off in January for six months. but right now we're going to start just having people fill out. Sort of the application form so that we can cultivate this group.

Tim: Oh, how cool. That's exciting.

Tianna: Yeah, one more thing I want to say about it. Well, I found when I was hanging out with Sharon, one of the things that happened was with my online courses that I'm putting out and there was a point where I was like, I really want to do this, but I just for whatever reason, couldn't seem to focus on it and get myself to do it. And then I had met up with Sharon for lunch and it wasn't like she gave me some unique advice that I'd never heard. She just was like, “Yeah, just take it step by step.” But I got home and I was just so motivated and focused. And then I was just like, boom, boom, boom, getting so much done. And I was like, That's so weird. I was trying to think, what did Sharon say? And I was thinking No, actually, it's not that she said anything. I thought Maybe it's her energy. And so I asked her about her Human Design because there's the nine centers and I have seven defined centers and I have two open centers. And one of my open centers is the ego/heart, which is the will,center. And so like all my closest friends all also have that open and when you have a defined center, it gives you access to reliable energy in that area. If you have an open center, then it's going to depend on other influences around. You can be very influenced by your environment. And so I was like, I wonder if Sharon has a defined ego center, because I feel like I got so much will and drive after hanging out with her. And sure enough, she does. She's the only of my close friends, only person I know that has that. And so it's funny, cause I do get that when we hang out, just something like, Boom. It gives me that inspiration drive. So we went in on my human design app that I subscribed to and I plugged in her information and it can do a composite. And I found that together, we complete each other energetically. And so I also provide where she's missing.

Tianna: And so together we create this like whole energy field. And so part of it also is for the cosmic mastermind is that just by us holding this together and holding that energy space, then anybody who joins has access to that energy, because it's not very common for someone to have all nine defined. So most people, and I remember from yours is more undefined. Some people are very open and don't have a lot of definition and some people have more definition, whatever. There's pluses and minuses either way, but one of the things that we bring is to have all of that energy to provide for people, in the mastermind group. So that's different and unique about our cosmic mastermind.

Tim: Yeah, that's interesting. It sounds so powerful too. You guys are going to really help people, I think. So if someone wants to join, how did they submit like an application to you?

Tianna: Yeah, so I'll put a link to the page on my website so people can read more about it. And we have a little video where we're describing it more and there's the link to apply. So yeah, it's going to be done by zoom. And so really, it's open to anyone. I'm super excited about it. I think it's going to be a win/win/win, because it's going to be a win for Sharon and I as well. It's a win when we hear other people talk about their challenges, just like in the podcast, when we talk about our spiritual journey and other people, maybe they're not going through it right now, right? Maybe somebody is not going through the dark night of the soul right now. And then two months from now, and they're like, Oh man, Brandon Thomas was talking about that. And they can go back and you feel like not so alone and you realize also, Oh, other people might have already gone through that and can provide maybe some guidance or words of wisdom or support to help you get through that.

Tianna: So we're needing more of this connection. There’s a lady that I met when I was at Shannon and Russ's eclipse event a few weeks ago. And she said, “The time for the single shingle is over. “ And I was like, “Oh, that's very catchy, you know?” So like all of us, it doesn't mean we can't be a one person business like I am. It just means that we can all help each other that we don't have to do every single piece of it alone. There is that synergistic effect that can happen where we are co creating things together, collaborating, and it's really fun. It's really exciting and I think that's all part of the Aquarian age moving forward. And so you're going to see more and more things like that where, oh, gosh. Instead of like, Oh, I have to struggle and effort on my own. Let's have fun together and work through this together. Two brains are better than one and new ideas will come up. Just like that's how I felt when I was trying to think about doing this podcast by myself.

Tianna: And then I was like, Oh no. And then when you came in and said “Oh, I'm thinking about. It's like, okay, together, it's so much more doable. And sometimes you're really overwhelmed with all the stuff going on in your life and then I can maybe step in and do a little extra. And other times I'm really overwhelmed in my life and you step in and do something extra. This whole .teamwork concept -I think this is very much a part of the Aquarian Age. We still retain our individuality. And yet we're also really all working together, co creating. And so we're learning how to do that moving forward. And this is kind of a piece of that.

Tim: Well said. Very, very true. Yes. All right. Well, thank you so much. And did you mention your website name, so they can find it?

Tianna: AwakeningTransformation. com and we'll put a link.

Tim: Okay, great. Well, thanks again, Tianna. This was awesome.

Tianna: Thanks, Tim. All right.

Tim: Bye.